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THIRD RACE 1 11G Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming March 28 1918 145 5 122 YERMAK ch g 6 110 By Ormondale Lady Alicia W L Stanfield 42017 Oaklwn Im70y l4Gfast 10 113 9822 982241SS5 HI 21 H Cassity 11 UFavoritf Caway DofShelby 41SS5 Oaklwn 1 l43fast X 115 7970 797041S75 r t G5J H Cassity 10 Saaill Sniiflash Ben Levy 41S75 Oaklvvn 1 l43 mud S 113 7 C 5 G 5s 5 5 O Willis 7 lArchis II Horse IJttle String 41510 FGnds 1115148 fast 15 109 C 1212 11 11414S6 9 913 II EricksnU HonBoy Sts Bridge Pliilistine 414S6 FGnds 1 11C l52hvy 15 112 3 C G 2 4 t G 3 O Willis S Thistle Green Kebo Al Pierce 41417 FGnds 1 11C l5344mud 5 103 3 3 2 5 54i71 G 581 J iMooney 5 Progressive Grumpy Jason 4i71 FGnds 1 1S l59mud 41 109 1 4 7 8 71 7IS N Barrett 8 P and Calls Regreso Bajazet 41295 liGnds Im70y 147 fast 10 114 8 9 10 11 7 GT J Rodgezl2 Philistine Th Green JWakely 41245 FGnds 1 lli 152 hvy 10 110 3 4 4 4 4 3I O Willis C Old Ben Bine Rock Hondo 11071 FGnds 1 11G l54hvy 135 112 8 4 3 3 34091C 2b 3 ° i O Willis 12 OldMCrit Bombast T Nighter 4091C FGnds 1115157 hvy 41 107 4 C C 2 2BLUE 1 1 O Willis 9 Thirst Adelante Harwood HarwoodBy BLUE THISTLE b g 10 110 By Blues Wild Thistle W Cahill 42021 Oaklwn 51 f l08lffast 15 109 9 99 99U1US1 9 9 ° A Johnson Jl MBThurnihh Sybil SpokQuecn U1US1 Ouklwn Ci f l07iifast 25 11212 9 S 7J 6l ° A Johnsonlli MyrtleA Sybil Paul Connelly 41481 FGnds Im20y l45Vihvy 7 114 4 C C 6 64ii9r 7 71C D Qonnlly 7 Hcndo Medusa Lukemae 4ii9r FGnds 1 144 mud 8 111 3 C 5 C G = G D Connlly 7 Pilsen Tito Don Dodge 41324 FGnds Im20y l44l4good 7 109 8 8 8 8 75 712 L stalker 8 Eulogy Al Pierce Bluebannock 41259 FGnds 1 11G l50tood 85 112 1 4 G 7 7 74 L Stalker 7 Dabiahll SStalwart Smberer 4115 FGnds Im70y l50hvy 35 11G 4 4 4 S 21 33 A Johnson C Blue Rock Hondo Bajazet 41121 FGnds 1 11G l5Shvy 7 113 3 S 3 3 3410C2 2l 23 A Johnson 5 Sleeth Don Dodge Progressive 410C2 FGnds 1 116 1 52mud 12 115 4 4 4 4 4FRANK 4 4 A Johnson C Sleeth Lucky R Gleipner GleipnerBy FRANK MONROE T g 5 105 10541UW By Nealon Eugenie B L A Seregni 41UW Oaklwn 34 l14fast 15 109 G C 4 441U15 4l 4 = J E Haynes 8 Jack K W o Wisdom Mab 41U15 Oaklwn Im70y l4Gfast 12 113 4 1 1 4S G11 R Troxler Miss Kruter Tito Lucius 4ms Oaklwn 55 f l09mud 20 11G 4 88 8841C03 71 742 E Haynes 11 Harry D BandStars ScarpialL 41C03 Jefson Im70y 148 good 7 109 G 3 3 3 3415SS 3s 34J C Brown 8 GRoberts Boxer Ambuscade 415SS Jefson Im20y l4Gslow 