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FIFTH RACE 1 14 Miles 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nov 30 1915 210 GENEVIEVE B ch f 4 107 1074200T By Eyebrow Yodler S Pinkerton 4200T Bowie 1 116 l52good 51 107 4 7 7 21 li W Obert 8 Progressive Luther Ind Chant 41976 Bowie Im70y l45 fast 75 107 5 G 4 luk 11 w Obert 8 Plurenzi Wcwoka Traiispero 41952 Bowie 1 116 l51fast 3 104 3 4 4 21 1s W Obert 7 Simonlure FloraFinch AlmaB 41848 Bowie 61 f l22fast 5 107 7 7 32 21 W Obert 12 Transpero BeauSleep F Prince 40547 Bowie 1 116 l54slow a 103 10 10 10 6l 58 L McAtee 11 Euterpe K Neptune Noureddin 40515 Bowie 1 14 212slow 145 101 2 6 6 2 2s L McAtee 12 HudasBrother BCoy BSister 40480 Bowie 1 14 212 fast 41 101 8 7 9 5s 2s C Robson 9 Grey Eagle Monocacy Dalrose 40277 Pimlico 1 14 208 fast 169 105 9 8 8 6i 63 W Doyle 9 Piedra Valspar Sunnyland 40114 Laurel 1 14 207 good 3f 102 10 10 10 81 8 2 W Doyle 11 SkyPilot GoldcrestBoy Grouse 39902 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 34 104 7 6 6 61 6 W Doyle 9 Grey Eagle Leta Grayson 39781 HdeGce 1 116 152 hvy 7 103 6 6 6 6FOUNTAIN 51 5 W Doyle 7 Wood Violet Keziah May W WBy FOUNTAIN FAY ch g 9 105 By McGee White Plume J E Woods 42005 Bowie 1 116 l52good S 313 5 C 4 65 610 J Butwell S Gtnev P Progressive Luther Luther3l 41965 Bowie 1 116 151 fast 910 113 7 3 3 3l 42 J Butwell 7 Don Dodge Progressive Sleuth 41940 Bowie Im70y 150 good 65 111 1 3 2 11 ItiS Sndman 55 Luther Plurenzi Harwood Harwoodli 41913 Bowie 1 116 l53slop 115 112 2 1 1 li 2Z J Butwell 5 Luther Indolence Blue Rock 41832 Bowie ImTOy l49fast 1110 112 111 11 I1 J Metcalf 7 Pgressive Handfull B Hpson 41636 Jefson 1 18 l55Mifast 95 109 1 4 1 I3 1 J Mooney 9 Benefctor Regreso CaptHodge 41604 Jefson 1 14 209good 115 102 3 1 1 12 I3 H J Burke G Duke ofShelby Kegreso Harwod 41582 Jefson 1 116 158 mud 9 104 7 7 7 6 6 H J Burke 7 Capt Hodge Plurenzi Espano 41556 Jefson 1 116 l55hvy 6 109 7 6 7 7415U8 7 6 H J Burke 7 Miss Filley Handfull Manuchen 415U8 FGnds 1 18 l55good 6 109 4 3 3 7J 7 D Connllyl2 Honolulu Boy John Hurie Leia 41220 FGnds 1 18 203hvy 8 105 3 2 3 5 5B1 H Wakoff C BFavorite Bluebannock Fairly FairlyBy iDisqualified iDisqualifiedLUTHER LUTHER b g 9 110 11042C05 By Oddfellow Cominena C N Freeman 42C05 Bowie 1 116 l52good 7i 111 145 31 3 = J T Rice 8 GunevB Pfiressivc IndClmnt 41979 Bowie 1 18 l57 fast 185 115 421 21 2 T Rice G PandCalls GMMiller Cadillac 41940 Bowie Im70y 150 good 95 116 3 2 3 2 21 T Rice 5 Fntain Fay Plurenzi Harwood 41913 Bowie 1 116 l53slop 32 109 4 3 2 2s I2 T Rice 5 FonnFay Indolence Blue Kock 41853 Bowie 1 116 152 fast 8 112 5 4 1 1 = I2 T Rice 7 PandCalls Harwood CptHodge 41633 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 7 112 9 3 5 62 611 A Collins 14 Handfull EBaumn SGatewd 41683 Jefson 1 18 205 mud 4 112 643 6 6 T Rice G Bombast BHampson SBderick 41555 Jefson 1 115 l54Mhvy 21 112 G 4 3 41 4i T Rice 1 DonDodge BHampson Ilegreso 41497 FGnda 1 116 152 hvy 1710 112 1 5 3 35 3D T Rice G Philistine Pgressive SSlwart 41421 FGnds Im70y 153 hvy 2 111 3 2 2 Il 1s T Rice 8 Dundreary BSpiller BShilling 41213 FGnds 1 116 l54hvy 135 1101 455 455PUTS 31 s T Rice 7 Hondo Adclante Rhymer RhymerBy PUTS AND CALLS b g 7 115 By Locohatchee Putgada G W Forman 41979 Bowie 1 18 l57fast 45 112 1 4 4 3i 1 J Uutwell i Lutliur G M Miller Cadillac 41853 Bowie 1 116 152 fast 45 112 1 7 6 4 = 22 J Metcalf 7 Luther Harwood CaptHodge 41507 FGnds 2 334 good S5 106 4 3 2 22 2 H Ericksn K QApple Lllcrbert