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LATONIA FORM CHART COVINGTON KY SATURDAY JULY 6 1919 Latonia Twentyeighth and last day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 28 days Weather clear temperature 85 ° Stewards Chas F Price S C Nuckols Jr and S Goodpaster Placing Judges W H Shelley Edward Jasper and N H McClelland Starter A B Bade Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racing starts at 21 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance ZLQARCk riKST RACE 34 Mile June 27 1914111 5 116 Purse 1200 3yearolds and TcOvfOO upward Claimingr Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 42871 BRIG OF WAR w 4 100 5 6 51 22 I2 I C Robson D Lehan 185100 42942 TIAJAN w G 107 24 3 i 4 3H 2 E Pool J L Solomon 1850100 1850100In 42813 ARCH PLOTTER WE 6 102 3 3 In ij 21 3nk T Murray Knebelkamp Howerton 4CO100 43007 J J MURDOCK WB 6 107 12 11 11 ° 8i 5l 4 H Thurber J Umensetter 233100 233100Gl 42972 42972SOSIUS SOSIUS w 8 1111 7 7 Gl G 61 51 D Connlly C R Richards 5260100 42629 FRANK MONROE w 5 107 1 8 71 71 71 C H Lunsfd 1 A Seregni t 42884 C A COMISKEY w 4 108 8 1 21 31 4 7 J Hanover M E Williams 6090100 60901004295CDISCORD 42956DISCORD w 3 97 11 10 101 II10 9l 83 W Ridenr R F Coppaee t t421743AZALEA 42 42174s 421743AZALEA 174s AZALEA w 4 106 9 2 2429423MONEY 8l 102 81 91 S Wolstm M J Rooney 3125100 3125100429423MONEY 429423MONEY w v 5 107 10 9 91 91 101 102 J Mclntyre W F Knebelkamp 1380100 1380100420C8 42968 LILLIAN G w 3 101 4 5 5420i8ROCHESTER 4 51 11101112 O Willis A Muckenfuss 2925100 292510042018ROCHESTER 420i8ROCHESTER WB VB 6 102 6 12 12 12 12 12 W Wright J C Ferriss G210100 G210100tMutnnl tMutnnl Held Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 nmtnels paid Brig of War 570 straight 370 place 300 show Tiajan field 770 place 300 show Arch Plotter 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Brig of War 185 to 100 straight 85 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Tiajan field 285 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Arch Plotter 60 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Bridge of Allan War Lass trained by D Lehan bred in England by Mr H Long Jr Went to post at 213 At post 2 minutes Start poor and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BRIG OF WAR showing improvement over his last race came fast in the stretch to win easing up TIAJAN well up from the start held on gamely in the final drive ARCH PLOTTER set a fast pace and tired in the last eighth J J MDRDOCK away badly closed an immense gap and was proba ¬ bly best FRANK MONROE ran a good race C A COMISKEY tired in the stretch AZALEA was away well but ran poorly poorlyScratched Scratched 12053 Batchler 107 43020 Bonstelle 101 43007Star Baby 104 43010 Carrie Moore 97 42972 Port Light 109 427742John Jr 107 Overweights Sosius 3l pounds C A Comiskey 1 Lillian G 4 SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs June 7 1909 105 3 83 Highland Stock Farm Purse Purse 1300 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Special Weights Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 42860 EASTER FLOWER w 112 2 1 31 21 2 Ink j pitz r Lehan Lehanw 42982 LORRAINE w 112 G 5 41 3 in 2 1 T Murray J N Camden Camdenn 42982 DIAMOND GIRL WB n 112 9 6 6430213MAYROSE 62 5 ° 52 3s H Thurber L Brb Brbsu 430213MAYROSE WSB su 112 5 52 2 5 41 4 4 J Hanover J H Baker Bakerw 42982 BARENKA w 112 S 9 Si 7l 6l 51 C Robson Waldeck Stable Stablew 43021 MISSA w 112 11 3 in 1J 3J 6 = J Howard H P Headley Headleyw 43021 PINE GROVE w 112 10 7 7 6n 7J1 72 R Simpson D W