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OAKLAWN MEETING CLOSES Good Attendance and Spirited Racing Mark the Final Day First Disqualification of the Meet ¬ ing Follows the Running of Race for TwoYearOlds HOT SPRINGS Ark April IS This seasons racing here comprising thirty lays terminated this ifternoon under the same auspicious conditions that has governed throughout The running of the final race marked the close of one of the most successful meetings fcver attempted here The attendance for tjiis season lias been in excess of that of former years and the horsemen benefited likewise to si greater extent as in the neighborhood of 15000 wore was distributed than on former occasions While there was during the last two weeks an ab ¬ sence of good class horses on the whole in the daily cards still the sport was wholesome and interest ¬ ing The vigilance of the officials and their prompt stand against anything that savored of unfair methods was in the main responsible for the good sport that has prevailed Not alone wus the meet ¬ ing handieapiKHl by an absence of good horses but there was also a dearth of good riders ridersGeneral General manager Joseph Martin is highly grati ¬ fied by the results and is planning extensive im ¬ provements for next year for the already commo ¬ dious and uptodate plant It will be my inten ¬ tion to spend in the neighborhood of 20000 on the lant and bring it up to the most modern plans said Mr Martin The meeting just closed came up to every expectation ami was successful in every way The horsemen cooperated in splendid fashion and the success of the racing was in n good measure due to themr WJiile tbef inanchilr retTrnw7nayruptMsN be as large as lastyeilr to the management still tlfcre is no complaint on this score and the deficit is due to the 15000 additional hung up in purse money and a similar sum that will go to the Business Mens League to aid their good roads fund fundGetaway Getaway day found the full racing strength on hand to witness the close of the sport and attending incidents The card was a fairly well arranged one witli the Cincinnati Enquirer Handicap at a mile and seventy yards the feature It resulted in u splendid contest with Iwin carrying the colors of K It Bradley just lasting long enough to win from the Cincinnatiowned Drastic which was the best horse in the race and lost only because of Robinsons error in judgment of attempting to take him through an impossible opening at the half mile ground which caused him to be badly cut off and forced back and subsequently caused him to race wide With an equal share of the racing luck Drastic would have been the winner winnerBURGOYNE BURGOYNE IS SET BACK BACKThe The first disqualification of the meeting came with the running of the second race in which two yearolds made the contest and in which Uur goyne finished first in a drive by i short margin over Arborvitae The latter suffered much from the interference that Burgoyne subjected her tp and Willis the rider of Burgoyne admitted during the innuiry following that he was unable to pre ¬ vent Burgoyne interfering witli the gray filly The judges promptly set Burgoyne back and the change in the placing was greeted by a demonstra ¬ tion of cheers that lasted for some time Biir goynes disqualification enabled Nellie Witwer to get second nlace and Manin May third The latter was also a sufferer from Burgoynes interference interferenceTrusty Trusty again earned u bracket this time from a good band that met in the third race But he had to be benefited by the good racing luck he enjoyed all the way to enable him to outstay the fast com ¬ ing Orderly OrderlyThe The exodus of turf followers began tonight and hundreds departed for various points Kxtra cars were necessary on all trains to accommodate those leaving leavingFrancis Francis J Nelson who presided in the stand during the meeting departs tomorrow for his home in Toronto via Chicago where he will make a brief visit visitMost Most of the layers including Whitey Beck Peter Blong Ed Callahan Billy Arnold and several other high operators lost on the meeting Their losses were sustained mostly in the last week Tom Shaw managed to win but he was not operating the last week weekStarter Starter A K Dade will go on direct to Lex ¬ ington where lie will resume his duties as starter The starterThe sevenday meeting at Clarimore Okla will begin May 3 and a number of the horses which have participated in the racing here will engage there Capt James II Kees was among todays arrivals from Memphis MemphisThe The bill intended to legalize racing in Tennessee was beaten recently in the legislature by the small margin of three votes