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FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Merchants Stakes 3yearolds and upward Special Weights Nov 14 14By 1918 137 4 105 105CHEER CHEER LEADER b g 5 96 By Ogden Belle of Ashland Williams Bros 42670 Latonia 1 116 l45ffast 145 110 2 3 4 4 S 43J W Wright 8 Hocnir Merchant Fair Orient 42507 Churchl 1 143 hvy 31 103 1 6 5 5 7 7 J Howard 9 Mis Polly DrCarmcn HarKIng 42419 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 125105 134 Z 21 lh J Howard 8 Hocnir Herald Jim Heffering 42145 Lexton 1 l39fast 75 106 6 6 3 3 31 I1 J Howard 8 Seafarer Herald S McMeekin S9948 Churchl 1 1S l53fast 12 108 2 3 3 2 1 I1 J Howard G Hocnir Sungold Mistress Polly 39873 Douglas 1 138 fast 18 106 5 5 6 4 42 411 J Howard 6 VAmerica FrCake Rancber 39794 Lexton 1 l3Sfast 8 1051 443 2 3l 3 J Howard 5 Pit Jr Kama J J Murdoek 39094 Latonia 1 116 145 fast 1310 100 5 4 3 3HOCNIB 1 1 1 E Sande 8 Mar Goosby OlgaStar ErnostB ErnostBBy HOCNIB b g 8 100 By Voorhees Emir K Bpenoo 42743 Latonia 1 116 146 slow 6 115 444 3 3J 23 T Murray G Raider Bribed Voter Gibby 42670 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 185113 312 2 I1 I1 T Murray 8 Merchant F Orient C leader 42419 Churchl 1 11G l45fast 215 100 3 6 3 3 11 2 T Murray 8 ChrLeader Herald JIIefTeriHg 42335 Churchl 1 116 146 fast 1310 110 2 2 2 1 11 11 T Murray 7 Wise Man S of Pleasure Jiffy 42241 Lexton 1 18 151 fast 195 102 122 2 li 21 T Murray 5 Omond Herald Harvest King 42146 Lexton 1 116 l46faat 32 104 4 3 3 3 11 ln T Murray 8 Alhena BrownMDawell KIUty 41733 Havana 1 116 l45fast 3 118 3 6 3 3 3 3 J Howard 7 HenryG WiseMan TheBnuke 41654 Havana 1 116 l46fast 65 109 1 2 1 1 1 2 H Lunsfd 1 Wise Man Sasin Deckniate DeckniateBy HERALD b 0 4 4427H5 106 By Coy Lad Angerona H H Hewitt 427H5 Latonia 34 l12faat 7 110 5 5 61 Gl H J BurkclO Tacola Subahdar Legal 42705 Latonia 34 l12Vsfast 24 107 1 1 21 2h H J Burke G Leochares Hendrie Aurum 42577 Churchl 1 18 l64hvy 25 107 5 4 G1 5 E Sande 1 Basilltis Silv Light HarvKIng 42507 Churchl 1 143 hvy 18 109 7 8 9 9 ° H J Burke 9 Mis Polly DrCarmen UurKing 42444 Churchl 1 l41hvy 41 106 4 2 2 21 C Robson 4 GGrass SewCombs Jnfering 42419 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 33 105 2 1 3 33J H J Burke 8 ChrLeader Hocnir JHeirerlug 42387 Churchl 1 l42mud 135 104 5 1 I1 1i C Robson 8 SiofPleasure DrCarmen SGod 42332 Churchl 1 116 l44fast 34 100 3 4 7 7 S Boyle 7 Courtship Omond VivaAmericu 42303 Churchl 51 f lOShvy 22 106 7 5 5 53 H J Burke 1 HighCost AmAce SewllConiua SewllConiuaBy BASILIUS b h 6 106 By Ballot Carza Waldeck Stable 42577 Churchl 1 18 1 54hvy 710 710107 107 4 4G5 1 11 I2 C Robson 7 SilLight HarKing MistPolly 42483 Churchl 1 116 l49hvy G5 103 3 1 1 I12 C Robson SofPleasure Hanovia Sun God 42419 Churchl 1 11G l45fast 8 111 7 6 Gl 5C2 C Robson 8 Cheer Leader Hocnir Herald 40993 FGnds 1 l42hvy 2 106 2 3 1 1 O Willis 4 ANAkin Amalette S in Time 40900 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 6 102 4 3 E 514 O Willis G Courtship Douglass S Ticket J0833 FGnds 1 140 fast 12 105 3 3403S9 7 71 7 1 O Willis 10 Lucky B Franklin Courtship 403S9 Latonia 1 144 mud 4 112 5 4 3 22 O Willis 8 Drastic Opportunity Ernest B 40318 Latonia 34 lllfast 