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HAVANA, CUBA, TRACK SALE RUMORED NEW YORK, N. Y., October 18. There is an unconfirmed report here that C. A. Stoneman of the New York National League baseball club, and John J. McGraw, manager of the club, and Stone-mans partner, has bought a large interest in the i Oriental Park race track in Havana for something like one million dollars from H. D. Brown and his associates. Brown, Stoneman and McGraw landed at Key West today and are on their way to Now York. The story is not confirmed, but it is known that McGraw, who has always had an interest in the Havana racing venture, has sought before this to get Stoneman to also become interested. An official of the Cuba-American Jockey Club said today: "I do not know if the story is true. I am inclined to believe that it is, in part. I think that Stoneman has bought a large interest and that McGraw has added to the interest he has always had. Their profits in baseball this season were large enough to buy something big. II. D. Brown, if the purchase has been made, will hold i an, interest and manage the property."