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THE RENO JOCKEY CLUB ANNOUNCES Nineteen Bags 6f High Class Racing Commencing September 13 to October 4 With an Added Extension If the Weather Permits ,000 Nevada Derby 0ne Mile .000 Nevada Derby 00..... Juvenile Championship Stakes .00 400 Opening Handicap 00 No Purse Less Than 00. Libera! Program of Overnight Handicaps Ideal Climate. Excellent Hotel Accommodations, Reno Is the Gem of Nevada, The Horse Haven of the West The Reno Jockey Club Stands Ready to Take Horses Off the Cars That Arc Ready to Race. Address All Communications to The Reno Jockey Club, W. W. FINN, General Manager, Reno, Nevada SUPERIOR . EATING FORM 25 Cents Per Copy. At All News-stands. Mailed, 2 Weeks, ?3; 1 Month, ?5.. SUPERIOR PUBLISHING CO., 333 South Dearborn St. - Chicago, III. TODAY B I G GETAWAY SPECIAL Here is one that has been soing strong in works and will be sent for the getaway today. Under NO consideration miss this one. Also the prospective Hopeful Winner TODAY This one is fit to run rings around this field and should surely win. Under NO consideration miss these two today and our docker reports everything 0. K., right from the track. For sale: CINCINNATI, O. Bishorn, 5th and Walnut Sts. CINCINNATI, O. Browns, 4th and Walnut Sts. CINCINNATI, O. Calluns 5th and Walnut Sts. CINCINNATI, O. Rey Pierce, 5th and Vine Sts. CINCINNATI, O W. Storey, 4th and Central Ave. CINCINNATI. O. G. Storey. 5th and Main Sts. ST. LOUIS. MO. 705 Market St. Lohby. ST. LOUIS, MO. Foster Book Store, 410 Washington St. LOUISVILLE, Ky Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Mosleins News-stand, 112 Illinois St. LEXINGTON, KY. Hudson News Co. All Other Cities Send Subscription to Chicago Office. CHIEF OBSERVER 25 WEST 42ND ST., Room 515, NEW YORK CITY TODAYS FREE CODE: SARATOGA: Maine-12-G-14. TRY OUR DAILY ONE HORSE WIRE SERVICE. ?" for Six Ktart. Wired early each morning. Todays FREE Special: No. 257. THE TURF REPORTER. R. 509 Baltimore BIdg.. 22 W. ftuincy St.. Chicago. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form THE MONTHLY FORM BOOK containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of AUGUST, will be on sale Tuesday noon, September -2. Priee.00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with, an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co., 441 Plymouth Court :: Chicago, III. 74 Exchange Street :: Buffalo. N. Y. Capt. Alcock, 8-1, Won: Precious, 6-1. Won; Homely, 6-1, Won, and Poaco Pennant, 5-1. Won. All the above winners were given in Hook No. 041. If you want winners, gtt The Standard. All newsstands, jicr copy. Todays Form Spdcial: March-Apple-65-15-57-66. The Standard Turf Guide, for Six Starts is our charge on our Dailv One Horse Wire Service. "Have you tried this service yet? If not. better get in for some live information. Todays Special: BeSt-Tar-Vic-Joo-Row. THE AMERICAN- THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Building ; . . ; Chicago, Illinois