Seventh Race [7th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-29

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SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming Sept 25 1911 144 S LUCILE P b m 5 105 By Bryn Mawr Annoyance Knebelkamp How Howart art on 42461 Churchl 1 116 l51mud 7 105 1 5 5 5423C9 44 4 C Brown 10 Flapper B Lynch Lackawanna 423C9 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 44 1061 887 4J 433 C Brown 12 Hondo Bonnie Tess Sea Urchin 42184 Lexton 34 116 hvy 14 104 4 4 4 41 = W Moore 4 The C Bawn MTrask GQueen 41457 FGnds 1 116 l53mud 21 103 555 41 431 C Brown 5 Progressive Grumpy Jason 41410 FGnds 1 116 154 hvy 185 102 7 7 5 31 3 C Brown 7 Queen Blonde Jason Blue Rock 41322 FGnds 1 14 209good 135 101 8 8 7 3 3s C Brown 8 Bajazet Regreso Kebo 41211 FGnds 1 14 216hvy 95 101 7 6 5 4 3S C Robson J Boraast BHampson TNigbter 41179 FGnda 1 14 209good 7 101 3 2 1 1ROOKERY 61 6i J Mooney G LCottage Thksgiving Bombast BombastBv ROOKERY br f 4 106 Bv Zeus Ravenroost P Dunne 42405 Chuichl 1 18 l55slow 10 101 6 9 9 61 5T S Boyle 10 Bogart Flapper El Rcy 42243 Letfton 1 116 l46fast 64 106 999 31 21 H J Burke 9 Lucky R Sasenta Baby Lynch 42174 Lexton Im70y l49hvy 2710 105 2 6 3 4s 4 H J Burke 8 Miss Gove Sasenta Azalea 42126 Lexton F C l10fast 43 105 8 10 104211S 81 7 3 S Boyle 12 Nepe LadyRachel ThistGreen 4211S Lexton Im70y l43fast 44 102 388 74 7 T Murray 8 Merchant Ernest B Sof Plmire 42023 Oaklwn 1116148 fast 12 100 6 6 6 64199S 31 43 J uallahan 7 IICBasch Grumpy Hkorynut 4199S Oaklwn 1116147 fast 3 97 7 6 7 4 6 C Robson 8 Nominee Baby Cal Philistine 41919 Oaklwn Im70y l45fast 165 107 6 3 2 2AZTEC 24 21 J MclntyrelO BShilling Byrne DRoberta DRobertaBy AZTEC br g 4 108 108424C2 By Garry Herrmann Miss C H Field 424C2 Churchl 1 18 l5Smud 47 10710 97 9 8 = 9 O AVillis 11 Tito Grumpy Philistine 42037 Oaklwn 1 116 l4Sslov 10 110 S 9 9 52 S G AV Carl SGatewood Parrish LitString 41972 Oaklwn 1 316 2Q3mud 10 107 322 32 38 O Willis 9 AVrproof Tnksgiving LString 41839 Oaklwn 1 316 201 fast 12 107 7 8 8 10 10 N Barrett 10 Boflhcnix Willdo Tksgiviiif 41764 Oaklwn 1 18 l57hvy 41 107 3 1 1 32 3s H J Burke 7 Ellison AVerproof Tnksgiving 41685 Oaklwn 1 316 200 fast 7 106 6 5 3 31 34J H J Burke 7 Hono Boy Bajazet Slum borer 41648 Oaklwn 1 115 l49good 6 107 5 3 2 22 22 H J Burke 7 HishHorse Gleipner LitString 11530 FGnds 1 116 148 fast 15 105141414 105141414THISTLE 111 U C Brown 14 HonBoy Sts Bridge Philistine THISTLE GREEN blk m 6 113 By Knight of the Thistle Evergreen 0 E Ham ilton 42142 Churchl 34 l15hvy Si 10712 10 53 3 ° N Barrett 12 Blaise Marse John Vansylvia 42126 Lexton F C l10i fast G 103 7 6 41 3i I J Burkel2 Nepe LadyRachel HlSurgoyne 41750 Oaklwn 34 l15Vislow 