Scott ScottB 43022 SPECTALAR GIRL WB B 112 7 8 91 S1 S S8 J Morris J S Hawkins Hawkinsw 4284C AVIS DOYLE w 112 1 11 11 101 101 9 L Canfield Dolan Koors Koorsv 42943 WILD FLOWER w v 112 4 4 4BETTY 2 i 9 92 10 E Pool B J Brannon Brannonw BETTY CURRY w 112 3 10 10tMutuel 10 11 11 11 H Lunsfd O Vest tMutuel field Time 2i 23 48 100 107 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Easter Flower field 2150 straight 880 place 520 show Lorraine 400 place 350 show Diamond Girl 5GO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Easter Flower field 975 to 100 straight 340 to 100 place ICO to 100 show Lorr ine 100 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Diamond Girl 180 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Free Lance Rose Ring trained by D Lehan bred by Mr Daniel Lehan LehanAVent AVent to post at 243 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same EASTER FLOAVER close up from the start saved much ground on the turns and got up to win in the last few strides LORRAINE ran well but tired in the last sixteenth and swerved out slightly DIAMOND GIRL began slowly and raced wide most of the way but finished fast MAYROSE ran well MISSA quit after setting a fast pace to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 130212Orlova 112 43022 Miss Patty 112 A O fdf7 THIRD RACE 34 Mile June 27 1914 111 5 116 Rose Hill Handicap Purse tOVrO 4 2000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1600 second 325 third 175 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt 43023HIGH COST w 4 116 4 2 21 3 J 22 In T Murray L Erb 360100 36010043009SEWELL 43009SEWELL COMBSwB 4 105 15 3n 21 I 2t O Willis Gallaher Bros 825100 825100430092TOP 430092TOP COAT WB 1 102 3 4 In li 21 3 1 H Lunsfd T M Botts 323100 3231004S0233T 4S0233T O TH MORGwB 7 113 7 3 41 52 41 41 H Thurber W C Weant 220100 2201004303G 4303G LADY FAIR PLAYw 3 100 26 61 41 5B 55 C RDbson W L Lewis 1375100 1375100429453GREEN 429453GREEN GRASS WB 4 103 61 7 61 61 G1 E Pool B J Brannon 925100 42920 BAIGNEUR w 3 97 5 7 6u 7 7 7 J Mooney F Gering Jr 5965100 5965100Time Time 23 46 111 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid High Cost 920 straight 560 place 380 show Sewell Combs 890 place 500 show Top Coat 330 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds High Cost 360 to 100 straight ISO to 100 place 90 to 100 show Sewell Combs 345 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Top Coat 65 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Von Tromp Mitten trained by J W Murphy bred by Mr Daniel F Egan EganWent Went to post at 315 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same HIGH COST away well and given a good ride outstayed SEWELL COMBS in the last few strides SEWELL COMBS ran a good race and saved much grouud on all the turns TOP COAT tired near the end after setting a fast pace to the stretch TOP 0 TH MORNING ran well and finished close up LADY FAIR PLAY ran well wellOverweights Overweights Top Coat 2 pounds Lady Fair Play 5 Baigneur 5 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile July 3 1919 136 4 106 Burnett W M Handicap Purse 2009 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1500 second 325 third 175 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 43036 SENGS PARK WB 3 118 4 1 31 21 23 2 Ink c Robson M Goldblatt 85100 85100430113OLD 430113OLD ROSEBUD w S 12G 2 2 I1 ink I 11 210 T Murray F D Weir 145100 14510042U832GINGER 42U832GINGER w 3 100 3 4 4 4 3s 3s 3 H Thurber H H Hewitt 1125100 43024 STEVENSON w 4 100 1 3 21 3J 4 4 4 W Wright W J Young 2925100 2925100Time