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SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming Oct 7 1916 143 3 122 KINGFISHER ch g 6 109 By Sea King Ida B T E Crist 42123 ILdeGce 118156 good 45 106 8 7 6 642C97 4Z 34 L Fator 9 Luther Slceth Royat 42C97 HdeGce Im70yl45iast 6 103 10 8 5 51 31 S Wida 12 Ind Chant SimonPure AlmnB 42057 HdeGce Im70yl51 hvy G 107 8 10 10 5 34 S Wida 11 Coinacho Vtr Yell G M MilliT 41933 Havana 1 14 206 fast 4 113 3 3 2 22 1s A Finley 8 John W Klein Bac Diadi 41904 Havana 1 140 fast 1 110 3 G 5 4J 21 II Thurber 7 FostEmbry Vocabulary ivtlar 41826 Havana Im50y l43fast 75 107 7 7 8 I2 2l S Wida 9 Dalrose KkingKid Vocabulary 41783 Havana Im50y l51slop 65 106 1 3 3 2 1s S Wida 7 Arbitrator An Edgar S Hiart 41735 Havana 1 14 205 fast 21 110 6 4 5 5RHYMER 63 4 J Pitz S Lytle Fritz Ernst Solid Rock RockBr RHYMER ch g 5 109 Br Salvation La Poeta J jr Troxler 42574 Churchl 1 18 l58hvy 8 107 3 2 4 3l 31 T Murray H Ksildor Nominee Quito 42280 Lexton 34 117 mud 25 1111 9 8 41 25 R Simpson 9 WoWisilom LMexn EGrson 42188 Lexton 1 116 l51hvy 14 104 9 8 7 6 7 T Murray 11 Little String Irregular llouilo 42036 Oaklwn 1 116 l48yBslow 15 110 8 8 8 8 820 AV Crump 8 Tito Mab Ninety Slmpbx 41983 Oaklwn 1 l43fast 12 115 6 7 6 6415S3 5o 6 1 W Crump 7 IMtVrtH FofSteel SWJnson 415S3 Jefson 1 18 205 mud 8 112 4 2 2 2U567 4 410 R Troxler K Bombast BUampHon SBM ri k U567 Jefson 1 116 l51slow 125111 133 133U483 410 4 n Troxler 5 PaulConnolly ItRock llomlcist U483 FGnds Im20y l45hvy 6 111 4 6 5 5PAULA 4 4 ° R Troxler 8 DDodgo Marlauao Kinglliiull KinglliiullBy PAULA V br f 4 100 10042GS3 By Marathon Miss Alort Knebelkamp It Hower Howerton ton tonG 42GS3 Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 15f 102 1 2 3 3422S5 G 6si W Wright 12 Danwr Sunflasli Chlllum 422S5 Lexton 1 18 l58mud 2710 991 1 3 3 3 3s T Murray G Cli Barklcy Klngozl Almino 42173 Lexton Im70y l48Hhvy 54 105 1 2 2 6 G1 C Brown 7 Babylyiuh Flapper Mlroctor 42132 Lexton Im70y l44fast 10 108 4 2 2 31 71 C Brown 1U Rtcroso Kcnwnril Butcher Boy 41859 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 145105 533 21 2 C Brown 9 Bobllinsley D Roberts Cnitinv 41776 Oaklwn 1116149 slow 8 10712 1 1 11 34J C Brown 9 CSpriug Boriliooiiix SUrchin 41738 Oaklwn 1 116 147 fast 10 104 2 2 2 241C9S y 3 C Brown G Medusa Barb Shilling Sunflasl 41C9S Oaklwn 1 116 l4Sfast G 103 6 5 6 GJ G j C Brown 12 K of Stiel Luktmae Suntlash JACK o 4 113 By Ossary Mizpah L A Seregni 42457 Churchl 1153 mud 7 163 3 3 3 4 4 2 Lt Conn 8 Ettahe Harry Shaw Tanlac 42343 Churchl 34 l13fast 13 112 6 68 81 8 D Connllyll Kildare Hoy DavidCralg VJsion 42076 Oaklwn Im70y 146 fast 2 113 3 1 1 1 1 1J H Cassity 8 Miss WOlls S Gatewood Leta 42049 