31 113 2 4 11 I3 N Barrett 7 Bob A Kirsties Cub Ettahe 41436 FGnds 1 116 l52hvy 95 103 6 3 1 1 11 II J Burke 8 Kebo Al Pierce Jason 41138 FGnds 51 f 103 hvy 5 110 9 7 42 S1 M Garner 11 Romeo Ettahe Minawand 41235 FGnds Im70y 147 fast 165 106 753 11 20 M Garner 12 Philistine JWakely FofSteel 41037 FGnda 51 f l09slow 8 108 7 6 21 I1 M Buxton 11 Hasty Cora CRuth RSckland 10504 Latonia Im70y l46Viigood 10 112 8 6 4 32 2 N Barrett 9 JAVKlein DahabiahlL OMisa OMisaBy TANLAC b g 5 103 By Toddington Lemco J C Milam 42457 Churchl 1153 mud 4110 ICO 212 21 31 Col Robn S Ettahe Harry Shaw Jack 1C 42369 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 12 103 4 7 10 104S321 5n 51 T Murray 12 Hondo Bonnie Tess Sea Urchin 4S321 Churchl 1 11G l45fast 51 101 976 51 512 p Murray 12 Lively High Low Bogart 42280 Lexton 34 117 mud 265 107 S 7 61 5 i C Robson 9 AVoAArisdm Rhymer LMcxicaii 42224 Lcxton 34 l lgood 11 103 8 9 6 G C Robsonll H Burgoyne MTrask CHurns 37132 FGnds 34 l15slow 15 113 7 8 6l 63 A Johnsonl2 Ms Beau Dioscoride Starltaby 36955 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 7 112 7 8 71 74 A Johnsonl2 CAComiskey Humma G Grass 1 l45hvy 21 103 5 2s Il A Joltnson 8 Green Grass Lit Princess Hope HopeBy BONNIE TESS ch m 6 113 By Star Shoot Last Cherry S T Baxter 42122 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 3910 103 S 9 911 C Robsonl2 CnptBurns Gold Glow Cliillum 42369 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 31f 110 1 24 21 R Troise 12 Hondo Sea Urchin Lucile P 42272 Lexton 1 1S l56mud 66 101 2 3s 443 G W Carl 8 Hondo AVaterproof Bogart 42243 Lexton 1 116 l46fast 39 108 5 71 G l C Brown 9 Lucky R Rookery Sasenta 42174 Lexton Im70y l49hvy 19 110 5 5l 64 J Pitz S Miss Gove Sasenta Azalea AzaleaInk 41759 Havana Im50y l44fast 3 112 2 Ink 11 A Pickens 7 Guide Post Austral Crystal Day 41703 Havana 51 f l07ifast 5 107 3 6l 6ll J Howard S Lit Nephew EdGarrison Brizz 41627 Havana 61 f 107 fast 2 112 6 6GRUMPY 81 710 H BullmanlO Perigourde Blazewy FrascK FrascKBy GRUMPY b g 7 115 By Canopus Florentia 0 J Brockmiller 42462 Churchl 1 1S l5Smud 8 111 3 3 2s J Groth 11 Tito Philistine Bajazet 42331 Churchl 1 18 1 52f ast 24 112 4 11 llis R Troise 11 Fair Orient Parr Sungold 42023 Oaklwn 1 116 148 fast 4 106 2 11 2h C Brown 7 IICBasch Hkorynut Rookerv 41998 Oaklwn 1116117 fast 31 113 6 61 41 B Haynes S Nominee Ilaby Cal Philistine 41820 Oaklwn 1 116 l46fast 2 115 6 4 4l E Haynes S Kenward Eulogy Cain Spring 41741 Oaklwn 1 316 200 fast 115 113 1 12 I1 E Haynes S AAatorproof Bajazct Tksgivtug 41662 Oaklwn 1116113 slow 4 100 2 241QP 2 in E Haynea 8 Honolulu Boy Bajazet Tito 41QP FQnd8 ImTOy l4Gb J ° a 3 10 S I 1s Tito1s V M Garner 9 Ixijmer Rornco BQU imppsop LEAH COCHRAN