Racing Dates For 1919, Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-03

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RACING DATES FOR 1919 Wcstchester Racing Association Belmont Park Queens L 1 1May May 22 to June 11 18 days OrnL Hagerstown Fair Association Hagerstown Md MdMay May 27 to May 31 5 days Mutuels Latonia Jockey Club Latonia Ky KyJune June 4 to July 5 28 days Mutuels Metropolitan Jockey Club Jamaica L I Ilap lap 12 to June 21 9 days Oral Tinted Hunts Racing Association Belmont Park Terminal L I IJune June 14 and June 21 2 days Oral Queens County Jockey Club Aqueduct L I IJune June 23 to July 11 17 days Oral Empire City Racing Association Yonkers N Y July 12 to July 31 17 days Oral Saratoga Association Saratoga Springs N Y YAugust August 1 to Augqst 30 20 days Oral

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Local Identifier: drf1919060301_2_9
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