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Aqueduct Entries and Past Performances for Monday July 7 7WEATHEB WEATHEB CLEAB TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Bee In the entries below show tho best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record wai made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race G 12 Furlongs Furlongs3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record May 5 1910 118 4 122 Todays Ind Horse Wt Bee AWtHan 430531 Torchbearer 103 118 5 122X750 1204 f Right Angle 4 112X745 4297 t Nightstick 110 118 9 122X740 43029 Housemaid 109 121 11 117X740 41353 = TlngaLing 115 120 G 115X740 42SSO Sedan 5 110 740 42895 Poachor 100 121 4 118X740 43044s Goldvale 3 90 735 43053 Tack Leary 3 105 735 43027 Paddy 112 119 4 108X735 405522 Manoevre 3 1001735 42S T Billio 1 G 115X735 43043 Cobalt Lass 105 l21m 4 103X735 42891 Osgood 3 95 730 40100 Aunt Dinah 3 105X730 43027 Sweeplet 3 90 730 42933 Orderly 112 121 G 115 730 42795 Favour 118 120 G 110X730 43018 Uncles lassie 104 124 h 3 95X730 39984 Master Karma 113 121 5 110X725 42949 Apple Jack II 3 103720 43053 Scotch Verdict Verdict42S02 109 120 3 105 720 720G 42S02 Hubbub G 1100720 42048 Happy Valley 4 110X720 42937 Court Gallant 3 103X715 43027 Unwise Child 3 95 95715 95715n102 715 43027 Thos F McMahon102 n102 121 3 100X705 42853 Overmatch 31 4 110 705 705tKentucky tKentucky Stable entry P S P Randolph entry Torchbearer is fast and good goodSecond Second Bace 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sept 10 1918 144 1 109 41127 llarwood II 125148 7115X725 42795 Mountain Kose II 108 145 G 113720 43005 Buckboard 105 145 1ft 5113X715 42232 GM Miller lltt 147 121150715 12851 Goaler 310S710 42992 Tapagcur 102 148 3 108X710 42795 Gala Dress 120152 5 98 705 42992 King John 110 147 4 113705 42910 Tie Pin 107147 7108X705 43077 Malice M 4103X700 4103X70042S54 42S54 Alma B 97 146 5 10SX700 10SX700If If fit and ready Harwood II is best Third Bace 116 Hiles Borrow Selling Handicap upwardTrack 3rycarolds and upward Track record Sept 10 1918 144 4 109 43005 Tenons Boil 113145 4 118 750 Todays Ind Horse Wt Bee AWtHan 43018 Marchesa II 98148 3105x745 42905 Belle Mahone 107147 5110x740 43057 African Arrow 105 145 4 114X740 42892 Frederick the Greatlll 147 4 114X740 430532 Kilts II 110147 5 122 740 74042988s 42988s Game Cock Ill l40s 4 112x735 112x73542895s 42895s Daddys Choice 98 145 fi 1140735 11407354291H1 11407354291H1 4291H1 Lord Herbert 101 148 4 105X735 105X73543057t 105X73543057t 43057t Ticket 108 145 5 1100730 110073043017f 110073043017f 43017f Snapdragon II 109 145 4 119 730 40453 Air Man 115140 G 114 730 730fA fA Miller entry Tenons Bons last race would win here hereFourth Fourth Bace 1 Mile Iroquois Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds Track record July 1 191G 13C 8 114 42991 NATURAL BRIDGE 97 137 112X750 43012 Leading Star 112140 117 740 430302 Thunderclap 101 137 117X740 117X74042SS1 42SS1 Blairgowrie 85 137 108735 43042 Chasseur 117 140 108 725 43015 Duchess Lace 113 139 108X725 108X725Natural Natural Bridge seems easily best here hereFifth Fifth Bace 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds ClaimingTrack 3yearolds arid upward Claiming Track record Sept 10 1918 144 1 109 42940 Marr Belle Ill 1 40 5 111725 11172543017s 43017s Comme Ci 109 145 3 108X720 42879 Zinnia 108148 5103X715 42992 Sasin 107145 G115X715 43044 Plarenzi 91 149 3 95 715 430442 John I Day 101 146 4 108X715 42992 Lucius 113 147 5 118X710 43044 Charles Francis 1074147 7115x710 43014 Stitch in Time 97 147 4 103X710 42992 Sunny Hill 105 147 4 108X705 42940 Paddy Dear 100 146 5 118x705 42940 Millrace 105146 4108X700 4108X700Mary Mary Belle is a speedy mare mareSixth Sixth Bace 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record July G 1916 111 3 116 11643032s 43032s Gladiator 115 725 43032 Anzac 115 720 43032 Furlough 115 715 43001 American Boy 115 715 71543040f 43040f Midian 115 710 43032 Le Glorious 115 705 43058 Eastern Glow 112 705 70543074st 43074st Ace of Aces 115 700 42980 Sir Clarence 115 700 43003 Pointex 115 700 700Teachers Teachers Pet b f by Out of Reach Sclioolmarm 112 Captain Alcock ch c by Ogdeii Mallard 115 La Rablee b f by Rebelais La LaFlambce Flambce 112 fR F Carman entry Gladiator ran well in his last nice