civ m e 105 1054250S By Lflohid Helen Frint 0 B Heath 4250S Churchl 1 14 212hvy 72 102 6 fi 7 74236S 7 7 W Wright 7 Flipper Bajazet Baby Lynch 4236S Church 1 1116146 fast 95 107 656 656422S8 G1 6 C Brown 9 Eulogy Lucky It Common Law 422S8 LtoxHon 1 1S l5Sysmud 15 107 5 54 5 5 3 C Brown G Woodthrush Waterford Sasenta 42244 Lexton 1 142 06fast 6 102 5 7 7 Ss 8 C Robson Bajazet Bnefactor DofShelby 42173 Lex ton Im70y l4SVfchvy 73 10a 7 5 5 6 5 H J Burke 7 BabyLynch Flapper MProcter 42063 Oaklwn 1 l42fdst 2i 102 765 2 2 H Cassity 12 5 Urchin Brickley TheophileV 42034 Oaklwn 1 116 l49sslow 6 1021 322 32241C36 3 i 3 H Cassity G FrnkMnroe Ycrraak BThistle 41C36 Jefson 1 18 l55Hfaat 12 96 7 6 7 7SEMPER S S12 JStapletn 9 FounFay Benefactor Regreso RegresoBy SEMPER STALWART b g 6 110 By Stalwart Semper Victoire E Good 42462 Ohurch1 1 18 l S mud Gt 111 4 4 C 7 75S 1 Ilanovcrll Tito Grumpy Philistine 42063 Oaklwn 1 l42 fast 30 113 9 10 10 1041S79 10s IQu T Buel 11 RobtLee Tli Seven LitString 41S79 Oaklwn 1 116 l4Dmud 12 109 144 6 6 H Cassity C Philistine Queen Blonde Leta 41618 Oaklwn 1 116 l49Bood 4 110 76 6 7 715 H Cassity 7 High Horse Aztec Gleipner 41497 FGnds 1116152 hvy S 107 6 6 6 4 4 H J Burke G Philistine Progressive Lutber 41442 FGnds 1116152 hvy 12 103 6 S 7 61 8 ° H J Burkell Lucky R Kebo Mary H 41410 FGnds 1116154 livy 5 112 3 3 4 61 5 L Stalker 7 Queen Blonde Jason Lucile P 41384 FGnds 1 116 l52hvy 6 102 4 6 6 6BANDYMO 4V 4 H J Burke 6 Prunes Doliha Amelita AmelitaBy BANDYMO b f 4 106 By Uncle Felicity S D Lee Leei Hit Ohurch1 1 lli l51mud 12 110 423 423421SC i 72 R Troise 10 Flapper B Lynch Liickawanna 421SC Lcxton 34 l17hvy 12 103 9 8 8SIXMO 71 Stl II Thiirbcrll Hasty Corn Circulate Mustard SIXMO l itonia ImOy l44iast 102 543 5433S739 3h 3 i H ThurbcrlU Clara Martin Lcta Sascnta 3S739 Latonia 34 J13fast 15f 10110 11 11H7752 9 9 2 H Stearns 12 Hocnir Toy Miss Leicester H7752 Havana 51 MllVftiyy 10 100 4 3 21 ink H Bullman 7 Money King Stalwart Billy Joe 37724 Havana 61 f llmimid 65 110 7 4 43fi79 li 14 H Bulhnah 8 Rajazet LitMenard KickingKid 3fi79 Havana 5S l0rhvy 10 103 7 a 4 H Bullman S KllBoy LitMenard Napoli 37639 Havana 34 a 20hvy 75 952 2 2BLACK 2i 2s H Lunstd 7 Page White Salon irhomasHare irhomasHareBy BLACK BROOM ch g 8 112 By Broomstick Black Venus L A Capps CappsG1 41278 FGmls 1 116 i4l fist 4i 106 3 34 G1 6 II Walsoir 14 GorRoberts Brando IMiilistine 4098 FGnda 1 116 l47 fast 8 lilt V 8 S 7 3 K Barrett 14 Mab Don Dodge Rhymer jnsgr FGnds 1 1lii 151 good 10 110 S 9 9 940S4G 71 fi1 J Mctcalf 10 Pnedalus Tportation Gleipner 40S4G FGnds 1 116 l54hvy 10 112 6 6 5 540G03 43 4 i J Mopney 10 Willdo Dervish EdithBaumann 40G03 Jcfson 1 143 good7 110 6 4 6 3 21 A Jolinsonl2 Lucky R