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HUNTING FISHING AND SPORT For a short distance a lion or a tiger can outrun a man and can equal the speed of a fast horse but they1 lose their wind at the end of half a mile and are remarkably weak in lung power powerRecent Recent investigations of the habits of different pelagic fishes such as the albacore and tuna in Southern California have revealed the fact that these species live in deep water during the wfutcr months The Pennsylvania Game Commission wants to create a game preserve In every county At the present time preserves are established only on state forest lands and then only with the permission of the bureau of forestry forestrySettlers Settlers along the Siuslaw River in Oregon wcro greatly puzzled a few days ago by the appearance of strange fish in the stream Investigation proved tthem to be shad which are running in large ntim bers for the first time in the Siuslaw River RiverA A Frenchman has made successful experiments with the smallest aeroplane existing called the mosquito It measures four yeards from wing tip to wingtip nnd has a 20 iiorsepower engine It flew1 for an hour at an altitude of 5000 feet feetQuite Quite a profitable business Is done in some large English towns by lending turtles to restaurants They are permitted to remain iu the windows for a few days and are then taken to different parti of tlip town as advertisements for other eatius houses Mr and Mrs Flnley Barrel of Chicago 111 are at Avdlon Santa Catallna Island For three con ¬ secutive days aboard Captain llalsteads lunoli Barney Mr Barrel played a broadblll swonlflsh and on the fourth day Monday Iiily 14 lh fish Was hooked ami fought to within tell feet of lie boat Then said Captain llalsteail thi fish made a bee line for us Suddenly it turned threw the wire leader over its back mid cut the line with I s sword just as slick as I could have cut it wltii u Uuife American Field