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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY PARIS. France, October 18. The supreme council today adopted a resolution that delegates of the great powers may sit on the various commissions created under the German peace treaty and may vote on questions before these commissions whether or not their governments have ratified the treaty. If the United States senate does not object it is stated to bo probable that American delegates will take tliQ places assigned to the United State on such commissions. AAr A R H I N i;TO N. D. C, October 18. After adopting provisions to end railroad strikes by penalizing employes -who go oil strike or others who foment strikes, the senate interstate commerce committee today completed the draft of a bill to establish a permanent railroad policy. Government control and operation of the roads would end thirty days after enactment of the measure. LONDON, England, October 18. Great Britain has already 1,600 profiteering tribunals in operation, it was announced today by Charles A. McCurdy, secretary to the ministry of food. Since the profiteering act was passed by parliament, he stated, the food minister has instituted 1,350 prosecutions and secured fhies totaling 5,000. NEW YORK, N. Y., October 18. Bringing 255 passengers and crew of the French steamer Aenezia, which burned at sea last Monday off the Newfoundland fishing banks, the steamer Chicago arrived here this morning.