59 103 4 4PRECIOUS 5 6 68 O Willis 7 Courtship A N Akin Basil BasilBy PRECIOUS ch m 5 103 By Ballot Graziosa T C McDowell 42419 Churchl 1 11C 1 45f ast 41 103 4 7 7l 715 H Thurber S Cheer Leader Hocnir Herald HeraldC 40319 Latonia 1 116 l44fast 8 104 6 C 5 4T F Smith 7 Beaverkill Rancher Fruitcake 39953 Churchl 1 116 l46fast 135 108 1 2 3 21 L Gentry 4 B Voter Beaverkill Oprtunity 39912 Douglas Im70y l42fast 910 109 1 2 21 221 L Gentry 5 FHandly Crtship SofPleasure 39791 Lexton 1 18 l51fast 185 107 1 1 I1 1 H Lunsfd 4 Bribed Voter Moscowa El Rey 9286 Saratoga 78 l2Sslop 10 106 5 5 G1 551 H Lunsfd 8 Boniface GlmyGus Polytneliun 39079 Latonia Im70y l44slow 9 108 1 1 21 21 J Howard G ISribed Voter Arriet Buford 3S997 Latonia 1 l3Sfast 115 108 2 2DIVERSION 3 2s 21 H Lunsfd 4 BribedVoter IchiBan Petrovua PetrovuaBy DIVERSION br m 5 104 OMalloyG By Sweep Dominoes 7 T OMalloy 42681 Latonia 1 138 fast 185 106 2 G 52 522 T Murray 8 Black Daw Br Voter Regain 42529 Churchl 1 l39fast 2710 107 5 3 31 31 H Thurber 5 Bl Daw Br Voter Pastoiireau 42129 Lexton 1 139 fast 95 103 1 1 11 I1 H Thurber 6 St Isidore HarKing Frcuttcr 41996 Oaklwn InYTOy l43Hfast 125 106 1 3 21 21 H Cassity G UnFire StIsidore D Williams 41897 Oaklwn 34 l14hvy 8 102 2 3 3 3s H Cassity 3 American Ace Ultima Thule 41440 FGnds 1 l44Vshvy 45 115 3 1 11 11 R Pauley 5 KBright FHandley KiNoor 41355 FGnds 1 l39fast 21 106 1 1U296 1 1 1 R Pauley 7 T Bon KohiNoor KBriglit U296 FGnds 1 116 l45fast 12 99 3 3DRASTIC 4 4 4 C Robson 4 Rce Rools Courtship Bolster BolsterBy DRASTIC b o 4 112 112426S1 By Hastings Dragnet G E Patterson 426S1 Latonia 1 138 fast 11 103 G 8 8 Sto J Dreyer 8 Black Daw Br Voter Regalo 42573 Churchl 1116 l48hvy 3 109 3 2 2 23 H Lunsfd 3 Beaverkill Under Fire 42460 Churchl 1 l42mud 5 112 3 3 3to 35J H Lunsfd 4 Exterminator Flyaway Wave 42304 Churchl lm70yl4S hvy 125 109 3 2 22 11 H Lunsfd 6 Jim Heffering Omoud Hanovia 42074 Oaklwn Im70y l43fast 75 115 2 4 22 2 C Robson 4 Iwin Thinker Dick Williams 41917 Oaklwn Im70y l44f ast 21 lit 1 5 41 2 M Garner 5 UnderFire SlipElm GrcyEagla 41799 Oaklwn Im70y 144 fast 115 114 3 5 5 633 E Hayjies 5 GreyEagle SlipElm Reveler 41720 Oaklwn Im70yl437ifast 95 111 4 4GREY 3 3 341 M Garner 4 Exterminator Lucky B Ticket TicketBy GREY EAGLE gr c 4 106 By Grey Leg Memoria II F Gering Jr 42387 Churchl 1 l42mud 21 107 2 3 G1 610 J Hanover S Herald SofPlsnrc DrCarmen 42009 Oaklwn 1 18 l52fcfast 6 109 1 2 22 2 A Johnson G KewONeU Omond MistPolly 41970 Oaklwn 1 116 149 mud 10 111 2 4 G2 6 A Johnson G HarKing SofPleasure Obolua 41917 Oaklwn Im70y l41fast 5 102 2 2 21 43i H Cassity 5 UnderFire Drastic SlipElm 41837 Oaklwn 1 116 l4GJfcfast 41 104 2 3 3s 3Z C Brown 5 Harvest King SlipElm Obolua 41799 Oaklwn Im70y 144 fast 7 99 2 3 3 1 H Cassity 5 SlipElm Reveler Bar Shannon 41710 Oaklwn 1 116 l47fast 710 115 1 1 1 I2 D ConnllylO Aldebaran Ellison Aug Ueinze 41671 Oaklwn 34 114 fast 7 113 1 1AURUM 2 24 2s X ConnllylO Port Light Liberator CMaster CMasterBy AURUM b c 4 112 By Mushroom Royal Anno J Livingston 42703 Latonia 31 l123fast 46 111 C 5 4 43 w Crump 0 Leochares Herald Hendrie 42529 Churchl 1 l39fast 23 100 4 4 41 G10 C Robson Bl Daw Br Voter Diversion 42241 Lexton 1 18 151 fast 6 1041 5 6 4 5 6 513 O Willis 