7 111 2 2 2 2 2415G5 1 IS R Troxler 8 Bill Hunley Ornery Pluto 415G5 Jefson 51 i l10sloTV 10 103 3 22 21 in R Troxler 12 TitforTat OrientalGirl Tranby 41453 FGnds Ci f 111 mud 25 113 8 98 Sl TranbySl 711 D Connlly 9 Toombeoia Margery Liberator 41418 FGnds 51 f l13hvy 20 113 11 11 11 11LEAH 9 gso F Murphy 11 Ettahe Langden Leta LetaBy LEAH COCHRA1 ch m 6 100 10041G0 By Leonid Helen Print C B Heath 41G0 Jefson 1 1S l55fast 12 DC 7 G 7 7 Ss S3 J StapletniO FouiiFay Benefactor Rogreso 41124 Jefson 1 11G l49fast G 103 388 S S4KXJ2 1 7 H Erlcksn 9 Kilmer Benefactor Indolence 4KXJ2 Jefson lm0y l47KOod 10 104 8 7 G 4 4h 44 II J BurkelO Pluviada HGatewood Margery 41570 Tcfson 1 11G l5l5fast G lOfi G G 9 9 9413SO 9 951 H J Burke 9 Tranby John Hurie Boxer Boxer13ioUi8 413SO FGnds Im70y l50hvy 15 107 12 12 13 12 13ioUi8 H Cassity 14 Rhymer Blnebannock MarTom 41174 PGnds 1 11G l49good 15 10G G G 5 7 7410SG 6 G L Stalker 7 Old Ben Amalgamator PetBleu 410SG FGnds 1 11G lMhvy 5 105 1 2 3 4 G = J Mooney 5 Jack Reeves Sosius Petit Bleu 1055 PGnds 1 11G 151 trootl 8 111 11 12 10 10 10RINGDOVE 104 II15 L Stalker 13 Sltimberer Tito Choir Master MasterBy RINGDOVE t m 5 105 105417S9 By Stanhope H Rings W Smith 417S9 Oaklwn 1 l424rast 15 104 2 9 10 S S417C5 8l GSJ H J Burke 12 RMkery Verna B Sunrinsh 417C5 Oaklwn Im70y l47livy 50 102 130 G G4JlttS C GJ E Wlitley G Omond Serenest Hank ODay 4JlttS Qaklwn 1 11G l4Sfast 20 1041 S 797 797414S2 II5 ll G PreeceJrl F of Steel Lukemae Smitlash 414S2 FGnds lin0y l491fhvy 12 102 5 4 3 2 21 3 H Cassity 8 S Gatewood Margery HMabel 41294 FGnds lrn7Uv l4G4fast 0 101 4 6 S G 81 811 H Ericksnl4 St Bridge BabyOal Dundreary 40834 FGndH Iin20y 144 fast 15 100 G G G C G G12 II Erlcksn 7 Irish Kiss Berlin Pit 40779 Jefson GS l03good 12 109 7 77 7 712 J Rodgez S BandSturs Srgeman HMabei 40CS4 Jefson 34 l18slow 135 107 G 42 4240GU3 11 Il A Johnson 8 Sinai LadyLeoua HandselRose 40GU3 Jetson 1 I53y5hvy 20 114 4 5 5 G GfTl8 8 8 J Rodtjez 9 Pulaski Willdo Brickley fTl8 JefHon Im70y l49gonl 8 103 11 11 10 9 9DUKE Jt X11 F Stevens 12 PaulaV KBaumanu BIueRock BIueRockBy DUKE OF SHELBY hlk g 8 110 By Stalwart Piseco CW E Matthews 12007 Oaklwn lm70yl4Gfast 0 1101010 7 7 741S39 GJ 45J J Bell 11 Br Favorite Yermak Caraway 41S39 Oaklwn 1 31G 201 fast 30 109110 999 999417G4 8l 7l ° L Stalker 10 BofPhenix Willdo Tksgiviug 417G4 Oaklwn 1 18 l57hvy 20 110 7 7 7 G G41GOt G20 C20 N Burger 7 Ellison Waterproof Aztec 41GOt Jefson 1 14 209good 15 107 G 5 G 4 4415C8 