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LIBERTYVI LIES MEETING PROGRESSES Second Days Program Carried Out with a Chang in Speculative Methods The second day of the Libertyville meeting passed off smoothly except that in the case of the fifth race a portion of the spectators thought the judges had made an error in placing Anna Jackson first in a close finish with Claude Walker and made a noisy fuss in voicing their disagreement with the official placing It stood however as always in sucli cases As on the first day the racing was well con ¬ tested and interesting in a spectacular way but some changes appeared in methods outside of the racing projjer The miituel betting of the first day was discontinued and such wagering as took place was in the handbooking style and with as much secrecy as was possible under the circum ¬ stances As 500 would be a liberal estimate of the number of patrons it Is not probable any great amounts changed hands Presumably the change was due to a letter from AttorneyGeneral Brundage to Sheriff Green of Lake County which in part read as follows followsAs As sheriff of Lake County you are by virtue of your office the conservator of the peace within the county and it is your statutory duty to keep the same to suppress breaches of the peace and prevent crime crimeFor For some considerable time complaints have been made to the governor and to myself that running races were to be conducted In Libertyville for tho purpose of wagering bets upon the results of the races Yesterday was the first day the races were open to the public and my Investigators found that gambling was being openly and flagrantly conducted and that under the grand stand booths were ar ¬ ranged at which any person could wager bets upon the results of the races and the evidence was by pasteboard ticket The successful holder of the ticket afterward cashed the same at the cashiers window The gambling touts were mingling with the spectators giving confidential tips and by that means engaging the spectators to bet It is needless for me to repeat to you the laws of this In relation to gambling My purpose in writing you is to insist that you perform your official duty and prevent this flagrant violation of the laws of Illinois CountyIt within Lake County It ought not to be necessary for the state of ¬ ficials to be compelled to act and I take It for granted that upon receipt of the information con ¬ tained In this letter you will cause to be arrested all persons betting or aiding the gambling at the race track referred to