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TELEGRAPHIC FORM The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are Prince Georgo Park Bowie Md April 14 1 1jYanby Yankte Notions Tiger Roso 2 Sturdee Margery Lowtide Lowtidei i LOHISE V Jack Leary Mumbo Jumbo 4 IlniitMHk Douglass S Clean Gone Goner r i ts mid Calls Cenevieve It Luther Sleeth Ben Ilampson Wewoka 7 Xoureddin Capt Hodge The Belgian II IIE E P Farrell FarrellBnftaloM BnftaloM IJowIe Haiitllcap HaiitllcapljMaster ljMaster McGrath Laura Miller Tiger Rose RoseKorfhagc Korfhagc 2 Margery Refugee Kinglinz II Sosius 3 UARJIV 15RE1VOGEL Jack Leary Wisest Fool Louise V tj vr 4Waukeag Clean Gone Douglass S Hauberk rpits and Calls Genevieve B Fountain Fay Luthor 0 Haiidfull Sleeth Ben Ilampson Wewoka 7 Cant Hodge Flora Finch The Belgian II Frqnk Shannon ShannonObservers Observers Bpyvie Hanillcap 1 Tranby Yankee Notions Korfhage Laura Mil ¬ ler 2 Margery Refugee Kingling II Kilmer 3 Louise V Jack Leary Mumbo Jumbo AVisest Fool 4 Hauberk H S Koppin entry Waukeag Clean 5 PimrAXD CALLS Genevieve 15 Lnither Fountain Fay 0 Sleeth Handfull Ben Hahipson AVewoka 7 Noureddin Capt Hodge Flora Finch The Belgian II Oaklawn Park Hot Springs Ark April 14 1 Alf Aezina Discord J P House 2 CAXCIOX Arborvitae Ella T Ringdove Duke of Shelby Frank Monroe 4r 4rKiikjux Kiikjux Kirstie9 Cub Bob A 5 Ninety Simplex Tito Examiner li Baby Cal Saadi Little String StringJ J Ii Dempsey DempseyBuffalos Buffalos Oalilnwn Paris Handicap 1 Loys Discord Alf Aezina J P House 2 ELLA T Arborvitae Cancion Rainbow Divi ¬ sion 3 Yermak Duke of Shelby Teah Cochran Frank Monroe 4 Kirsties Cub Bob A Kuklux Orderly 5 Tito Examiner Rhvmer Mab 5 Baby Cal Parrish Little String Aztec AztecObservers Observers Oaklavrn Park Handicap 1 Discord Alf Aezina J P House Loys 2 Ella T Cancion Arborvitae Sister Helene 5 Bhie Thistle Yermak I eah Cochran Frank Monroe 4 Kirsties Cub Bob A Archie Alexander Ku ¬ klux 5 Mab Tito Ninety Simplex Byrne BABY CAL Little String Saadi Parrish ParrishWork Work Watchers Oaklawn Park Han ¬ dicap dicapOaklawn Oaklawn Park Hot Springs Ark April 14 1 Discord Donna Grafton Alf Aczina J P House 2 Sister Helene Cancion Rainbow Division Ar ¬ borvitae Blue Thistle Yermak Leah Cochran Duke of Shelby 4 Bagpipe Orderly Kirsties Cub Maud Bacon BaconV V Mab Nlnety Simplex Tito Oenone OenoneI I BABCAL Little String Sophia Gatewood Parrish