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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO. 111., September 22. Weather forecast: Illinois Fair tonight and Tuesday; slightly cooler in east portion tonight. Missouri, Iowa and Kansas Fair tonight and Tuesday; not much change in temperature. General forecast Fair weather, with seasonable temperature, is indicated for several days for the districts extending from the great lakes legion and upper and middle Mississippi valley westward to the Rockies. CHICAGO, 111., September 22. The preliminary skirmish in the great industrial struggle which opened today between the labor unions and the United States Steel Corporation, which directly or indirectly affects a half-million wage earners, produced the usual conflicting claims by the generals on both sides. In the great strategic centers of the struggle, the Chicago and Pittsburgh districts, many thousands of workers obeyed the strike order, but early reports stated that comparatively few plants had been compelled to close. At a large number of the outlying points officials of smaller plants reported they were operating as usual. Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the board of directors of the steel corporation, refused to make any comment on the situation. Secretary Foster of the Steel Workers Inion issued a statement expressing satisfaction with the outlook and claiming that reports from outside the. Pittsburgh district showed that the shutdown was general. An important feature of the situation was the announcement by rep-resentatires cf the 35,000 workers employed by the Bethlehem Steel Company that these men would not join the strike pending an attempt to obtaiu a conference with the company officials. CIXCIXXATI. O.. September 22. The first game of the 1919 worlds series will be played in Cincinnati October 1. The White Sox, prospective opponents of the local club, won the cream of the dates, as the third, fourth and fiftli games will be played in Chicago on October 3, 4 and 5, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. CAMDEX. X. J., September 22. Attacks on the Camden trolley system were resumed today with one of the most destructive outbreaks which has occurred since the sane fare system became operative. Tracks were ripped up for a considerable distance at Somerr dale, near Magnolia, X. J., and the feed wire was torn down and burned. PARIS, France. September 22. The Postal Telegraph employes throughout France adopted a resolution threatening a general strike on October 1 unless the government grants their demands for higher wages. COPENHAGEN", Denmark, September 22. The bol-sheviki have made all preparations for the evacuation of Petrograd, according to a llelsingfors dispatch to the Central Xews Agency.