Third Race [3rd Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-19

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THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming Sept 16 1912 105 3 105 1051EGROITND 1EGROITND ch c 4 122 By Fugelman Sketches J K L Ross 4 HdeGce 5 f l09hvy 35 123 1 1 1 Ink 1 = E Sande 5 SForward Colinella WMachlne 4 Pimlico 1 12 231fast 1C 10S C 7 10 12 Hi 11 E Sande 15 G Smith OKyam Externator 9 Pimlico 1 14 205fast 30 107 4 3 3 3 3s 2J E Sande 5 Externator TPorter W Cloud 4 Laurel 1141 hvy 2J 107 3 C 5 4 4 315 A Schugr 6 Douglass S John I Day Arriet 9 HdeGce 1 116 l4Gfast 45 110 1 4 3 3 31 3i E Sande 6 Tombolo Bay Candle j I Day 5 HdeGce 34 l15yshvy 115 110 4 4 4 3U 1 E Sande DrJohnson MMaud Quietude 2 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 45 112 3 1 1 1 1 I4 E Sande 5 Aurum Tombolo Quietude 2 HdeGce 34 l12fast 7 100 9 78 C 3 E Sande 11 ProfComo MaryMand HLad 6 Saratoga 34 llGslop 8 115 6 4 4 4s I1 E Sande 8 ODouovan LInfirmier JI Day 4 Belmont 1 141 hvy G 111 5 5 4 4 3i 5s H Ericksn 7 Sycamoor Gueland Tombolo 4 Belmont 34 st lllfast G 115 6 G 5 53 410 L Lyke 9 Polymellan PeterPip r JStuart 5 Belmont 51f st l01fast 8 110 5 5 5 3s 2 = L Lyke 7 Flags Sir Hello AVar Machine MachineC C Pimlico 1 18 l53good 21 107 10 10 S 10 9s 71B Lyke 10 AVar Cloud Sunny Slope Lanina RS EganG MOUSE ch c 4 122 By Marse Abe Miss White Mouse R 0 Egan G Oaklwn 1 l40fast 1 114 3 2 2 1 I 2 IR Troxler S SilvLlsht Ed Stone Obolus 7 Oaklwn 34 113 fast 7 109 2 2 2 2l 32 R Troxler 4 Jock Scot OldKoenig Und Fire 5 Oaklwn 31 l14M good 6 125 1 11 2s I1 R Troxler 10 Bringhurst Serenest BTromn 4 FGnds 5S f l07fast 12 100 5 5 4 4i 4zi C Robson 9 CLdeckr BDaw WWHtints 2 FGnda 5i f 107 fast 6 111 2 3 4 5 73 F Robsonl2 Korbly Assume Bon Tromn 7 Jefson 34 l14good 15 111 5 33 3l 4 = 3 L Mink 6 Icarus Kama Assume 5 Latonla 34 l12fast 1G5 103 7 66 41 4 E Sande 7 BlackDaw BonTromp SilULady 1 Pimllco 34 114 fast 115 119 4 72 lk 1 J L Lyke S Jule King John Decisive 5 Pimlico 34113 fast 135107 7 3 3 2i 1C KummerlS Cavan Boy Poacher Jule 7 Pimllco 34117 hvy 9 110 7 4 4 4 5 i J McTagt 11 SunSlope Tumbler Nepperhan 0 Oaklwn 34112 fast 4 97 2 2 2 3 3 H Ericksn 5 BradleysChoice Assume Berlin 9 Oaklwn 34 l12ysfast 6 102 4 3 3 2l 2 FJ Pool 8 Grundy Assume Jas T Clark iEPHP MURPHY ch c 4 M 105 By Phoenix Musette E McBride 0 Bowie ui f l08slop 1310 100 2 1 2 2s 2 J Slooney 4 CI ydecker Hauberk Glasstoi 0 Bowie 78 l27fast 3 99 1 1 1 1 I4 24 J Mooney 5 Bolster Dan Bright Glasstoi 6 Bowie 34 l14fast 2110 11G 6 6 4 G4 6 i X McAtee 10 Louise V J of Spades Onward 4rimllco 34 114 slow 25 115 3 6 8 8s 824 T Pardon 9 Eyelid Col duff Phalerian ETUDE br f 4 117 By Dalhousie Tabouret A H Morris 1 Bowie 1 l45slow 115 S9 4 3 3 3 2J 572 L McAtee 6 Bolster Deckmate Minto II G Bowie GJ f 122 slow 6 105 1 2 3 31 3J1 C Kummer 5 ChLeydecker Kashmir Sturdee 3 Bowie 1 144 good 5 108 3 3 3 2 3s Ik C Kummer 6 Sunnyland Kashmir GameCock 4 Bowie GJ f l19fast 4 99 1 2 2 