Mosc Sea Urchin UrchinG5 40590 Jefson Im70y l49Kood 8 110 44 5 G5 G J C Brown 7 Parrish Rof Autumn Blazonry 400 IS Church 1 1 1S I53y5fast 8 1074 3 5 4 4T1 J Mooney 7 Lottery Benefactor Fair Orient 39371 Churchl 1 316 159 fast 13 109 73 4 4 31 J Mooney 12 Turco Benefactor John WKlein DAVE HOGAN b g G M 112 By Andrew Mack Jillett Overby Gray Gray424SO 424SO Churchl 1 11U 153 livy 23f 117 7 C 4 2 21 351 E Donhuelli Prospector ParMaid Stevenson Stevenson422S2 422S2 Lexton 34 l13fast 14f 115 1 10 WJIOV B Kopmnl2 Vision Miss Manage Ilopover 42196 Lcxton 34 l17hvy 17f HOi 5 6 10 91 9t S Wolstmll Hasty Cora Circulate Mustard 3 tKKl Indpolla 34 l14fast 117 6 B Kopmn GHope Handsel Rose Tuletide 29363 Indpolls 51 f l096rast 115 6 1 C Miller 5 Pastoureau Redstart HandRose HandRoseAlso Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched ZIM b g 10 110 By Irish Lad Guadalite Williams Bros 42532 Churchl 1 116 l475fast 22f 107 4 1 1 1424U3 1 4l 65J II J Burkcl2 Dioscoride SenJanies Circulate 424U3 Church 1 118154 slow 65 1075 3 3 34il96Loxton 4 5 7 = II J Burke 7 Pastourcau Mis Polly Redland 4il96Loxton 34 l17hvy 13 110 7 4 3 103 1013 J Howard 11 Hasty Cora Circulate Mustard 41922 Havana 34 lii fast 35 114 3 1 14JS03 1 I3 lt J Howard 8 Violet Duke Rnf f Vignola 4JS03 Havana 5S f 103 fast 35 111 1 3 3417K6 3 V 1 J Howard 7 JBHarrcll HOlymps PAgain 417K6 Havana 34 l1355fast 3 113 6 4 4 3t 2J J Howard 7 Yorkville M Jazbo FirstBallot 41727 Havana Im20y 143 fast 85 113 877 6 5 4s J Howard S Nephthys Taffy Cliff Haven 41677 Havana S4 113 fast 3 106 8 7 71 751 J Howard 11 Blanchita Br Prince Iron Boy BoyBy SANDY LAD b g 6 115 By Sandringham Bella of Memphis J B Dumestre 12O Churchl S4 114 fast 10f IOC 11 10 10 6 = 6 L Canfleldl2 Dance McVex Harry n 42116 Churchl 34 l13iast S6 114 10 10 10 8l S JI Garner 12 Star Baby BillicB SistcrSusie 42330 Churchl 34113Vfefast 72f 10110 9 8 7 71 W Ridcnr 11 PortLight B Paradise Squeelcr 41595 Ictson 34 l16slow 4 1096 4 4 6 6 J G PreeceTr 6 Romeo Toddler Valerie West 41574 Jefson 34116 fast 10 1044 5 6 6 6 S Sndtnan 7 Onico John Jr Billie B 41321 FGnds Si f l09gopd 15 121 5 3 5 S S12 J Metcalf 8 Sabretash Squeelcr Blaise 41193 FGnda 51flOSmud 7 113 5 4 6 61 63 C Robson 7 Gallant Lad Blaise Tom Goose 41060 FGnds 1 116 l51mud 8 111 3 3 3 4 55M Buxton 7 Baby Lynch Jiffy Prunes PrunesBy BABY LYNCH br m 7 108 108425CS By Leonid Queen Lithe M A Warner 425CS Churchl 1 14 212hvy 2 104 2 3 2 2421G1 3 y y W Ridcnr 7 Flapper Bajazct El Key 421G1 Churchl 1 116 l51tnud 175 112 3 3 2 2 2 = 2 O Willis 10 Flapper Ljickawanna Lucile P 5SK1 nhurchl 1 116 l45 ifast 18 107 11 11 11 114221T 11 12 12l J Mclntyrel2 Lively High Low Bogart 4221T Lexton 1 116 l4Gfast 8 114 6 6 S 7 41 4SJ O Willis 