Time 24 48 122 136 equals track record Track fast 2 mutuels paid Scnnings Park 370 straight 230 place Old Rosebud 250 place no show mu ¬ tuels sold Equivalent booking odds Seunings Park 85 to 100 straight 15 to 100 place Old Rosebud 25 to 100 place placeWinner Winner Ch c by Jim Gaffney Irish Queen trained by M Goldblatt bred by Mr O A Bianchi BianchiWent Went to post at 345 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SENNINGS PARK was best at the weights lost ground on the turns but finished fast and gamely and outstayed OLD ROSEBUD through the last twenty yards OLD ROSEBUD set a great pace ran a game race and saved much ground on the turns GINGER had no trouble in overhauling STEVEN ¬ SON The latter was done after going a half mile mileScratched Scratched 13037 Buford 108 4Ofh iO FIFTH RACE 34 Mile June 27 1914 111 5 116 Eighteenth Running CINCIN 4tOO tF NATI TROPHY 5000 Added 2yearolds Net value to winner 8070 second 600 third 400 Index Horses AWtPPSt 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 43021COTTON BLOSSOM w 108 51 I1 I2 in Ink T Murray J S Hawkins 1235100 1235100429463BY 429463BY GOLLY w 114 2 6 51 51 3 21 L Gentry E R Bradley 145100 14510042997SMARJORIE 42997SMARJORIE HYNES w 111 11 4 31 21 21 31 H Lunsfd C C Van Meter G50100 42997 LUNETTA w 108 4 7 7 61 41 41 C Robson AValdeck Stable 1095100 109510040212OULOVA 40212OULOVA w 105 9 10 101 91 5i 5 G Molesth G J Long t2805100 t2805100429973OAPTAIN 429973OAPTAIN MAC w 111 8 12 12 81 61 GD J Howard W J Young J1GSO100 J1GSO1004J035STHE 4J035STHE SAVIMMER WB 111 1 11 11 7l 73 7 D Connlly T F Henry 1225100 1 3 4l 41 81 Si J Hanover J H Booker 1735100 C 5 GI 101 91 9n H Thurber O Rehm 1255100 w 118 3 2 2f 31 10 10l R Simpson M C Moore 4 ii BLACK PRINCE w 114 10 13 13 13 111111 E Pool AV J Young J 43049KINBURN WB 111 13 8 S1 111 12Z 12 O AVillis Gallaher Bros 1595160 42946 PEACE PENNANT w 10S 12 9 91 12l 13 13 C Howard AV F Poison f ftMutiifl tMutiifl field Coupled in betting as W J Young entry M C Moore and T F Henry entry Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 mntnels paid Cotton Blossom 2570 straight 1010 place 720 show By Golly 430 place 33 show Marjorie Hynes 480 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Cotton Blossom 1235 to 100 straight 405 to 100 place 2CO to 100 show By Jolly 115 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Marjorie Hynes 140 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Luke McLukc Crownlet trained by J S Hawkns bred by Mr McBrayer Moore MooreAVent AVent to post at 421 At post 7 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the came COTTON BLOSSOM showing the most speed from the start set a fast pace and held on reso ¬ lutely although tiring at the end and just lasted long enough BY GOLLY probably best finished guiiicly and would have won if lie could have got through earlier MARJORIE HYNES ran well but tired in the last eighth LUNETTA ran a good rice CAPTAIN MAC closed a big gap from a slow start MICKEY MOORE quit THE SAVIMMER ran well wellScratched Scratched 13035 = Sterling 111 42997 Inspector Hughes 114 430473Arrow Point 108 42997 Red Red Rose 111 42S4GLukes Pet 108 4 fLr7f SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles June 20 1914 150 3 105 Purse 1200 3year TtO 4 olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 43000 3 BREEZE WB 107 2 1 I1 1s I2 1 1 T Murray K Spence 385100 42 852SANS PEUR II w 3 101 1 4 31J 3i 3 1 31 2 H Thurber F J Kelley 155100 4296K 2 ANTOINETTE w 3 97 G 5 5l 5 4n 4s 32 J Mooney E Loh 940100 42870 WATER WILLOW w 3 96 4 9 11 ° II1 91 