2l 2 H Lunsfd G CLeydecker MintoII MatIdol 4 Pimlico 34113 fast 12 119 1 3 ink 421 B Sande 10 AGoOn LillianShaw Subuhdar 6 Laurel 1139 fast 71 107 2 2 2 2 3i 3 C Kummer 5 Mary Maud Bay Candle Celto 8 HdeGce 34 l15hvy 6 111 3 555 4 i A Johnson 6 Foreground DrJohnson MMaud 2 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 165 113 1 3 3 3 415 4 C Kummer 5 Foreground Aurum Tombolo 6 Empire 1 l39rsfast 4 105 3 3 3 3 3J 4 i A Collins 5 Dorcas RhineMaiden Fttergold ALETTE b f 4 117 Br St Amant Dondurma H S Koppin 5 Bowie 78 128 fast 21 101 1 1 1 1J li W Obert 5 Hmiberk Clean Oone WankeaR 0 Bowie 7S l27fast 15 105 1 2 2 23 23 S Sndman 5 CobLass DuchLace Antnette 1 Bowie 1 l42fast 23 113 5 3 3 3 33 4 J Butwell i Hauberk Ballast Lord Herbert 1 Bowie 78 l27fast 8 101 7 5 4 42 4i J Stapletn 7 Dan Bright Mahony Belario 1 FGnds 1 116 147 fast 15 102 554 3 31 31 C Brown 6 BribedVoter HankODay lollte 0 FGnds 1 l44hvy 7 103 6 C 5 5 5 5 J Mooney S Diversion KBrlRlit FHandley 2 TGnds Im70y l49hyy 2i 104 1 3 3 3 2J 2i C Robson 6 Npperhan ETnuiter NewelW 3 FGnds 1 11G If52 hvy G 98 4 5 6 4 44 4 i C Robson 6 Opportunity U King DBright 3 FGnds 1 l42hvy 4 102 3 2 2 2 3 ° 3 C Robson 4 Basilius ANAkln S in Time 4 FGnds 1 l40fast 6 102 3 3 3 3 S1 3J J Mooney 5 CobLass KohiNoor KBriebt 4 FGnds 1 l47hvy 10 102 5 6 7 7 7 7 S Sndman 7 Warsaw Cobalt Lass Waukeag CRAIG b o 3 112 By Roi Herode Candacraig C A Applegate 7 Bowie 34 I15goodl310 115 1 11 1 1 1U W J OBn 6 Duchess Lace Mahony Frizeur 9 Bowlp 51 f l07fast 2710 95 22 21 21 H Ericksn 7 Srtliiu C Lecker OofHvana 4 FGnds 1 l45hvy G 115 4 3 3 4 4 414 M Buxton 4 WiirMnsk PhaiiJIald lndFire ti FGnds 1 141 fast 2i 90 1 1 1 2 Z 4J S Boyle 7 liutord Warsaw Douglass S 5 FGnds 1 l41fast 1310 116 211 2 23 23 J Mooney 7 W Mask Antoinette TheOBon S FGnds 5i f l08Bood 8 OS 1 11 i li j Mooney 11 WWHtJtiKs Wai Hall BDaw 1 FGnds 5i f l07KOOd 95 106 7 73 3l 3 L Ensor 12 Cobweb Hidden Jewel Padua 3 FGnds 51 f lOGfast S 10S 1 1 1 li li J McTapt 11 ruder Fire SilLicht Ilagnnrok 9 FGnds 5i f 1OS fast 4 106 3 2 3 4l 4 T Par ton 12 Romeo Marmite F and Square K LEARY br c 3 115 By Jack Atkin Sneerwell G W Atkinson 7 B tvie 5J f I07i4fiist5 110 7 50 C CTJ J Metcalf 7 Onico Louise V BroomPoddler 3 Bowie 34 110 fast 12 112 2 1 1 l i 14 J Butwell 7 LoyPeter Vigilante TigerRose S Bowie ff4 ll4fast 2 113 3 1 1 i4 I4 J Butwell S LoyalPcter TigerRose Toddler 7 Belmont 58 st l00good S 115 2 2 2k 3 1 T Parton 11 Syrdarya DanCarnival Toddler 0 Pimllco 4i f 55fast 6 110 7 G 7 7 71 L McAtee 7 Sea Rock His Sister Little Ed 0 Pimllco 45 f 56fast 12 112 1 1 1 1 2l L McAtee 11 LVulcain A Cook Tommywaac 0 HdeGce 4J f 54fast 22 113 4 45 S1 10 i W J OBn 10 Auntie Marmon Little Maudie 8 HdeGce 12 48fast 52 110 7 G G = 83 G Byrne 13 Auntie Colinella Frizeur 8 HdeGce 12 48fast 4 115 1 5 G4 G10 T Partor 9 Blue Laddie Esquimau Colliiella 4 Bowie 12 49good 3S 115 1 3 3J 3J T Parton 0 SidCKeeiier JPowerd Poultney COLINELLA ch f 3 100 100Gl By Star Shoot Pastorella