9 Lucky R Rookery Sasenta 4217 Lcxton Im70y l4Shvy 2 110 2 3 3 34214G 2 25 1 O Willis 7 Flapper Miss Procter LuckyR 4214G Lcxton 1 l16146Vsfast 51 104 1 4 5 6 B5 G J C Robson 8 Hocnir Alhena Br McDawell 41911 Oaklwn 1 116 l45fast 4J 10314 4 44183S 4 4 4 ° i J Mclntyre 5 Thinker D Williams KONell 4183S Oaklwn 1 l42hvy 8 107 1 3 3 2 4 42 C Robson 6 Tantalus Omond M Rose II IIBy BENEFACTOR b g 4 108 By The Manager Alanarka M J Rooney 42435 Churchl 1 14 2llmud 9 101 2 4 4 4 4 5sl T Murray 0 SazyXamy El Rey Irregular 42405 Churchl 1 18 l55slow 48 103 S 5 7 74S34 9 Si 71J W Wright 10 Bogart Flapper El Rey 4S34 Churchl 1 l8152fast 37 105 7 5 S 9 7l 411 E Pool 11 Fair Orient Parr Sungold 42269 Lexton 1 18 l56mud 5 99 2 3 4 4 3h 3l T Munay 8 S McMkin Philistine Regreso 4224 1 Lexton 1 14 206fast 5 101 6 4 3 3 2J 2 S Boyle 9 Bajnzet DofShelby F Slonroe 42160 Lexton 1 11G l49mud 22 109 8 6 7 741G36 7 7s 7IS B Pool 11 Redland Hondo Frank Monroe 41G36 Jefson 1 18 l55fast 185102 623 2 2l 22 Q Preece 9 FountFay Regrcso CaptHodge 41624 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 5 104 1 5 4 3 4 25 Q Preece 9 Kilmer Indolence Amalgamator AmalgamatorBy RIFLE SHOOTER b h 6 110 By Star Shoot Babbie A L KIrby 42532 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 7 109 11 12 11 9 9l SZ W RidenrlS Dioscoride SenJames Circulate 41040 FGnds Im70y l47slow 8 110 4 6 6 6 6 G L Gentry 7 Opportunity Jiffy Berlin 40982 FGnds Im70y 146 fast 8 109 5 8 7 73S704 5 5s 5i L Gentry 8 Sandy Lad Big Fellow Lottery 3S704 Latonia 1 31G 200y3fast 4 112 2 3 2 23S62G 2 21 3s L Gentry 12 El Rey Alert Eddie T 3S62G Latonia 1 116 l47fast 2710 113 854 8543S329 3 21 1 L Gentry 10 Penigino Mud Sill Cruces 3S329 Churchl lm0yl44fast 45 111 1 6 5 53S275 7 7 7 L Gentry 7 Sun Maid Rhymer JohnWKlein 3S275 Churchl 1 116 14S fast 95 1125 44 4 5 5 Li Gentry 5 Lottery Redland Baby Lynch 37987 Lexton Im70y l50hvy 75 111 1 3 1 1 1 1s L Gentry 6 Executor Surpassing J Reeves ReevesBy CLARIMONDE b m 5 M 110 By Duke of Ormonde Reticella J Lowe 42455 Churchl 34 116 mud 417 110 9 9 10 10 10 J Bell 10 BBJohnson Lncclot BHcnsly 37730 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 20 102J 7 G 11 II2 11 B Pool 12 Tom Cfiro Brighouse Sir Oliver 37632 Oaklwn 34 l14igood 40 10411 10 10 105 10 W Obert 12 Trusty Ina Kay Sir Oliver 37578 Oaklwn 51 f l09fast 25 30210 10 8 8 8 R Troise 11 Ophelia W Kath Gray InInez 37491 Oaklwn 34 l14 fast 41 110 5 5 5S2363 5 10ilO B Pool 12 SctchKiss HiBgoyne Gilligan S2363 Tijuana 34112 fast 60 102 S 8 8 S 8 E Martin 8 Deliver Hocnir Tokay 32319 Tijuana 34 l15fast 85 108 4 1 2 71 9 S Smith 9 Celosia Argeuto Taxicab

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1919052901_4_4
Library of Congress Record: