Second Race [2nd Empire City, Daily Racing Form, 1919-07-27

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SECOND RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds Maidens Allowances July 19 1916 138 SAMMY KELLY b c 3 M 115 By Sweet Absent Friend Casco Stable 43202 Empire Ab 34 lllslow 31 112 4 22 I1 2 T Nolan 15 Vancouver Jeweler JPMrphy 42821 Jamaica 34 l13fast 6 116 6 6 61 6 T Rice 12 Mahony Dottie Vandiver Poilu PoiluDIFFERENT DIFFERENT EYES b c 3 M 115 By The Manager Aonshla Casco Stable 43029 Aqduct 34 l12fast 30 107 7 7 7 6l 64 A Jolinsonll Housemaid Youneed OtheWay 43006 Aqduct 34 l13fast 8 115 3 2 2 2s 2 L Fator 15 Lead Star Jeweler Prof India 42379 Jamaica 34 l14fast 41 115 2 33 34 5i T Nolan 10 Audacious RapidDay Snmtflgh 42120 HdeGce 34 l14 l14sgood sgood 8 110 3 3 3 3 3 L McAtee 12 WarGod SinFrance CleanGone 42094 HdeGce 61 f 107 fast 6 106 9 6 6 6 6 1 L McAtee 15 BMCloy JPMfphy SinFnce 42043 HdeGce 68 l02slop 32 105 2 236 65l W Obert 9 Toto Ticklish Star Realm 40206 Empire 61 f l06fast 4 114 4 2 2 21 3 L Lyke 13 Drummond War Cry Delaware 40180 Empire 51 f l06fast 8 110 3 4 2 21 44 L Lyke 9 Alphee OverThero BDancerll BDancerllDOLEFUL DOLEFUL b o 3 M 115 By Ypsilanti H Dolares in JV E Seagram 42909 Jamaica 34 l15good 6 118 1 3 3 3n 44 L Lyke la RapDay Some inFr nee JoeJoe 42689 Belmont 1 l41fast 5 112 3 2 3 1 41 2 L Lyke 12 Bridesman War Rocket Rhajea 42640 Belmont 1 l38fast 12 112 2 2 2 4 4 4 = 1 C Kummer 9 Sweepment C Sweeper S Sigh 42519 Wdbine 1 14 209slow 1 108 5 4 4 1 1 21 G Walls 12 LofLight Hong Kong UnJohn 40287 Pimlico 34 l14fast 7 110 2 3 1 U 2 J McTagt 14 Candle Light Veto Uncle John 40250 Pimlico 34115 good 21 115 2 2 2 3 34 J McTagt 12 Lady Mary CanLight UnJohn UnJohnt0022 t0022 Laurel 34 114 fast 26 HO 6 1 2 1 41 J McTagt 11 Ceramic GroundSwell Romeo RomeoWILFREDA WILFREDA ch f 3 M 110 By Sir Wilfred Santa Catalina North Shore Stbl 43172 Empire 1 l43mud 41 105 4 6 5 4 6 4JH Ericksn Demlera J of Arc Vancouver Vancouver431CO 431CO Empire Im70y l48mud 165 110 3 4 4 2 2J 2s L Fator 7 SinFrance KAgrippa NFlack 43137 Aqduct 1 516 215sood 6 87 4 7 8 8 8 6 F Cltlletti 9 Sasin Orderly Poor Butterfly 43077 Aqduct 1 l40fast 41 93 9 7 6 6 51 34 A Rlchcrkl4 CColors KAgrippa IndSpring 42882 Jamaica 1 116 l48fast 41 86 3 5 5 4 31 34 F Cltiletti 8 Tapageur Marchesa II SBock 42856 Jamaica Im70yl47fast 1310 105 366 2 1s 21 X Wessler 7 Coaler S Light III IndSpring 42752 Belmont 1 l43mud 21 105 7 6 7 6 54 34 J Wessler 9 Caddie Coaler S Light III 42623 Belmont 7S l26fast 12 94 10 9 9 41 2 J Wessler 11 Dendera Musito Coaler 42371 Pimllco 1 116 l49fast 114 104 31010 10 10 100 G Apel 10 Houdini Dottie Vandiver Gath 42322 Pimlico 34 116 good 51 98 5 9 9 10 910 J StapIetnlO Soldat de Verdun Veto Frlzeur Frlzeur4113G 4113G FGnda Im70y l52hvy 3 100 7 8 6 4 4l 44 H Ericksn 8 Dabiah II JASldan Astraea 41070 FGnda 1 l47fthvy 20 93486322nkH ErlcksnlO TCBawn Pvaricate TmbeoU NAPTHAIIUS v r s lie By Lorenzo Napthalia J W Schorr 43160 Empire ImOy Ii48 mud 5 115 7 5 G 5 0 = 6 H LUrisfd 7 SlnFrance Wfreda KAgrippa 43033 Latonia 34113 fast 14 105 7 9 9 8i 8U H Lunsfdll Trusty McVex David Craig 42999 Latonia 1 133 fast 31f 1 C 67 9 9J 9 J Groth 11 StAstine Tombolo Dr Carmen 42832 Latonia 34 l14slow 44 106 7 7 3 32 33J H Lunsrd 12 Bagpipe Bonstelle Lucinda 42585 Church 1 34 l12fast 106 10G 11 11 11 U 11 J Groth 11 MarsJohn LRachel MGgham MGghamBy First start for the following followingWAR WAR PLUME or c 3 M 115 115GNOME By Star Shoot Courtplaster E Sietas SietasBy GNOME ch c 3 M iis By Whisk Broom II Fairysprite J Sanford

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Local Identifier: drf1919072701_3_6
Library of Congress Record: