untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1919-07-26


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DAILY RACING FORM Daily Barter Winter Months DaUr Ezpe t Monday Balance ef the Tear DAILY ft AGING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 ELYjcatnra cotmx CHICAGO ILL 74 XXCHAYE 8TKEET BUFFALO N Y BecondclaM matter April 2 1890 at March 8J8T9 JfrewYoik City Office 1482 Broadway ROOM 8O4 General Eepreeeatativo ED COLE COLEAU AU dealers supplied fr6mrthis office officeBack Back BHmbers aafi Imosthly books supplied suppliedFor For title at allhotelsandiaewsstands ONS MV8T BE PAH IK ADVANCE Per Weekii 100 100yi yi Per iloath ii 300 300JHalf JHalf Year i 1500 Tear 3000 3000The The bov rates are for single copies as sealed BACK NUMBERS TEN CENTS EACH It sefet by mail firstclass only twelve cents DallyltaclnK Form Publishing Co prefers to send ingle copies as firstclass mail in nil cases casesLocal Local Subscriptions outside the downtown dis ¬ trict willbe declined at other than firstclass mail matter rates j A Dally Beflection of the Americaa Turf by Telegraph dlter d Proptietorr TJB JBruneU JBruneUAssociate Associate Editor Clinton O Riley vif 1 vfcgecretaTy MrsF U iBranell For ftusineBB and circulation purposes only its telephone has noconnectionwitbthe news or editorial aSpattraehts amt canmot be toed to com manfckte wttli them t To be considered and answered all queries to Daily Raclns Form must be sent over the full name vi with the address of writer The names and nd WiniS VM MO OFFICE PONTIAO BLDG 7TH rAND MABKBT OTRfiffira OTRfiffiraWm Wm Laser General Agent AgentBell Bell Phone Olive 4C55 Back numbers and monthly books supplied OWCIIiNATI O OFFICE 720 lAIN T THeVerti HeVerti News Compnhy General Agent Agentsuccessors successors to W 8 Manns MannsTelcpbome Telcpbome Canal 1877 Back number andniontWybooks supplied DETROIT J1ICH OFFICE 85 CONGRESS ST ii i t ij Grosscup General Agent Telephones Main 8252 City 3252 Back numbers and monthly books supplied LOUISVILLE KY OFFICE 222 fr GREEN ST iHeyeriB News Compnay General Agent Telephone City 2077 Back irotabers monthly books Annuals and VanualB1 supplied TORONTO ONT OFFICE 72 BAT STREET W A Hewitt General Agent Telephones Adelaide 1205 Adelaide 2200 North 28 Maj MajiaalB iaalB supplied Tfeefe Brosi27 West Park Street T rEuphrat 123 South Jefferson Street 1 S Wom0 and Curtis Streets aSton News Dealer 118 M ill5 Street OVH Stockwell 201 Upper Second Street HbFSPRINGS ARK Termlrial Station Ninth and Wal ¬ nut Street 271 Main Street Treiabb North Limestone Street WE Hudson Main and Lime8toneStreets MEMPHIS TENNi World News Co I Samnelson 28 South Main Street j JtUiWAOKEB WJS iFrank Mulkern Third and Grand Avenues 1 CHIOAGO ILLINOIS JULY 26 1910

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919072601/drf1919072601_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1919072601_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800