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PERMANENT ORGANIZATION PLANNED Amorican Romount Association Started in Both This Country and France by Army Officers and Men. NEW YORK, N. Y., September 2. Steps looking toward the formation of a permanent organization are being taken by the members of the American Remount Association. This organization was started in both the United States and France by officers and men of the remount service. Since the A. E. F. members have returned to the United States steps are being taken to bring both forces together and aid in the furtherance of the plans to boost the horse breeding industry, in this country. Thirty men who have played a prominent part breeding and racing horses in the- United States and who have been connected with the remount service during the world war have been named on the temporary executive committee. This com-mittce has been notified by the acting secretary, that it will meet sometime in October to work out a permanent organization. At that meeting the officers of the association will be named. The officers and men of the remount service are enthusiastic, about the organization, and a campaign will be launched to interest. all of the horse breeders, jockey clubs, state and county fairs, horse shows and racing associations in the welfare of the association. , The purposes of the association arc: a To promote interest in the breeding of bet- ter horses for the U. S. Army and for other uses. 1 To promote interest in horsemanship in the army and throughout the country. c To encourage such legislation, both state and national, as will benefit the horse breeding industry of the United States. d To co-operate, with national, state and local horse shows, recognized racing associations and commissions, horso breeding associations, jockey cliibs add to assist in providing classes and purses for animals of any army type or for animals from which to breed such types. e To assist in the location and procurement of stallions for use of the army remount service. f To gather and compile such information as may bo of value regarding local prices and numbers available of horses and mules for sale to the army and in general to render all assistance possible to the remount service in the procurement and breeding of animals. . g To assist the remount service in procuring suitable personnel for the officers reserve corps remount service. h To conduct a campaign of publicity and edu- J cation in all matters pertaining to the horse and mule interests as applied to the army and to gather and compile such historical and other data as may be required for this purpose. i To encourage clubhouse facilities at remount depots for the benefit of officers stationed there and for members of the association. j To make a study of all questions pertaining to the breeding of the army type of horses and draw up recommendatons to be submitted to the proper authorities, embodying- the ideas and suggestions of the association. k To arrange for the publication of an official organ or to select some existing publication as such. 1 To encourage the establishment of polo fields, jumping courses and race tracks in connection with remount depots and army posts .and, in fact, to encourage all sports that cause a greater demand and therefore greater production of horses. m To" -assist -in Ihe promotion of an esprit do c6rifs-ln" the "remount service1.1 1 tn To help determine the best type of horse for each of the army purposes, to encourage the establishment of an experimental breeding farm and to -encourage endurance tests and competitions between the different typos and breeds of horses. o To accept and receive gifts in cash or silver plate and such other gifts, legacies and bequests as would serve to carry out the purposes of the association. p To hold an annual reunion at the time of the annual meeting to bring together those who have served in the remount service and those who have become interested in it. ALL CLASSES OF HORSEMEN REPRESENTED. The executive committee is made up of men from New York to California and. from Wisconsin to Kentucky." All of these men have had considerable experience with animals, and all of thorn saw service during the world war. There arc thoroughbred, saddle horse, trotting and pacing as well as heavy horsemen represented. Incidentally, there arc a few of the best known polo players in the country in the list. There is only a sprinkling of regular officers represented, and .they have proved that they know horses and ar dyedrin-thc-wool enthusiasts when it comes to the boosting of the breeding of animals. Following is a list of the members of the executive committee and their addresses: Lieut.-Col. R. IT. Williams, Jr., No. 1 Broadway, New York; Maj. W. Plunkctt Stewart, Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia; Maj. James W. Appleton, Ipswich, Mass.; Maj. John R. Valentine, Highland Farm, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Maj. i Henry L. Bell, Bayside, L. I., N. Y.; Col. John S. Fair, General Staff, Washington, D. CI; Col. Letcher Hardeman, Rapidan, Culpepper County, Va.; Maj. . A. A. Cederwahl, Washington, D. C; Capt. Fletcher Harper, Remount Depot, Linda Vista, Cal.; Maj. Hayden W. Wagner, Newburg, N. Y.; Maj. William i J. Littauer, Mount Morris, N. Y.; Maj, Howard I Stout Neilson, Althca Farm, Darian, Conn.; Col. George W. Winterburn, General Staff, Washington, D. C; Maj, II. I, Nicholas, No. 7 Wall street, New York; Lieut. -Col J. F. Taulbee, Washington, D. C; ; Col. F. S. Armstrong, Washingtpn, D. C; Col. Stanley " Koch, Washington, D. C.; Lieut.-Col. II. D. Munnikuysen, Washington, D. C; Lieut.