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HUNTING FISHING AND SPORT Sir Thomas Lipton believes that as a result of a new secret invention he will win the Americas Cup witli Shamrock IV when next he tries triesDuring During the twenty weeks the Leicestershire England rat campaign was in operation 125223 rats were killed for which the County Council paid 7625 7625Good Good dry fly fishing is a necessity writes an advertiser in the London Eng Times who wants to buy up to 100000 a house and estate with fishing It is stated that Pastor Owen Evans four deacons and twenty members of liis congregation are com ¬ ing from South Wales ot see Jimmy Wilde box Moore at Olympia London Sportsman SportsmanMuch Much trouble is beiiig caused to the English Essex oyster fisheries by the attacks of the slipper lim ¬ pet which is believed to have conie over from America Although principally used for manure the limpets are believed to have a certain food value