Recognition for Genesee Valley: Col. Scott of Remount Service to Develop Twenty Yearlings Bred in That Section, Daily Racing Form, 1919-10-03


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RECOGNITION FOR GENESEE VALLEY Col. Scott of Remount Service to Dcvolop Twenty Yearlings Bred in That Section. WASHINGTON, D. C, October 2. When it was decided .that the federal authorities should undertake the production of cavalry remounts on a substantial and scientific basis through the use of approved thoroughbred sires at the various experimental stations it was thought that nothing definite in the way of type would be evolved for four or five years to serve as a guide. Kecent reports, however, of what is being accomplished in the Genesee Valley by the breeders association and the breeding bureau of the Jockey Club have been so conclusive that Colonel C. L. Scott, in charge of the purchase, issue and sale of remounts, lias been instructed to select and develop twenty yearlings bred in that neighborhood. Col. Scott, who is an authority second to none in the United States on the cavalry horse, was among those who recently viewed the exhibits in the hunter breeding classes at the Livingston County Fair, and his report to the authorities at the capital must have been most favorable to bring sucli quick results. Resecting the show Col. Scott expressed himself as follows: "I have been located most of the time since 1005 west of the Mississippi River, and I was not prepared, therefore, for what I saw in the valley in the. way of horse production. The display was educational throughout. I was struck by the fact that the disposition and other qualities of the sires in nearly every instance predominated in the foals. Though the ring was crowded and foals were running about in every direction there was no inclination on the part of any of them to show vicious tendencies. Nearly all were half-bred, .though a few were thoroughbred. "I am a firm believer in the half-bred horse as a proper type of cavalry horse, and would say that the ideal animal should stand 15.2 hands. A half-bred horse this size will stand any amount of rough work in the ranks or the picket line. He would bo tough enough also to stand the sort of horsemanship to be found among the recruits of the service, many of whom have had little opportunity prior to enlistment to learn even the rudiments of riding. A dash of cold blood is, therefore, desirable in the remounts, as the clean-bred animal would be as a rule too sensitive in disposition to endure the hard knocks cavalry inevitably receives. "During the period of my western observation." said Col. Scott in concluding, "I have seen a steady disappearance of the sturdy type of horse once so prevalent and now so necessary, and unless something is done to revive interest in his kind it will be almost impossible to find a good riding or cavalry horse, except where he is bred for special purposes. He will be only available at high prices, and the rich will have a monopoly on what .should constitute a pleasure for all of our people. It is a splendid .work and other communities should follow the example of the Genesee Valley country in his production." "

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Local Identifier: drf1919100301_1_9
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