General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1919-08-21


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111., August 20. AVeathcr forecast: Illinois Showers tonight and Thursday morning, followed by clearing in north and west portions; warmer tonight in southeast portion;, cooler Thursday in east portion. Missouri Thundershowers this afternoon or tonight; cooler tonight in northwest portion; Thursday generally fair, except probably showers in southeast portion. General forecast: Tho indications are for showers within tho next twenty-four hours in the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri Valleys and the western lake region, while the weather will be generally fair in the plains states and the northwest until Thursday night. The temperature changes will not be important. AVASIIINGTON, D. C, August 20. The government guaranteed rate of income of the railroads In the event they are returned to private operation is not wanted by the railroad executives. Tins was announced today before tho house interstate commerce committee by Thomas DeAVitt Cuyler, chairman of the Association of Railway Executives, when he urged the return of the roads to private operation, and presented the plan of his association for the return, which lie said had been unanimously indorsed by all the roads represented in the association. A minimum return for the railroads six per cent was urged in the plan of the railroad security holders., . - AAASIIINGTOX, D. C, August 20. George AA". AAilliams, local manager of the California Fruit Growers Exchange, was indicted this afternoon by the special jury investigating the high cost of living. He is charged with violation of the Aalcntinc anti-trust laws. Immediately following the indictment County Prosecutor Doerfler announced that he had uncovered startling evidence of collusion among fruit dealers and the federal authorities would be asked to take action against the national association. MARFA. Tex., August 20. Indications here today were that more United States troops will be sent into Mexico if the bandits who held up two American army aviators for 315,000 ransom are not rounded up. The troops of the Eighth Cavalry, that crossed the border early yesterday, are now forty miles south of the international line. As they advance they are aided by airplanes. Additional cavalrymen and supplies have reached temporary headquarters at Candelaria. AVASIIINGTON. D. C, August 20. To avoid possible contact with American troops on the trail of bandits in northern Mexico, Mexican forces were not sent after the band which captured Lieuts. Davis and Peterson, the Avar department was informed in ,a telegram sent yesterday by Maj.-Gen. Diekman, commanding the southern department. The message was made public late today. MAltFA, Tex., August 20. With the csact loca-, tion withheld for military reasons, troops of the Eighth Cavalry, U. S. A., before dawn today resumed pursuit of the Mexican bandits who held American aviators Davis and Peterson for ransom. The Americans had a difficult task before them today, because the heavy storm of last night had almost obliterated trails of the bandits. AVASIIINGTON, D. C, August 20. The daylight saving law has been formally repealed over the Presidents veto. The senate- this afternoon repassed the house repeal bill 57 to 19. PARIS, France, August 20. Italian troops are on their way into Hungary, according to reports received here today. No details of the movement were given. YOUNGSTOAVN, O., August 20. One hundred and eighteen Russians, alleged bolshevists, ,are held in the county jail today as the result of a raid by federal officials last night on a meeting in East Youngstown. CHICAGO, 111., August 20. A walkout of the stage hands in response to a call for a sympathetic strike to aid the Actors Equity Association today closed ev6ry legitimate theater in Chicago. . WASHINGTON, D. C, August 20. Gen. Pershing cabled Secretary Raker today that he planned to. sail from France on the transport Mount Aeruou September 1.

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Local Identifier: drf1919082101_5_1
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