32 2s N Burger C FounFay Regreso Harwood 415C8 Jefson Ini70y l50slow 20 10G 8 8 8 7 6 G J W Hoag 11 SBroderick Handfull Harwood 41421 FGnds Im70y 153 hyy 25 IOC 5888 72 721 yv Hoag S Luther Dundreary Bean Spiller 41397 FGnds 114214 mud 20 104 7243 G1 C15 W Hoag 9 Kebo Sen Broderick Ornery 41322 FGnds 1 14 209KOod 15 109 6 4 5 7 7 1 71S P Murphy 8 Bajazet Regreso Lucile P 41278 FGnds 1 11G l49fast 15 111 13 13 13 10 10PAS 9 9j J Rodgezl4 GorRoberts Brando Philistine PhilistineBy PAS DE CHANCE ch g 5 110 By Ormondale Fleur de Marie D J McDermid 41741 Oaklwn 1 31G 20 J fast 25 104 4 1 4 G G4170G 75 71T C Brown 8 Gruinpj Waterproof Bajazet 4170G Oaklwn 34 l14fast 30 117 1 5 5 72 7sj H Cassity Id H C Bascli Jack 1C Bathilde 4 1GS5 Oaklwn 1316200 fast SO 107 G 7 7 7 7 G1K M Garner 7 Honolulu Boy Bajazet Aztec 37517 Oaklwn Im70y l44fast 10 100 2 4 4 4 4372S2 31 4 1 O Willis 12 Jessie C Earlymorn Br Velvet 372S2 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 10 103 2 3 4 6 61 7C3 O Willis 12 MWaters FCCole Oflagration 37072 FGnds 1 14 207fast 15 99 2577 7 73 O Willis 10 Brando BAround MHcrrmann 37034 FGnds 1 116 I54y0hvy 41 107 2443 2443SG979 31 4s O Willis 11 BautyShop Tiirnwood ForFair SG979 FGnds 1 116 l51hvy 7 111 4 4 3 3 3SG889 23 2s i L Lykes 9 Lutlier Sea Urchin Kilmer SG889 FGnds 1 llGl4SMsfast 5 102 1893 1893SC811 31 3 3 O Willis 13 Bogart Homam Executor SC811 Jefson 1 11G l53hvy 41 1061 1 4 6 5 41 G11 L Lykea 9 Brian Born Napoleon BlueRock 36702 Jefson 1116159 hvy 4 110 1 4 4 4 4UPRIGHT 3 21 O Willis 8 Hayden Slumberer Fenrock FenrockBy UPRIGHT ch g 10 110 By Standing 111 Turco Major Smart 419S4 Oaklwn 1 144 fast 20 10 911 10 92 9H C Brown 12 Examiner Braiido Lady Leona 41945 Oaklwn Im70y l4Gfast 25 107 7 G 7 73G75 7 1f C Brown 7 MissWells Keziah TheophileV 3G75 Oaklwn Im70y l4igood 20 110 6 6 7 737COG Gl 3 D Stirling 11 Alexander Kgfislier Kgllng II 37COG Oaklwn 1 116 l48fast 7 111110 8 G 8J 8J3 T Rice 12 HHorse Conflagration JHurie 37542 Oaklwn Im70y 147 fast 145 114 8 6 3 11 2 W J OBnl2 R oLight CertainPoint Keziah 37492 Oaklwn 34 114 fast 30 113 J10 10 81 815 W J OBnlO Kama Trusty Billie B 31445 Juarez 78 l27fast 14 115111111 115111111S1235 9 6 1 G MolesthlS Black Frost Mary Estelle Key S1235 Juarez 78 l28fast 76 103 4 2 3 34 2J T Henry 7 B of Keys Superl Airline 31130 Juarez 34 l13fast G910 112 2 3 3310SO 31 I1 G Molesth 8 Vested Rights Min Jim Borel 310SO Juarez 51 f 107 fast 14 109 8 8 72l7iR Guy 8 Cer Point Oldsmobile Goggety