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TELEGRAPHIC FORM The horses which seem best in Mondays races are vXmpire City Yonkprs N Y July 20 1 Lady Brummcl Krewer Germa 2 Sammy Keliy Wilfreda Doleful 3 Startling Osgood Ticklish 4 GAME COCK War Zone Camoufleur vx nJohh I Day Dottie Vandiver Millrace 6 Shoal American Boy Penelope PenelopeF F J Ortell OrtellBuffalos Buffalos EmfrlMrCity Handicap 1 Lady Brummel Head Over Heels Krewer Pen elope 2 Sammy Kelly Doleful Wilfreda Different Eyes 3 Kalitan Startling Ticklish Osgood 1 4 Eimehdorf War Zohe Camoufleur Recount J C6lphn I Ray Tailor Maid Dottie Tahdiver TahdiverKing King Jofin 6 SHOAL Penelope American Boy Barley s t Wafer ju j Observers Ejnpirc City Handicap 1 HEAD OVJER lEELS Penelope Lady Brum mcl Krewer 2 fSammy Kelly Wilfreda Different Eyes Dole f inT 3 Kalitun tjlartlins Top of th Morning Osgood 4 Gnmo Coclr Recount War Zone Camoufleur 5 JolmI Day liotfie Vandiver Hubbub Alvord GrSlioal Penelope Comoran Sister Helene