Oaklwn Im70y l46fast 7 114 1 1 1 1 11 Ink H Cassity 0 TODowcl SSnTime Scrgeman 41995 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 75 111 1 1 1 21 In D Connlly S Wo Wisdom Mab F Monroe 41914 Oaklwn 61 t 108 fast 136 112 2 85 4 2 D Connllyl2 RStricklniid Liberator AJack 41750 Oaklwn 34 l15slow 8 116 6 6 5 P 6 M Garner 7 This Green BobA KlrstlcsCub 41706 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 3i 115 3 4 3 31 2 M Garner 10 UGBuscli Bathilde ElizMarie ElizMarieTHISTLE THISTLE GREEN Ilk m 6 109 By Knight of the Thistle Evergreen O E Ham ¬ ilton 42707 Latonla 1 11C 146 fast 15 110 4 C 4 4 4i Bi J Groth 12 Philistine Jack Hill SenJnmes 42591 Churchl 1 11C l4Gfast 22 113 9 7 7 6 72 7 N Barrett 12 Bandymo Tanlac Bonnie Tess 42442 Churchl 34 l15hvy 31 10712 10 7 C1 2 N Barrett 12 liluise Marse John Vansylvla 42126 Lex ton F C l10fast C 108 7 6 4 4i 2J II J Burkeli Nepe LadyRachel HBurgoyne 41750 Oaklwn 34 l15slow 31 113 2 43 11 l N Barrett 7 IJob A Kirstiea Cub Ettabe Ettabe4149GPGnds 4149GPGnds 1 116 lG2hvy 95 103 631 1 1 1 H J Burke 8 Kebo Al Pierce Jason 41438 FGnds 61 f 109 hvy G 110 9 744 3 M Garner 11 Romeo Ettnlie Minawand 41295 FGnds ImTOy 147 fast 165106 753 1 1J 2n M Garner 12 Philistine JWnkely FofSteel FofSteelBLACK BLACK BROOK ch g 8 111 By Broomstick Black Venus L A Capps Capps42T91 42T91 Churchl 1 11C l4Gfast 23 112 2 3 5 11 12 12 L Gentry li Randymo Tanlac Bonnie Tess 41278 FGnds 1 I1G l49fast 41 106 534 4 6s GSJ II Wakoft 14 GorRoberts Brando Philistine 40983 F Gnds 1 116 l47fast 8 111 C 8 8 6 7 31 N Barrett 14 Mab Don Dodge Rbymer Rbymer40S95 40S95 FGnds 1 llt3 151 pood 10 110 8 9 9 9 71 C J Metcalf 10 Daedalus Tportation Gleipner 40846 FGnds 1 116 l54hvy 10 112 6666 4 4 i J Mooney 10 Willdo Dervish EdlthBaiimann 40609 Jefson 1143 good 7 110 646 4 Si 2l A Johnsonl2 Lucky R Hose Sea Urchin 40590 Jefson Im70y l49good 8 110 4 4 0 6 6B G41 C Brown 7 Parrish Rof Autumn Blazonry 40048 Churchl 1 18 l53fast 8 107 4 3 5 5 4s 471 J Mooney 7 Lottery Benefactor Fair Orient OrientSANDY SANDY LAO b f 6 114 By Sandringham Belle of Memphis A C Dumestre 42707 Latonla 1116146 fnst 15f 110 9 C S 9 9 aISW Wright 11 Philistine Tack Hill SenTami s 42629 Churchri 1 18 l52fast 120 104 2 4 4 4 G2 6 W Wright 10 Rookery Capt Burns Nashville 42526 Churchl 34114 fast lOf 10611 10 10 K 6 L Canfieldl2 Dance McVex Harry D 42416 Churchl 34 l13fast 86 114 10 10 10 8 811 M Garner 12 Star Baby BillleBv SisterSusie 42330 Churchl 34 l13fast 72f 104 10 98 7l 74 W Ridenr 11 PortLight BParadise Squeeler 41593 Jefson 34 llGslow 4 109 6 4 4 6 6 3 G PreeceJr C Romeo Toddler Valerie West 41574 Jefson 34 116 fast 10 104 4 6 6 6 6 S Sndman 7 Onicoi John Jr Blllie B 41321 FGnds 51 f l09good IB 121 