-Col. II. A., Pickert, 230 Avery street, Detroit, Mich.; Maj. J. T. Sallce, Washington, D. C; Maj. A. J. White, Middleburg. Va.; Maj. Victor C. Mather, Ilavcr-ford. Pa.; Maj. W. P. Hawley, Chatham, N. Y.; I Maj. Burns Henry, 1940 Kenobscot Building, Detroit, Mich.; Capt. Robert Neustadt, 1000 G avenue, Coronaio, . Cal.i Maj. S. II.. Bell, Wooster, Ohio; Capt. S. B. Wing, Old Westandury, L. I., N. Y.; Maj. A. C. Schwartz, Plaza Hotel, New. York; Maj. R. S. Waring, Plainlield, N. J., and Lieut. M. F. de Barhevillo, Washington, D. C. MEMBERSHIP AND RULES. There are four ciasses of membership in the e association honorary, charter, regular and associate. . There are also .provisions made for life members: : The proposed rules laid .down for the four classes s follow:- Honorary The honorary members of the association - shall be the Chief of Staff of the United States s Army; the Secretary of Agriculture; General John a J. Pershing; -the .Chie of, -Remount, Service, United il States Army;tlni Chief .of the-Bureau of Animal 1 Industry, and such others as the association may y elect. from time to time. Charter All present and past commissioned and d enlisted members of the- Remount Service of the e United States Army who have beea on duty with h B P r f t on to I o t to c a a $ t s a I J ; s t j , J 1 i . i I ; I e . : s - s a il 1 y d e h the remount service either in the United States, or with the American Expeditionary Force who join the association within one year from the date of its organization. Regular 1 Those eligible as charter members who did not join the association within one year from date of its organization. 2 Officers of regular army, national guard and officers reserve corps that have not been in the Remount service of the United States Army. 3 Members of national, state and local horse shows, recognized racing associations and commissions, horse breeding associations, jockey cliibs, hunt, steeplechase or polo associations, and such other similar associations as -may be approved by the board of directors. Associate Any persons interested in horsemanship and horse breeding. All members shall be in the national association, the object of state branches being to provide an organization in the state to carry out the purposes of the association. Members shall be elected in the following manner: Honorary Proposals for honorary membership Shall be by petition addressed to the secretary and signed rby at least five charter or reguart mem tiers of the association. Such names will be acted upon at the -first regular or special meeting after their receipt. Names of those to bo voted on for honorary membership will be posted on the association bulletin board at least ten days prior to the date of the meeting. Charter and Regular Application to be made in writing to the secretary by the person desiring membership and to be acted upon by the board of directors. Associate Application to be made in- writing to the secretary by the. person, desiring membership, to .be indorsed by an honorary, charter or regular member and to be acted upon by the board of directors. BREEDING STATES TO BE REPRESENTED. It is planned at present to get every horse breeding state represented on the executive committee. Through the members of the committee campaigns will be started in every state looking toward the bcttermeiit of breeding conditions. The campaign will not be waged along one particular line in the hope of producing a better light artillery horse ot heavy draft horse, but will embrace all classes of animals that are represented in the army. However, particular attention will be paid to the cavalry horse, as that branch of the service has been handicapped for many years because of lack of proper mounts. Those fostering the movement are of the opinion that by going to the bottom of things the remount association will be able to help immeasurably. In order to do this it is planned to co-operate with county and state fairs in the giving of prizes to stimulate the production of better horses. The American Remount Association members hope to help develop the inherent love of animals which lies In the breast of all. During the past twenty years there has been a decided falling off in the interest in horses except. in certain circles. .The. Remount Association wants this interest to become general. Wrhen the remount service began choosing officers and men for work in the United States and later" overseas during the great war it was surprising the number of men who acknowledged that they knew nothing of handling of animals. This applied even to some of the men who had lived on farms. A large percentage of men who knew horses fairly well were ignorant of the art of caring for harness and other horse equipment. During the past two years thousands of Amcrl- cans havo been taught much about animals and the Remount Association is determined that this knowl- edge shall not be lost. It is hoped that the state and county fairs, as well as trotting, pacing, gaitcd animals and thoroughbred organizations will co- operate with the association iu its aims. Prior to the entry of the United States into the war there was a tendency to get away from the horse. He was too slow. But many men who have seen mounted service or, for that matter, many who have been iu the field for the past two years do n,ot want to get exercise to and from their offices by walking each day. There is not enough exhilaration in it. That a greater demand for riding horses will grow out of this desire to get out in the open in afternoons after working hours is the belief of many members of the remount, service. If the association meets with anticipated success a clubhouse will be erected iu some state where it will be possible for members to sojourn for hunting, fishing and riding. -.At present the membership is over one hundred. These members came in without solicitation and it is believed that when the drive is over there will be a thousand enrolled.