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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, III., August 29. Weather forecast: Illinois Thundershowers this afternoon or tonight in south and east portions; Saturday, fair; not much change in temperature. AVisconsin Unsettled with showers this afternoon or tonight in east portion; cooler tonight in southeast portion; Saturday, fair with moderate temperature. General forecast The indications are for showers this afternoon or tonight in Illinois and in portions of the adjacent states. Otherwise generally fair weather will prevail in this forecast district during the next two days; temperature changes will not be important. AAASHIXGTON, D. C, August 29. Asserting that the Paris treaty will lay the foundation "for centuries of blood letting," Senator Knox Rep. told the Senate today that the United States should reject it and negotiate a separate peace with Germany. In its "hard and cruel" terms he said the treaty imposes on Germany penalties which violate international law and engender strife. "The more I consider this treaty," said Mr. Knox, "the more I am convinced that the only safe way for us to deal with it is to decline to be a party to it all." PARIS, France, August 29. The Italian boundaries were discussed by the allies supreme council again yesterday, but no decision was reached. The question came up in connection with the Austrian boundaries. Finnic was not mentioned. There have been many rumors concerning proposed Finnic agreements, but none has actually been reached. It is clear that the supreme council will not agree on any settlement of the entire Dalmatian question which does not provide for the complete internationalization of - Finnic. SAX FRAXCISCO, Cal., August 29. The strike of railway men in the extreme west and southwest, from indications, was crumbling early today. AVarned by AValkcr I. Hincs, director general of railroads, that if they did not operate trains by 7 oclock Saturday morning the railroad administration would undertake to do so, sentiment among strikers swung toward a return to Avork in many instances last night. COPEXHAGEX, Denmark, August 29. A dispatch from Berlin says Marshal Foch lias notified the German armistice commission that the supreme council has consented to a provisional increase of the German gendarmerie troops in the neutral zone beyond the Rhine -for three months after the peace treaty goes into effect, as the force provided for in the treaty is considered inadequate to maintain order. CHICAGO, 111., August 29. Holders of G-cent elevated tickets are entitled to ride on them without payment of an additional two cents, according to a decisioa. handed down today by Judge John Caverly. The court held that the public utilities commission had no right to enter an order forcing the payment of an 8-cent fare when a G-cent ticket was presented in lieu of a cash fare.