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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111.. October 21. AVeather forecast: Illinois Fair tonight, with cooler in south portion; AVednesday partly cloudy and slightly warmer, becoming unsettled by night in north portion. Missouri Fair tonight aud .probably AVednesday; cooler in southeast portion tonight; rising temperature AVednesday. AViseonsin Fair and slightly colder tonight. General forecast: The northwestern storm will move rapidly southeastward, attended by rain or snow withoin the next thirty-six hours from the northern Rocky- Mountain region eastward to eastern Minnesota and central Iowa. The weather will continue fair in the district farther east and south. Following the passage of the storm colder weather will overspread the northwestern states. AAASHINGTON. D. d October 21. A declaration of the imperative necessity of holding the national industrial conference together is understood to form the keynote of the 000-word letter which President AVilson sent today to See- . retary Lane, chairman of the conference. The Presidents letter was described by those who had read it as "an extremely powerful document, written in the rigorous style which characterized the executives writings before his illness. The conference may take a recess for a week to draw up new plans. WASHINGTON, D. C, October 21. Possibility of a compromise between senate advocates and opponents of reservations to the German peace treaty was said to have received serious consideration today at a conference of democratic leaders held arter Chairman Lodge had called a meeting tomorrow oc the foreign relations committee to consicer new reservations and modification of those reported out by the conimitte September 10. STOCKHOLM, Sweden, October 21. The United States minister here, Ira N. Morris, lias received a request by telegraph from General Yudenitch aim Premier Lianozow of the. government of northwest Russia urging the United States to send food aim other necessities for Petrograd, which General Yudenitch said he expected to take today. The request was forwarded to AVashiugton. ST. LOUIS, Mo., October 21. King Albert of Belgium, accompanied by the royal party, was the guest of St. Louis today, his train arriving at tne western railroad termiiiVt-s forty minute later. Huge crowds, however, which lined the long route of march, waited patiently in order to show their welcome to Belgiums monarch. CHICAGO, 111., October 21. Before one of the largest concourses of persons which ever assembled to witness a public event in Chicago Cardinal Mercier, primate and idol of Belgium, today was awarded the honorary degree of doctor of laws at Loyola university.. LONDON. England. October 21. Orel has been retaken by the bolsheriki, who have defeated nineteen regiments of Gen. Mamentoffs. army outside of Voronezh, according . to a wireless dispatch atut out by the soviet guvcruuicut iu Moscow.