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Havre de Grace Entries and Past Performances for Saturday April 19 WEATHEE CLEAE TRACK FAST The figures under the headuig See in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record wai made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud ruuner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record April 2G 1915 33 2 10S 10STodays Todays TodaysInd Ind Hore Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHanM1R M1R 7 Oleaster 112X72 llOrU Drusilla 112 720 72041li0 41li0 Calvert 110 71 11S273 Soapy Sponge M 112 710 liiT2 Handy Mac M 112 705 70541ti 41ti Cornforan M 112 705 42112 Little AlexanderM 112 70Q 70Qt t Sweet Apple I f liy Swiep Swtit Charlotte 109 f Pirate MiGee ch i by MHJee Precocious 112 Sea Qnevn ch f by Sea King Busy Girl 109 Rose Pompom 109 Glolru De Dijon ch f by Ramrod los Pompon 112 fT L Murphy entry JX D Smith and AV S Murray entry Oleaster is best of those which have raced racedSecond Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record April 24 1813 111 3 91 11873 Xonave lli 113 110X725 110X725I2WH I2WH Sosius 121 inn m S 112720 I2ia 2 General 102 113 9 11271r fJOli Ideal lli 114 if 4 KHiXTl Kirlll Siilvatollc 90 l17h 4 101X715 101X7154lKi 4lKi Galaway 115 114 7 115X710 115X710IHOli IHOli I iura Miller 105 l135f 4 101X10 41892 Marianno 104 112 0 108X710 42040 Cobalt 115113 4113X710 12056 Chirk M 108112 S 120X705 120X7054201S 4201S Vigilante M 115 115 3 101X705 12015 Peerless One 107113 4113X705 4113X70541H87 41H87 Little Boy 108115 4 111 700 700411I71 411I71 Beauty Sleep M10011G 3 91 700 420IKI Scarpia II 104 114 5 117X700 117X7004205C 4205C Ifravado 110116 4111X700 4111X700Zouave Zouave in fast aiul in good form formThird Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3vearolds 3vearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sept 1C 1912 l0o 3 103 42054 FOREGROUND 107 107 4 122X750 41916 Mars Mouse 101 106 4 122 740 74041910s 41910s Joseph P Murphy MurphyM M 100 l09sy 4 105 735 40551 Quietude 110 lOSVi 4 117X735 42028 Amalette 103 109 4 117X735 41 i7 Roi Craig 108100 31121730 42027 Jack Leary 110 1OS 3115 730 42054 Colinella 107 107 3 100 730 40312 Ballet Dancer II 107 107 3100730 40186 Unwise Child 103 107 3 100 725 40278 S o in e w h e r e in inFranct Franct M 115 109 3 100 725 725Foreground Foreground is u fine form and best bestFourth Fourth Race 5 i2 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sept 16 1912 105 3 105 420272tLouise V 11 tf 107 4 103 725 42055 = Tommywaac 103 103107 107 3 050720 42039 Elected II M 114 114109 109 3 SS715 415191 tFirinj Line 106 108 5 111X715 42054 Jack Mount 109 107 5 116 710 40021 Comme Ci 111 107 3 10SX705 37622 Marco Polo M 108 107 4 111 700 41975 Cant Kost M 117 109 3 105 700 700G G AV Forinnn entry Louise V is fast and favorably weighted weightedFifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MilePhiladelphia Philadelphia Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record April 21 1913 111 3 91 9142042t 42042t Billy Kelly 135 111 3 1220800 12208004030Vt 4030Vt Wnr Pemuuit 126112 3 116 790 790403143t 403143t Motor Cop 132 111 4 130 790 79040323s 40323s Pen Rose 122113 3105X790 3105X79042042s 42042s Pickwick 110 112 5 1190780 420423 Charlie I vdeckor 112 112 4 104X780 403053 Routledse 1 11 1 12 3 102 780 78040311f 40311f Boniface 104 111 4 114X775 41829 Startling 128111 6 109 770 77051683t 51683t Star Hampton 115112 3105X760 40283 High Cost 110112 4105X750 4105X750T T K lj Ross entry JW M Jeffords entry entryThe The J K L Ross entry seems invincible here hereSixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sept 25 1915 142 t 11fl 1 42025 Tranby 102 i 46 5 42018 Indian Chant Ill 144 6 10SX 41946 Saints Bridge 107 146 4 105X 41714 Rockport 113148 5 116 715 42015 = Alma B 98 148 5 108X715 108X71542018s 42018s Dan 110144 1109X715 42026 KlngliiiK II 116146 6104X710 41945 = Keziali 100 146 6 97X710 41633 Miinnclipu 107 145 5 102X705 42057 Thrift 109 144 4 106 700 42044 MIHrace 104 145 4 103X700 103X700Tranby Tranby seems in excellent form formSeventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sept 25 1915 142 4 41978 Edith ISaumaim 102 148 6 98X725 42057 G M Miller 108 146 12 109X720 42026 Refugee 114 145 6 113720 42016 American 100 147 4 107X715 42057 Arbitrator 106 106148 148 5 5107X715 107X715 42041 Tan II 4 112X710 42057 Blue Rock 115 150 6 111X710 42029 Fairly 114 147 8 1070710 42044 = Capital City 115 148 5 111 705 42056 Laura Miller 4 96X705 41873 Royat 103 146 4 106x70u 42044 Perseus 97 147 5 107X700 Edith Bauniann should win at the weights