6 3 5 8 8 J Metcalf 8 Sabretash Squeeler Blalse BlalseKILKENNY KILKENNY ch g 5 542CS3 106 By Celt Fairy Sprite M J Lowenstein 42CS3 Latonia 1 110 l46fast K 108 10 10 11 11 115 11 = G Stock 12 Dancer Snirflash Chilluin 3X215 Churchl 1 116 l4Sfust 18 108 11 9 8 7 10l 11 D Connllyll Parr Sandstone II Schemer Schemer3VC73 3VC73 Oaklwn Im70y l4GRood 5 108 8 S 6 9 12 12 D Connllyl2 Uhymer Ben Levy Kins K 37616 Oaklwn 1 116 l48fast 31 1101111 7 8 91 10 D Connllyl2 BeauMorn Sliimberer AHelo AHelo3C204 3C204 Latonia Im70y l441tfast 43 107 810 9 10 9l 712 II Stearns 11 Jack Snipe Clare Rhymer 35091 Latonia 1 116 l46good 1 107 11 G 4 71 7 D Connllyll Jovial Dr Tuck Jack Snipe 35877 Churchl 1 116 l49good 185 109111 63 2 9 9ls J Wllliamsll Jessie C Jovial Nashville Nashville25C91 25C91 Douglas 1 116 l47fast 30 101 8 2 2 1 32 21 H Stearns 12 Lucile P Rhymer Gainer DR SAMUEL br g 8 111 By Bryn Mawr LardeUa W Perkins Perkins424J5 424J5 Churchl 1 14 2llmud 12 102 5 6 6 6 G1 4 C Robson SazyNamy El Rey Irregular Irregular423S9 423S9 Churchl 1116 l49mud 103 110171110 9 9o 8 R Simpsonll High Low JIauokin Raider 42146 Lexton 1 116 l46Vfcfast 7 105 5 5 4 4 61B 6 H J Burke 8 Hocnir Alhena Brow McDawell McDawell2C948 2C948 FGnds Im70y 143 fast 10 11011 998 101 10 W Kelsay 12 SlirpFrost JLouise PaddyDeai PaddyDeai3C881 Eulogy3C642 3C881 FGnds Im70y l45fast 7 107 6 4 4 4 21 31 D ConnHy 9 Marianao Broom Sweeptl Eulogy 3C642 Jefson Im70y l468low 115110 134 G 4 4 i W Kelsay 7 His Nibs BabyLyncb FLegend FLegend3Cn79 3Cn79 Jefson 1 l41good 15 111 5 5 4 4 41 6 i W Kelsay 5 DickWilliams Polroma BellBoj BellBojS6GG3 S6GG3 Jefson Im70y l46slow 10 108 9 7 7 7 6l 6 W Kelsay 0 ChLeader LibSands LazyLou PASTIME b e 4 105 1053S792 By Marathon Europa J B Respess 3S792 Latonia 34 113 good llf 97 8 8 9 81 83 J Majestlcl2 Sirocco Clairvoyant Nepe 34 114 fast 29f 107 10 10 12 12 12 X Gentry 12 Azalea StormBound PConnelly S46S6 Windsor 58 l06slow 42 107 8 99 10i 11 L Gentry 12 CACoiskey StrtRight Desire DesireS4480 S4480 Sincerity341CO Windsor 58 l03good 26 108 4 3 6 61 6 1 L Gentry 12 BlueParadise Cobrita Sincerity 341CO Latonia 34 l14V fast 6910 109 3 4 4 7 71 L Gentry 1 Ambuscade WBrady JackHlll JackHlllS4063 S4063 WBradyS3798 Latonla Gl f l09M slow 195 109 1 2 2 61 93 L Gentry 10 But Boy Ambuscade WBrady S3798 Latonla 58 l02fast 41 115 4 44 2J 14 L Gentry 12 KTrorato MBonero GDuncan GDuncan3t732 3t732 Latonla 6S l01fast 41 111 4 44 91 9 L Gentry 10 Nepe Butcher Boy Great Gull KINGOZI b g 4 M 110 By Eyebrow Sandringham Belle Speyer Gorm Gormley ley422S5 ley 422S5 T exton 1 18 lS8mud 20 105 2 2 2 2 2 = i O Willis 6 Chick Barkley Paula V Almino 41241 Lexton 1 14 206fast 83 106 8 8 8 6s 6 i N Barrett Jt Bajazet Bliefactor DofShelby 