Oaklawn Meeting Waning: Departure of Good Racers Gives the Poorer Ones Full Sway.; Passing Shower Falls an Easy Victim to Legotals Speed--Novice Shows Riding Skill., Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-15


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OAKLAWN MEETING WANING Departure of Good Racers Gives the Poorer Ones Full Sway Passing Shower Falls an Easy EasyVictim Victim to Legotals Speed Novice Shows Riding Skill HOT SPRINGS Ark April 14 Mose Goldblatts Legotal a consistent winner here and showing steady improvement furnished the outstanding in ¬ cident of this afternoons racing when she decisively outstayed J H Rossoters crack Passing Shower to win in a canter after having led Passing Shower by a wide margin from the start Legotals ability to leave the barrier in full stride enabled her to secure an advantage early and Robinson keeping her to her task in steady fashion forced Johnson on Passing Shower to keep the latter striding at her best all the way resulting in Passing Shower tiring near the end and barely saving second place from the fast coming Iwin Passing Shower was an overwhelming favorite but Legotal was not without supporters supportersJockey Jockey Robinson again was conspicuously in the limelight piloting three of the winners He began his success with his contract employers repre ¬ sentative Claude Walker which l eat a hand of ordinary maiden youngsters in the initial dash Ho followed later with victories on M Bert Thurmau and Legotal LegotalJockey Jockey Ridenour flashed across the racing horizon during the afternoon with a pair of victories He had the mounts on Lady Small and n C Basch and put up good riding on both That he had the mounts on the pair was accidental for the owner of Lady Small regarded him with disfavor but for the fact tjiat no other flEprcjUiejsrjvas irailabla RTdenour was suffered to have the mount In the case of H C Basch he also had the mount solely because no supjxwed better apprentice could be had On H C Basch he rode a heady finish and over ¬ came interference in the stretch that Brown on Grumpy subjected him to Brown was fined 25 by the judges for his attempted interference with H C Basch Lady Smalls victory marked the maiden winning mount for the rider riderBAD BAD DAY FOR FAVORITES FAVORITESTodays Todays card excepting the fourtli race was of the dog variety anU favorites were beaten in all the races after the first one in which Claude Walker was a slight choiqe Tom Caro was the offender in the second and his defeat was prob ¬ ably due to Johnsons timidity for he was taken back in the early nianing and came fast when rid ¬ den iu the stretch Spokane Queen which could not raise a respectable gallop in her last race was an intended medium for a betting coup but she could do no better than land third M Bert Thurman and Sybil outstaying her to the finish finishHad Had Brown gone on about his business with Grumpy in the stretch instead of subjecting H 0 Basch to interference the Brockmillcr racer would have won instead of suffering defeat Sayonarra in this race which has been showing inconsistency on nunierons occasions here was the opening fav ¬ orite in the race but she finished a bad follower followerThe The unlucky Aldebaran again was beaten this time probably due to his stumbling at the start startThanksgiving Thanksgiving whicli In his last race was favorite and nearly left at the post as a result of Carrolls lack of alertness showed a vastly improved per ¬ formance under the inexperienced Burger and Avon in runaway style styleAnticipating Anticipating that peace will be signed before long the Woodbine management is going steadily ahead with its preparation to open the racing iu Toronto on May 24 24A A G Blakeley shipped Royce Rools and others in his stable to Pimlico yesterday Jockey Kdward Haynes departed tonight for Havre de Grace where he will ride rideThe The crack twoyearolds Zone dArmee and Rarar are both on the ailing list suffering from fever Red Red Rose is recovering steadily and will be in condition to be shipped with the other Goldblatt horses tomorrow tomorrowT T J Shaw will leave here tomorrow for Now York stopping off en route in Chicago for a brief visit visitTo To enable many of the racegoers here desiring to leave Friday an opportunity to make the trains the racing on that day will begin at 2 p m

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919041501/drf1919041501_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1919041501_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800