5 Omond Hocnir Herald 40197 Bowie 1 l42fast 9 101 1 5 5 5 5 4J1 H Myers 5 Matinee Idol Kashmir Ballast 40304 Pimlico 1 12 231fast 15f 103 14 13 132 13 G Walls 15 I Smith OKhayyam Eterator 40291 Pimlico 1 116 146 fast 22 103 7 6 61 6 1 H Lunsfd 7 CornTassel Stromboli SMastor 40225 Laurel 1 116 145 fast 16 106 5 2 24 2S4 A Collins 5 Franklin Valor Smart Money 40198 Laurel 118 l52f ast 14 10415 3 2l 2ll A Collins 5 Exterminator RedSox Tombolo TomboloBy UNCLE WHITE ch o 3 104 By Uncle Busy Lass J F Schorr SchorrG 42681 Latonia 1 138 fast 2S 99 7 6 G G 62 6 ° 2 J Mooney 8 Black Daw Br Voter Regalo 42589 Churchl 34 l12rast 12 110 9 9 9 6 ° 6U H Lunsfd 9 American Ace MadgeF Omond 42531 Churchl 1 l39fast 41 108 4 6 5 6 Gl STi H Lunsfd 8 Jorice Clermont Linden 39495 Saratoga 61 f l10Khvy 7 2 31 69i L Gentry 7 Uns Lassie Tapageur Tetley 39402 Saratoga 34112fast 30 13 13 llJ H LunsrdlS SweepOn WarMrvel LRoscbud 39092 Latonia 34 l13fast 2710 114 9 8 102 9lz W J OBnl4 Batter Cake Cerinus HRoberts 38703 Latonia 58 lOOV4fast 45 112 6 2 11 lk w J OBn G Ticklish Lancelot Jago 3S620 Latonia 41 f 54 fast 95 112 6 4 1 1 1 W J OBnlO 811 Light ColHarrlson SlrBean J J MURDOCK b h 6 110 By Contestor Grotesque J Umensetter 40526 Latonia 34 l16mud 8 103 6 3 44 412 C Brown G DavCraig Optunity LLuxnry 40505 Latonia 31 l13good 11 104 3 3 3a 55J N Barrett 7 Sedan Bon Tromp Skilcs Knob 40487 Latonia 34 l14good 41 113 2 2 4J 73 F Murphy 7 HGear BParadise HamiltonA 40358 Latonia 34 l15slop 41 1131 4 434112fast 2 22 321 C Hunt G Skiles Knob Pullur Fellcidad 40316 Latonia 34112fast 1C 115 1 G 6Z 8 J C Hunt 12 Bnghurst CaneRun DrCruien 40044 Churchl 34 l13fast 41 102 5 4 4 32 F Smith 5 Dragoon DavidCralg Sk Knob 39931 Churchl 34 l12fast 4 102 5 4 G1 5 1 F Smith 8 Purdey Cane Run Kiuney 39890 Douglas 34 l12fast 2710 114 6 4 G2 G H Shillins 7 Cane Run Kinney David Craig CraigB GENERAL HAIG b c 3 342TSS B Dick Welles My Fair Kentucky J S Hawkins 42TSS Churchl 1 1S l51fast 6 3 31 4ci II LunsCd G Bellsolar Clermont Linden 42528 Churchl 1 116 145 fast 245 3 3 ° 31 R Troise G Flyaway DanSpray Brimful 42481 Churchl 34 llGhvy 12 4 4s 472 R Troise 7 Jago Mormon GalliCurci 42445 Churchl 34 l14hvy 6 7 74 714 R Troise 9 St Bernard Sam Reh Mormon 40441 Latonia 34 117 hvy 175 1 2 I C VnDun 8 Dixie Carroll Emanale Parking 40257 Latonia 61 f lOSslop 11 2 2 2 J Williamsl2 Silvery Light Emanale Zuleiku 40042 Churchl 6i f l07Vifast 4if 9 91 8 3 J Morys 12 McVex Stockwell Serbian 39949 Churchl 51 f l07fast 25 25JAS 8 61 6 i H Stearns 11 War Paint Bugle Call Twiford TwifordBy JAS T CLARK br c 4 By Dick Finnell Paradise Won J W Schorr 42718 Latonia 34 l15hvy 7 742GG7 2 2V ink H Lunsfd 4 Top Coat Poking Up S Knob 42GG7 Latonia 34 112 fast 2G 3 7 710 II Lunsfd 7 Basil Am Ace TothMorning 42614 Churchl 34 l12fast 31 7 7l 6S2 H Lunsfd 9 Maj Parke Rancher BlackDaw 42406 Churchl 34 114 stow 40 6 G2 G14 J Kederis 7 Pr of Como Lucky II UighCost 42346 Churchl 34 l12fast 74 743S128 4 G1 7i J Kederis 10 BlackieDaw Rancher HighCost 3S128 Empire Ab34 l08fast 25 253S8G2 4 4 41 E Pool 4 Flags Star Spangled Enfilade 3S8G2 Latonia 34 l12fast 18 1838G77 3 51 63 H Lunsfd 7 FCake P of Como JJMurdock 38G77 Latonia 34 l12fast 39 6 61 51S D Connlly 7 The Porter Quietude Korbly