7 42 L Canfield Mannule Pllcquo SOO100 430122 JACKSTRAW w 5 107 11 7 71 72 72 61 5 W Hideiir A L Kirby 1095100 42968 MISS PROCTERwu 3 91 9 3 21 2l 21 2 C M Schwts H Coons 250100 42987 SUNGOLD WB 4 112 8 2 41 41 51 51 7 J Hanover R L Rogers Rogers4S012ALDEBARAN 2540100 4S012ALDEBARAN WB 10 107 311 91 S S2 S2 SS C Robson M Goldblatt 2455100 41932 TO KALON MARCHw 5 112 7 10 lOnklO1 11I0102 92 H J Burke J W Fuller f4145100 42810 VERITY w 3 99 5 8 8 91 102 93 10J W Wright W H Flzer Flzer43012SOPH 43012SOPH GATEWOODw G 107 12 6 6 61 6 11 ° 118 C Dishmn P J Miles 3575100 42974 ORNELLA T w 3 9C 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 W Moore Dortch Bros t ttMiituel t tMiituel field Time 23 47 112 138 151 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Breeze 970 straight 370 place 320 show Sans Peur II 310 place 270 show Antoinette 470 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Breeze 385 to 100 straight 85 to 100 place 60 to 100 show Sans Peur II 55 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Antoinette 135 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Ballot Elise B trained by K Spence bred by Mr T L Carpenter CarpenterWent Went to post at 500 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BHEEZE showing the most speed from the start drew out in the stretch to win in a canter SANS PEUR II well up from the start saved much ground on the turns and it enabled him to win second place ANTOINETTE lost ground on the turns and would have been second in a few strides more MISS PROCTER tired SUNGOLD quit WATER WILLOW closed a great gap gapScratched Scratched 12986 Pastime 107 42998 Dixie Girl 96 420SO Contestant 112 43013 Exhorter 107 43012 Selnm G 90 43038 Wave 101 101Overweights Overweights Antoinette 1 pound Verity 3 A Q P7 t SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles June 20 1914 150 3 105 Purso 1300 3year JtOvF 4 I olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt SiStrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 430132SUN GOD wn 6 111 G 5 3 3 11 1 1 C Robson R L Rogers 265100 42987 REVELER w 4 114 7 1 4 41 3 22 2k 13 pool H Field 1350100 43025 CHIEF BROWN wsu 6 104 1 4 61 5l 4n 31 So L Canfield J Greenberg 10710100 10710100430252H 430252H C BASCH w 4 111 8 2 2 2S 51 5 4 J Hanover LA Broaddus 1670100 16701004298GKENWARD 4298GKENWARD WB B 1C9 3 3 Ill1 2J 4i 5 W Ridehr C R Anderson 1615100 43123 MONEY MAKER w 7 104 2 7 7 72 71 71 6l T Murray K Spenco 460100 42903 DICK WILLIAMSw G 118 5 G 5n 6l GJ 6 7l H Thurber W C Weant 210100 21010042983SPARIS 42983SPARIS MAID w 3 105 488 8 8 8 8HJ Burke S K Nichohi 920100 Time 24 48 113 138 151 Track fast 2 inutuels paid Sun God 730 straight 410 place 300 show Reveler 960 place 730 show Chief Brown 2300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Sun God 265 to 100 straight 103 to 100 plae 3SO to 100 place 205 to 100 show Chief Brown 1050 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Aeronaut Sunrise trained by B L Rogers bred by Mr Edward B Cassatt Went to post at 534 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing SUN GOD close up from tho start drew out in the stretch to win as his rider pleased REVELER was hard ridden and outstayed CHIEF BROWN in the final strides CHIEF BROWN was brought wide into the stretch but made a game finish KENWARD set a fast pace and tired MONEY MAKER ran a dull race DICK WILLIAMS was lame when going to the post and was far back all the way H C BASCH ran well wellScratched Scratched 42528 Brimful 100 429S53Mistress Polly 109 42999 Bribed Voter 116 43009 Narosla 109