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HOT SPRINGS HORSES AT LEXINGTON Pat Dunnes Derby Candidate Under Fire Arrives at Kentucky Association Course with a Fever LEXINGTON Ky April IS A special train of seven ears brought the racing stables of J II Ros seter Pat Dunne John Goode A R Bresler R L Rogers John Stockier John J Troxler Ben A Jones Will AVoodard C E Hamilton F AAr Staton and J B Goodman here this morning from Hot Springs and this afternoon B J Brannons stable arrived here from Louisville They are all in quarters at or near the Kentucky Association coinse coinseAAith AAith the exception of Pat Dunnes Kentucky Derby candidate Under Fire and J H Rosseters twoyearold Mandrono by The Manager Fancy wood candidate for the Idle Hour Stakes the horses seem to have shipped well Under Fire and Madrono came off the cars with high temperature Dunne says Under Fires ailment is not serious and trainer C J Casey said that late this afternoon Madronos temperature had been reduced from 105 to 102 Others in the Rosseter string are Farmingdale the Derby candidate Ragnarok candidate for the Blue Grass Stakes Passing Shower Serenest Fait Ac ¬ compli Queens Maid Squires Daughter Rollicking Airs Lady of the Lake Wedding Cake Squire Charlie and Mark AVest AVestPat Pat Dunne also brought Irregular Omond Mayor Galvin Rookery Tag Marmon Military System Florence AAebber and Rosanne the lastnamed four are the property of Jefferson Livingston Florence AAebber and Rosanne were sent to J B Respess farm at Erlanger to go into the stud and Tag the property of R J Mackenzie went to Hal Price Headleys Farm to Ite bred to Uncle Marmon and Military System will be turned over to Jack Mc Cormack when he arrives witli the Livingston horses John M Goode brought Harvest King Lord Hamilton Booneville Ndio AAords o Wisdom Miss Minks Duke of Savoy and Lady Mountjoy the last named two going to Beaumont Farm to be turned out R Bresler brought Santiago Summer Sigh Ultima Thule Roderick Dhu Sherman A St Isidore Jock Sc6t Paddy Rainbow Division and Inn AVood AVoodR R L Rogers brought Diversion Honolulu Boy AAThite Slipper and Flash of Steel In F AA Sta tons string are Parr AAarsaw Billie B Happy Go Lucky Jim Dudley and Mountain Rose II Troxler brought Rhymer Fern Handley Hasty Coni B A Jones two are Miss Parnell and Thelma E AAill AAoodard brought Opportunity ilhd Arthur Middleton C E Hamiltons one is Thistle Green and John Stotlcr has Perugino PeruginoJ J B Goodman brought Kama Bribed Aoter and five others In the Brannon string are Colonel Liv ¬ ingston St Bernard Allah Hopeful Squeeler Bell Boy Mar Tom Nepe The Colleen Bawn Lady Manager Little Blossom Green Grass and Lillian B