Glen Riddle Farm iairl IldGce Gl f i09hvy 15 97 5 3 2 2i 333 A Richcrk Fnnsrnil SForwd WSrachint1 402JS Pimlieo 34 l13fast 60 110 13 13 12 12 11 E Ambrsel HtRhLiKlit LShsiw C irSwpr 40278 Pimlico 34 l12fast 313 107 10 105S 10 U S2 S13 E AmbrselO WMarvcl AiiitrAce MHattur 9387 Saratoga 5S 57fast 20 115 2 2 3 31 4 S B Ambrse 7 Pigeon Wing Ophelia Polygon 39335 Saratoga 51 f l06fast 10 112 9 9 9 9s p A SchugrlO Lion dOr Kiss Again LsLove 39274 Saratoga 61 f 105 fast 7 107 2 2 2 3s 6jl A SchiigrlO Be Frank Tuscaloosa Tetley 37944 HdeGce 12 48fast 1110 112 3 3 31 I B Ambrse C Jorice AuntDinah Loving Lady 27908 HdeGce 12 4Sfast 7 107 C 2 3i 21 C KummerlS Auntie Frizeur Esquimnn 27SSS HdeGce 12 4S = fast 83 112 2 4 3 = 3 = 1 Et Ambrse 9 Blue Laddie Esquimau Poultney PoultneyBy BALLET DANCER II b f 3 100 1004fl12 By Sweep Ballet Girl J Fitzsimmons 4fl12 Pimlico 1 l40fast 73 104 G G4020S 11 lh 4 i G Walls S Be Frank Milkmaid Esquimau 4020S Pimlico 34 l12Tifast 29 IPS 2 240J78 11 9 9 311 G AValls 13 IligliLight LilSluw CRwper 40J78 Pimlico 34 l12fat 88 105 4 44KM9 7 73 Gi G Valls 10 WMarvel AmerAce MHatter 4KM9 Pimlico T4 l13 good 1C5 107 2 7 7 715 7I3G Walls 8 Cirrus Milkmaid Thunderstorm 40102 Empire Ab34 I09y5fast 25 105 10 4 9 Ci 4 i G Walls 10 O There WMarvel Balustrade 40150 Empire Ei f l06fast 15 112 1 2 3 31 33 G Walls 9 Alphee Over There Diff Eyes 40151 Empire Ab34 l09fast CO 104 4 4 4 5k 513 A McDott 8 Balustrade Alphee SliermanA 40133 Empire El f l05fast 8 104 2 3 5 31 4J G AValls G Cirrus War Spirit Kiss Again 40113 Jamaica Gl f lOGysfast 4 112 G GUNWISE 7 7 5s 5 i G Walls S Cirrus Diff Eyes The Trump TrumpBy UNWISE CHILD br f 3 100 By Madrigalian or His Majesty Fanchette Casco CascoStable Stable 401SG Empire 5i f I0i7sfast 30 2 1 15 is L McAtee J2 Loyal Peter Goalqr Hurricane 50174 Empire 61 f l07fast 30 305f 5 3 6i 10s L McAtee 13 Pluviada Stiletto Lady Mary 29557 Belmont 5f stl06Mfast 20 6 6 G 6 C Hansen S His Sister Pluviada Dahinda 3934S Saratoga 58 E9fast 30 12 12 131 11 J Wessler 14 ChnrThorley LeBalafre Resist 3330S Saratoga 5 f l07fast 20 S 9 92 91 = G Walls 13 AVderman Ceramic Melancholia 292S2 Saratoga 58 103 slop 10 4 4 4i 9 H Lunsfdl2 DCarniral Lamention VHour 3S917 Aqduct 58 59fast 20 205S G 7 51 551 R Denyse 17 Tippler Lackawanna Wderman 2S57 Aqduct 5S l00fast 40 405S 19 15 15 1C R Denysa 20 St Quentiu Gath Sylvano 3SGC6 Jamaica 5S l01fast 30 12 101 10T5 C Hansen 15 Crys Ford D Carnival Dr Rae 3S2C4 Jamaica 58 l02Jfcfast 20 5 5 5l 5 E Taplin 11 Purling Nella Yorke DCarnival DCarnivalBy SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE b c By Jack Atkin Adelaide T R J Mackenzie 3 M 40278 Pimlico 34 l12fast 2S3 8 S 9 1010 L ilcAtee 10 WM arvel AmerAco MHatter 40162 Empire 5 f l07Vffast 30 7 S 85 Si G Walls 10 Over There Delaware Sea Way 40132 Empire Gi f lOGfast 20 G 5 G C G Walls S T dHneur Delaware OThere

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Local Identifier: drf1919041901_4_5
Library of Congress Record: