General News Notes Of The Day, Daily Racing Form, 1919-08-12


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO 111 August llrWeather forecast Illinois Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday prob ¬ ably with showers in north portion warmer tonight Missouri Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday prob ¬ ably unsettled in extreme north portion tonight wanner Tuesday General forecast The indications are for showers within the next twentyfour hours in the upper Mississippi Valley and western lake region otherwise mostly fair weather will prevail in this forecast district until Tuesday night The temperature changes will not be important importantLENOX LENOX Mass August 11 Andrew Carnegie one of the worlds most prominent financiers steel magnate and philanthropist died at 710 a m to day at his summer home Shadow Brook of bronchial pneumonia He had been ill but three days and the end was entirely unexpected Had Mr Carnegie lived until November 25 next he would have been 84 years old At his bedside at the time of deatli were Mrs Carnegie his private secretary John Boynston the family physician and members of his home staff Mrs Roswell Millpr his daughter was not present presentWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 11 Repeated protests against the agrarian law of the Mexican state of Sonora which is regarded as inimical to American interests have been made to the Mexican government by the state department the Senate was informed today by President Wilson The law now is being studied by the state department ex ¬ perts with view to further action by the American government PARIS France Sunday August 10 Delayed The peace conference it became known today is cliMiicinc its attitude toward HIK Roumanian army in Itridapest The conferem it is learned is not disposed to ask the Roumanians to leave the Hun cariafi capital immediately despite the fact that the supreme council of the allies requested the Roumanians not t enter Budapest BudapestEfj Efj PASO Tex August 11 Fifteen leaders of tlm conspiracy to cause a mutiny in the Chihuahua City federal garrison last Aveck and to deliver the city over to Gen Francisco Villa were executed following the discovery of the plot according to nil American who arrived here today from Mexico He said the Identity of the men executed was un ¬ known when he left leftWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 11 Existence of the secret treaty between Japan and Great Britain regarding the Shantung peninsula was concealed from Jilm by Viscount Ishli Japanese ambassador to the United States Secretary Lansing testified toiiay before the senate foreign relations com ¬ mittee WASHINGTON D C August 11 President Wilson today refused to send the senate a copy of General Bliss statement concerning the Shantung settlement on the ground that it contained confi ¬ dential reference to other governments WASHINGTON D c August n Andrew AndrewCarnegie Carnegie up to June 1 1918 bad given away 350 WW5653 according to a compilation made by the Carnegie endowment v

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Local Identifier: drf1919081201_6_2
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