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FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Claiming June 22 1910 59 2 109 FRIZ ch c 2 109 By Handsel Calanthe R F Coppage 42530 Churchl 41 f 54fast 135 112 2 1 1 I1 R Simpson 9 An Teller Br Gold SpartanBoy 42446 Church 1 58 l01nvy 10 106 3 G 72 S = 2 M Garner 8 Atta Hoy II Ruby Talisman 4230G Churchl 12 49 hvy 5 IIS 4 1 3 35 R Simpson 9 LukcDillon AttaBIL 151rincc 422G5 Lexton 41 f 55fnst 2110 118 4 5 lll 112 R SimpsonlS Chisca MickeyMoorc Wcstwood 42159 Lexton 12 49V good 12 US 1 1 I2 I2 D Connlly 4 P Pennant ByGolly Ladylove 42113 Lexton 12 48fast 85 111 2 23i 1 I2 1s R Simpson 7 Mighty Man Ziziz Mandalny 41273 FGnds 3i f 43Vfefast 35 116 1 1 I1 R Simpson 8 Peccant Bone Dry Booneville 41194 FGnds 35 t 43mud 21 116 3 3 3T R Simpson 9 MinMan AttaBIL Booneville BoonevilleBy ALULA b f 2 By Voorhees Brcmerhafen M L Wheeler 42743 Latonia 5S l01slow G 104 C C 1J 1 = T Murray 12 L Roberts Bright Gold Maize 42302 Churchl 12 50hvy 28 112 G 3 3i S7 J Groth 7 Violi Gaffney Goldine Iris 41207 FGnds 31 t 44hvy 20 115 7 72 713 J Metcalf 8 Pop Eyes Oleaster R Division 41049 FGnds 38 36 good 15 114 11 11SISTER 11 llso j Metcalf 11 MJemima Talisman BandCall SISTER HELENE cb f 2 107 10742G1G By Jack Atkin Helene W E Applegate 42G1G Churchl 5S l00fast 45 107 3 34241S 2 2i 31 T Murray 9 Pop Eyes An Teller Miss Minks 4241S Churchl 4i f 53 fast G5 101 3 3 2 25 S Boyle 12 Marvin May AnnTeller BGold 42 67 Churchl 4h 5l fast 2 110 3 4 42 3 C Robson G MysGirl Talisman L in Black 42033 Oaklwii 41 f 54slow 910 102 1 1 I1 I2 C Robson G Ella T Arborvitae Peccant 41773 Oaklwn 31 f 42 slow 185 112 G 21 I3 R Troxler 9 Miss Minks Lady Pataud Fun 41614 Oaklwn 31 f 43good 7 112 G 4 31 R Troxler 8 BobbyAlIcn Romany Castor 3 31 47 R Troxler 7 Hello Pardner Sain Rose Rib RibBy ANNETTE TELLER b f 2 104 1044MIG By Magneto Milldale J C Milam 4MIG Churchl 5S l00fast 4910 102 2 3 3i 2l C Rol son 9 Pop Eyes Sis Helene M Minks 42130 Churchl 41 1 54fast 4110 107 3 3424S2 G 3l 2l C Robson 9 Friz Bricit Gold Spartan Boy 424S2 Churchl 41 f 55hvy 9 110 4 3 3 3 J Morys 5 Starview Mys Girl Mabel G 42418 Churchl 41 f G3 fast G 103 4 4423SG 4 42 3 1 T Murray 12 Marvin May SisHeleue BGold 423SG Churchl 41 f 56 mud 285 110 5 3 21 lt T Murray 11 M Purnell Move On A Jackson 42270 Lexton 5S l02mud 175 108 4 5 Gl 451 J Morys 8 Inquiry Booneville Peccant PeccantG 42229 Lexton 41 f 55 fast 31 107 6 G 2 2 C Robson 8 PlainBill DlaGirl MissParnell 42197 Lexton 4i t 68 hvy 9 107 4 4BOBBY 4BOBBY 2 1 1s T Murray 10 Midia Goldiue Viola Gaffuey GaffueyBy BOBBY ALLEN ch g 2 108 By Harrigan Mae Erwin B A Jones 41955 Oaklwn 12 48 fast 8 106 2 1 2H 2J N Barrett 9 Ella T MarvlnMay Arborvitae 41834 Oaklwn 12 49 fast G5 106 4 3 6 6 = 1 M Garner S Donb Van CtheWay EAVeller 41736 Oaklwn 12 48fast 31 107 4 1 22 2 ° E Whtley 7 Blue Jeans Inquiry NelWitwer NelWitwer1J 41681 Oaklwn 31 t 42fast 1110 115 1 1J 11 E Whtley CtiieWay 2 dAnnee PFlask 41644 Oaklwn 31 t 43good 6 116 1 1 1 E Whtley 8 Romany Sister Helene Castor 41437 FGnds 12 64 hvy 32 116 1 1 3 4T1 M Garner 7 Rarar Booueville Peccant Peccant3o 41404 FGnds 31 f 45hvy 12 111 6 6WARLIKE 3o 3nk E Whtley 11 Dandy Van Frank W SainRose WARLIKE ch c 2 M 109 10942CGG By Ivan the Terrible Rebellion M C Moore 42CGG Latonia 41 f 55 fast 7 113 1 1 22 21 R SimpsonlO WtheGrt AofTmps ASdier 42386 Churchl 5S l01fast 12f 115 10 8 8l S ° J R SimpsonlS Sterling Jazz Alex Jr 41437 FGnds 12 54 hvy 20 116 7 7CLAUDE 7 61 C9 R Simpson 7 Rarar Booueville Peccant CLAUDE WALKER b g 2 100 By Tony Bonero Clara Carlo E W Moore 42019 Oaklwn 12 49s 49fast 31 1 I1 1 ° C Robsonl2 AJackson Burgoyne LPataud 41994 Oaklwn 12 4955 49fast 41 4 3i 31 C Robson 8 MissParnell LPataud Modiste 41705 Oaklwn 31 f 42s 42s41GS1 42fast 12 7i 63 W Crump 11 Castor Fun Miss Minks Minks5s 41GS1 Oaklwn 3 f 42 42MOGA 42fast 20 5s G3 J Bell 0 11 Allen CtheWay ZdArmee ZdArmeeBy MOGA ch c 2 242CG3 By Marathon Flash of Lightning J Livingston 42CG3 Latonia 4 f G3 fast 38 111 6 C 6 615 W Crump G M Moore CHershlpr MnrMuy 4240S Churchl 41 f 55M 55Vtslow 25 111 6 65S 5 5s 510 W Crump 7 Angon Pop Eyes Spiccbush 42270 Lexton 5S l02 l024i fcmud 165 109 7 7 C1 8 II J Burke 8 Inquiry Booneville Peccant PeccantC 42141 Lexton 41 f 6G 66fast = i 11 105 2 2g C 41 In T Murray 11 I James MParnell MBradley PLAIN BILL b g 2 10S 10S4J By Ivan the Terrible Nantura H Montgomery 42741 Latonia 4J f 54V 54Vfslow 23 112 C C5S 7 71 7 = 1 O Willis 8 SFreedman I Hughes Sterling 42270 Loxton 5S 102 mud 195 103 2 24i 1 41 OJ T Murray 8 Inquiry Booneville Peccant 42229 Lexton 4i f 55 fast 8 101 3 1 I3 I1 T Murray 8 A Teller UiaOirl MissParnell 42186 Lcxton 4 41 f 5G 5Ghvy 7 107 8 8 8l 8 T Murray 10 Emma Weller DJames OldRed 41790 Havana 12 493 49hvy G5 100 4 1 I1 l T Murray S Uatrack GrRuuip MFitzhugh 11734 Havana 12 48 fast C5 101 3 1 I2 1 = T Murray 8 D Fairbanks Cuba MFitzhugh 41723 Havana 12 48i 48fast 5 101 7 41 3h c5 T Murray 8 Sea Bat Doublet II Grey Rump 41541 Havana 12 4Sf 4SfMAYROSE 4Sifaat 3 112 1 1 21 321 II Lunsfd 9 Sea Bat GreyRump QGaffney QGaffneyBy MAYROSE b f 2 M 102 By Plaudit Meadrose J H Baker 42743 Latonia 58 101 slow 20f 109 1 15S 4 5 6 3 J Dreyer 11 Alnln LadyRobcrts BriglitGold 42C1G Churchl 5S 1008 l00fast G4 97 9 7 7l 71 = W Uldenr 9 Pop Eyes AnTeller SisHolene 42350 Churchl 41 55i 55mud COf 107 8 8 7l 7 C Brown 11 Frank W L Roberts GoldRose 42431 Churchl 4 41 f 5G 5G423SG 5Gy5mud 70 108 7 7 65 G3 J Majestii 9 Miss Minks DiaGirl LRoberts 423SG Churchl 41 f 56 mud 49f 105 9 95S 7 61 711 S Boyle 11 AnTeller MParnell Move On 42270 Lcxton 5S 102 l02mud 44 104 8 5 8 G12 O Willis 8 Inquiry Rooneville Peccant 42225 l exton 41 f 55Vi 55y5KOod 15 115 3 3 4 41J O Willis 4 B Through MMinks Ladylove 42117 Lex ton 12 49 49fast 15f 112 9 11 lOllO J Hanoverll A Jackson Drumfire MystGirl PINDAR b c 2 M 105 1054i By Froglegs Purple Cross W F Poison 42550 Churchl 4i f ttl 55mud 153 llfi 10 10c 9 93 9 C Howard 11 Frank W L Roberts GoldRose GoldRoseBy HERCULES ch c 2 M 105 By Zeus Black Silk Kohn Schulten 42459 Churchl imud 73 103 8 S S G H Lunsfd S MarvMuy DiaGirl Miss Minks Also eligible to start should any of the above be scratched PECCANT cb c 2 By Trap Rock Piccadillo KnebelkampHowerton 42741 Latonia 4 f 54 slow 4S 110 1 61 Gls C Brown 8 SFrfcdinaii Illuchcs Sterling 42Ti0 Churchl 41 f 51ifast 5 106 9 95S 7 7 C Brown 9 Friz AnTeller Bright Gold 42270 Loxton 5S l02mud 8 1071 1 32 33 C Brown 8 Inquiry Booneville Ann Teller 42229 Lexton 41 f 55 fast 4 107 8 72 5 i C Brown 8 Plain Bill AnTeller DiumGirl 42141 Lextpn 41 f 66fast 12 103 6 51 8 i C Brown 11 Moga IMr Jainos Miss Parnell ParnellGl 42033 Oaklwn 41 f 64slow 15 109 6 Gl 4 C Brown G Sis Ilolene Ella T Arborvitae 4H91 KGnds 12 SUthvy 85 116 4 23 C Brown 10 ILPardner LPatand FraukW 41437 FGnds 12 54 hvy S 116 4 42 31 C Brown 7 Rarar Booneville Bobby Allen