4212 Lexton Im70y l5314hvy 48 112 666 6 6 2 6 W Meehan 7 Cntilever Gourmand Hndbhie Hndbhie4U527 4U527 Latonia 1 11C l52mud 94 110 4 7 8 7 8 7 C Brown 8 Bourbon Lad Jiffy Redmon 40501 Latonia 34 l14 good llf 114 12 12 11 9l 91 J Wolstml2 Brig of War Holda Cap Hodge 40429 Latonia 1 116 l52hvy 65 106 9 9 9 9 7 C11 C VnDun J H Breivogel Pulaski CHodge XltTKE OF SHELBY blk g B 111 By Stalwart Piseco W E Matthews j 42435 Churchl 1 14 2llmud SO 107 4 3 3 G 6 6 = W Hoag 5 SazyNamy El Rey Irregular 42409 Churchl 118154 slow 75 109 G Go 6 6l 61S J Bell 7 Pastoureau Mis Polly Redluiid 42244 Lexton 1 14 206fast 62 1101 765 5 45 331 J Bell 9 Bajazet Benefactor F Monroe 42075 Oaklwn Im70y l45fast 30 108 7 C 7 G 7 7 J Bell 11 Mab Scourgeman Willdo 42034 Oaklwn 1 116 l49slow 10 110 6 6 6 G 6V 511 J Bell i F Monroe Yerniak L Cocbran 42007 Oaklwn Im70y l46fast 30 1101010 7 7 51 451 J Bell 11 Br Favorite Yermak Caraway 41839 Oaklwn 1 316 201 fast 30 109J10 9 9 9 8 7 L Stalker 10 BofPhenix Willdo Tksgiving 41764 Oaklwn 1 18 l57hvy 20 110 7776 6 6 N Burger 7 Ellison Waterproof Aztec AztecAlso Also eligible to start hi order named should any of the above be scratched scratchedAMBUSCADE AMBUSCADE IT g 4 113 By Sweep Ethelberta Capps Miller 42244 Lexton 1 14 206fast 11 101 1214 5n 5 T Murray 9 Bajazet Ilncfactor DofShelby 42210 Viguola421CO Lexton 1 11C l55hvy 6 106 4 5 G 4 33 33i E Pool r Corydun St Jude Viguola 421CO Lexton 1 110 l49mud 107 105 7 10 11 11 9 9 C Brown 11 Redlaud Hondo Frank Monroe Boy41C23 42132 Lexton Im70y l44fefast 20 112 12 10 11 10 8l 8 1 S Wolstml2 Regreso Kenwftrd Butcher Boy 41C23 Jefson Im20y l45 fast 8 109 7 6 7 6 3s lt S WolsfmlC SMarjorie Dundreary SsJnej 41603 Jefson Im70y 148 good15 104 144 4 G 4s G PreeceJr 8 GorRoberts Boxer FrMonroe 41686 Jefson Im20y l46slow 25 109 7 6 5 6 6 5 Wolstmltt Uoiidini Pas Fancy BrotiBilly BrotiBillyALDEBARAN ALDEBARAN b g 10 111 By Planudes Passan M Goldblatt 42405 Churchl 1 18 l55alow 44 106 10 8 6 6 9s 918 C RobsonlO Bogart Flapper El Rey 42334 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 29 104 11 11 9 9 9 C Rbbsonll Fair Orient Parr Sungold 42024 Oaklwn 1 18 1 5rfast 1110 108 12 76 4 31 351 C Robsonl2 Tksgiving BLevy NoManager 41S19 Oaklwn Im70y l47fast 21 115 6 Fell D ConnllylS SWJhnson Lukemae VernaB 41776 Oaklwn 1116149 slow 65 114 9 7 6 6 B EJ D Connlly 9 CSpring BofPhoenix Paula V 41710 Oaklwn 1 116 l47fast 185 115 2 4 2 3 21 2s W Crump 10 Grey Eagle Ellison AugHeinze 41674 Oaklwn 1 18 l54fast 21 115 6 6 4 3 21 21 D Connlly 9 LString Thnksgiving Crankle 41528 FGnds Im70y l45fast 95 108 6 6 4 4 6l 6 G Molesth 8 Harry Brelvogel Parr Alhena BUCK NAIL blk g 7 106 By Leonid Bessie Rembert F Mallory 40479 Bowie 1 14 211 fast 