Benefactor 41455 FGnds 1 12 245 mud 41 106 5 4 4 S3 21 H J Burke r Q Apple Irregular M Rose II 41371 FGnds 1 1S l59mud 10 104 6 5 3 34U99 3h ih H J Burke 8 Itegrcso Bajazct Jason Jasonlh 4U99 FGnds 1 14 209 fast 05 106 7 7 7 lh luk j Bell 7 D Dodge Kegrcso PHampson PHampson3l 41259 FGnds 1 116 l50V good 4 110 7 7 7 3l 4 i J Bell 7 Dabiahll SStalwart Smbcrer Smbcrer4l 41166 lGnds 1 116 l4slow 10 106 9 9 9 4l 45i J Bell 0 Willdo Foxy Griff Don Dodge 41042 FGnds 1 1S l57slow 7 107 91110 71 710 J Bell 11 Old Bon Cracow Honolulu 40961 FGnds 1 115 l47good 4 107 6 6 6 6CADILLAC 6 651 M Rowan G Irregular KewONcil Cadillac CadillacBy CADILLAC ch g 5 100 1004J017 By Toddington Winnie G H S Koppin 4J017 Bowie Im70y l4Sfast 1310 113 333 li 2 J Butwell 7 Simon Pure Stir li Comacho 41979 Bowie 1 1S l57fast 7 112 3 3 2 in 4 ° S Sndman G IamlCalls Luther GMMiller 41936 Bowie 6i f l22good 2 115 1 7 72 Cio T Rice 8 RefiiRec Kingling II TigUosa 41890 Bowie 6i f l22fast 145 110 1 4 4415S3 3 21 T Rice 8 WBdotte WViolet Crmpsall 415S3 Jefson 1 116 l50Aslow 115 108 3 4 4 510 521 G PreeceJr i Ballad Dolina Boxur 41456 FGnds Irn70y l51mud 165 114 334 41 31 J Mooney G A Louise Regreso SBrodcrick 41384 FGnds 1 116 l52Vihvy 5 111 6 3 6 6 6ltt C Robson i Prunes Dolina Amclita 41074 FGnds Im70y 153 hvy 4 107 1 3 4 21 481 C Robsonll MUoselL B Hensley KeyMar 40961 FGnds 1 116 l47good 7 108 3 3 3 31 31 A Johnson G Irregular KewONeil BLynch 40308 FGnds Im70y l52mud 165 114 5 G 3 340S75 412 411 L Lyke 6 Masmus QApple WHBkncr 40S75 FGnda Im70y l50ahvy 8 106 4 4 3 3FAIRLY 31 3s M Rowan G Cob Lass Irregular Th Bloom BloomBy FAIRLY b e 8 100 By Marchmont II Locust C F Brant 42001 Bowie 1 116 l5Kood 107 S S S 52 575 D Stirling 8 1 Billy 15 Ilainiisoii C Hodge 41977 Bowie 1 116 l52fctast 2710 112 7 7 5 21 21 C Taylor 7 Candidate II Stir Up Pulaski 41892 Bowie Im20y l47Vifast 135 114 7 4 4 3lu 3 J Butwell 8 Garbage Harwood MMcGiggle 41833 Bowie ImLOy 147 fast 27 111 2 10 8 6l 48i W Obert 13 Boxer Zouave Edith Baumann 41624 Jefson 1 110 l49fast 15 108 9 9 9 9 911 J Mooney 0 Rhymer Benefactor Indolence 41596 Jefson 1 1S 200slow 4 112 4 5 5 41 3i M Andson 5 SBroderick Bombast CMcNab 41579 Jefson 1 116 156 mud 8 108 2 8 8 4 3 = 1 H Ericksn 9 Flora Finch Pctelus Honolulu 41556 Jefson 1 116 l55hvy 8 111 4 7 6 61 7 M Andson 7 Miss Filley Haiidfull Mannchcn 4150S FGnds 1 18 l55good 12 109 12 12 12 12 1227 M Andsonl2 Honolulu Boy John Hurie Leta 41243 FGnda Im20y 146 hvy 41 111 6 6 6 6 624 M Andson 6 DickDare Rhymer Prgressive 41220 FGnds 1 18 203hvy 8 110 6 5 5 5HARWOOD 4s 31 M Andson G BFavorite Bluebannock Aztec AztecBy HARWOOD ch g 8 110 By Frontenac Poetic W Walker 41979 Bowie 1 18 l57fast 44 112 2 6 6 5l ° 511 D Stirling i PandCalls Luther GMMiller 41910 Bowie Im70y 150 good 18 110 244 24441S92 5 4CS D Stirling 5 Fountain Fay Luther Plurunzi 41S92 Bowie ImLOy l47fast 2910 114 122 02 2 T Rice 8 Garbage Fairly Miss McGiggle 41853 Bowie 1 116 152 fast 26 112 3 6 3 2l 31 S Sndman 7 Luther PandCalls CaptHodge 41604 Jefson 1 14 209good 10 102 4 2 2 42 4 C Brown G FoimFay DofSlielby Itegrtso 41583 Jcfson 1 18 205 mud 8 110 1 3 4 51 512 R Simpson G Bombast BIhimpson SBderick 41568 Jcfson Im70y l50V slow 10 106 5 3 4 i S Sndmanll SeiiBrdk Handfull CapHodge 41456 FGnds Im70v l51mud 40 109 6 6 6 5s 5 E Jones G Alma Louise Regroso Cadillac 41397 FGnds 1 14 211 mud 10 109 4 9 9 9113SO S JIS D Wishard 9 Keho Sen Broderick Ornery 113SO FGnda Im70y l5Chvy 12 112 7 14 14 Slfl7S L StalLer 14 Rhymer Bluebaunock Mar Tom