11 108 6 4 4 4 2s 2 R Pauley 8 Luther Baby Sister Royat 40412 Bowie 1 14 2lr hvy 75 101 6 G 4 3 3 51 R Denyse 7 Stir Up Egraont Miss Fnnnta Fnnnta403TC 403TC Bowie 1 12 239fefast 8 104 1 3 3 3 23 2 It Denyse 7 PandCalls Duii Amalgamator 40527 Bowie 1 116 l50fast 135f 104 5 4 6 3 11 2l R Denyse 15 Amalgamator Kebo Oehone 40213 Laurel 1 11C l47fast I3f 107 10 13 12 12 II2 111 R Pauley 14 Tie Pin Lazy Lou GalleyHcad 40114 Laurel 1 14 207 good 38 111 4 3 3 1 G1 5 D Stirling 11 SkyPilot GoldcrestBoy Grouse 40051 Laurel 1 18 153 fast 33 110 7 6 7 6 G3 Si 11 Pauley 7 Bierman Lazy Lou BHampsoti BONNIE TESS ch m 6 109 By Star Shoot last Cherry S T Baxter 42591 Churchl 1 116 l4Cfast 14 113 111 2 3 3s R Trbise 12 Bandymo Tanlac Rookery 42422 Churchl 1 116 l47Mifast 3910 102 8 79 9 9 911 C Rbbsonl2 CaptBurns GoldGlow Chillnm 42369 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 34f 110 133 2 21 2 t R Troise 12 Hondo Sea Urchin Lucile P 42272 Lexton 1 18 l56mud 56 101 2 3 3 3 3 = 43 G W Car 1 8 Hondo Waterproof Bogart 42243 Lexton 1 116 l46fast 39 106 6 4 6 9 7i 6 1 C Brown 9 Lucky R Rookery Saseuta 42174 Lexton Im70y l49hvy 19 110 3 1 6 6 G1 6 J Pitz 8 Mi s Gove Sasenta Azalea 41759 Havana lm50y l44fast 3 112 222 1 Ink I1 A Pickens 7 Guide Post Austral Crystal Day DaySOPHIA SOPHIA GATEWOOD br m 5 104 By Hadford Determination P J Miles 42485 Churchl 1 116 l53hvy 18 108 4 8 5 5 8s 8 E Donhuell M Rose II Sungold Dioscoride 42076 Oaklwn Im70y 146 fast 6 103 1 2 2 2 31 32 J Mclntyre 8 Jack K Miss Wells Leta 42037 Oaklwn 1 116 l48slow 4 100 4 2 2 1 1 1 C Robson 9 Parrish LitString DkeryDare 41963 Oaklwn 34 llCmud 10 110 7 66 61 6 3 II Stearns 12 Velvet Huffaker Tom Caro 4163 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 165 107 8 8 2 1 3 3 H EricksnU Handfull EBaumn HRiches 41602 Jefson Im70y l47Rood 31 109 4 4 4 3 2 21 H EricksnlO Pluviada Margery LCochran 41576 Jefson 1 116 l51fast 21 106 2 2 6 4 3 G3J tJ PreeceJr 9 Tranby John Hurie Boxer BoxerBUNFLASH BUNFLASH ch m 5 104 By Peep qDay Algie M O Senn Senn426S3 426S3 Latonia 1 110 l4Cfast 52 103 7 5 5 3 2 i 2 H J Burkel2 Dancer Chillum Circulate 42383 Churchl 34 l14mud 64 10710 10 10 11 ll19 Garner 11 BBJohnson Circulate SJames 42050 Oaklwn Im70y l47fast 41 103 7 6 6 7 2i 1 H Stearns 11 Ben Levy Bengali Huffaker 41985 Oaklwn 1 l43fast 135 105 3 6 1 1 1 2l O Willis 10 Saadi Ben Levy Strikebreaker Strikebreaker41S6 41S6 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 8 104 11 9 9 6 6 = 6tz II Stearns 12 Bryne B Shilling Stkebreaker 41789 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 3 104 11 7 6 1 4 3 H Stearns 12 Rookery Verna B Gourmand 41738 Oaklwn 1 116 147 fast 5 107 5 6 5 6 4l 41 H Stearns C Medusa Barb Shilling Paula V