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WORK-OUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST 90 At Laurel. LAUREL, Md.. October 28. Work-outs at Laurel this morning included the following: Weather cloudy; track heavy, "dogs" up 87 Artist, half mile in 55. 83 Arniant, three-quarters in 1:25. 79 Be Frank, half mile in 54. SO Hallyconnell, three-eighths iu 38. SO ISallet Dancer II., mile in 1:52. CO Bogart, half mile in 50. 82 Bierman, three-quarters in 1;27. 8- 1 Ilelario, half mile in 54. 81 Cobwebs, three-quarters in 1:20. 87 Court Fool, three-quarters in 1:27. S7 ComacliQ, five-eighths in 1:08. 89 Dorcas, three-quarters in 1:24. 78 Duchess Lace, three-eighths in 42. 48-Dr. Clark, mile in 1:58. 71 Damask, mile in 1:5S. Epiphanes, three-eighths in 42. :51 Enos, half mile in. 55, 87 El Mahdi, half mile in .50. 82 Franc Tireur, five-eighths in 1:12. 88 Freeinantle, throe-quarters in 1:20. 8S Frogtown, three-eighths in 39. 87 Gallagher, three-quarters in 1:27. 81 Grimalkin, three-eighths in 40. S7 Gill, three-eighths in 42. 87 Hamilton A., half mile in 50. 80 Hauberk, three-eighths in 42. 88 Hidden Ship, three-eighths in 42. S7 Ina Kay, three-eighths Jn 42. 57 Juanita III., half mile in 50. 88 Kallipolis, half mile in 50. 89 Lloyd George, half mile, in 55. 83 Lady of the Lake, five-eighths in 1:11. 88 Margery, half mile in 54. 80 Martha Luckett, three-eighths in 41. 80 Ophelia, seven-eighths in 1:37. 87 Prunes, five-eighths in 1:11. SO Pigeon Wing, three-quarters in 1:20. 01 Red Red Rose, three-quarters in 1:20. 70-Ragnarok, three-quarters in 1:22. 82 Rapid Day, three-eighths in 43. 87 Rollicking Airs, half mile in 54. 87 Scurry, mile in 1:58. 82 Stickling, mile in 1:58. 87 ;Sea Queen, mile in 1:57. 00 Senator Crow, half mile in 55. 81 Sir Barton, three-eighths in 41. 87 Swecplot, three-eighths in 41. 84 Truly Rural, three-quarters in 1:20. SS Thorn Bloom, three-eighths in 43.. 87 True as Steel, five-eighths in 1:12. 83 Wedding Cake, five-eighths in 1:11. At Churchill Downs. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. October 28. Work-outs at Churchill Downs tins morning included the following: Weather clear; track heavy 53 Amelita, mile in 1:40. 54 Arthur MIddleton. mile in 1:40. 55 Alex Jr.,. half mile in 50. 70 Bulldoze, half mile in 49. 83 Blushing Beauty, half mile in 49. 58 Barenka, half mile in 51. 83 Bounding Through, five-eighths in 1:03. 71 Blue Paradise, five-eighths in 1:00. 01 Brig of War, five-eighths in 1:03. 83 Busy Joe, three-quarters in 1:19. S3 Bellsolar, mile in 1:47. 82 Brunette II., mile and a. quarter in 2:13. 83 Brimful, mile in 1:47.- 72 Belle of "Elizabethtown. mile, in 1:57. S3 Claude Brown, three-quarters in, 1:10. 80 Captain Mac, three-quart6rs in 1:19. 01 Double Van, three-quarters in 1:18. S3 Dr. Hickman, five-eighths in 1:02. 00 Diana, half mile in 51. S3 First Pullet, lialf mile in 52. , 53 Frivolity, half mile in 49. " 71 Flapper, half mile in 51. 52 Guide Post, mile in 1:40, 73 Gallant Lad, five-eighths in 1:03. 75 Horace Lerch, three-quarters in 1:17. 70 narry Burgoyno, three-quarters in 1:20. 54 Helma, five-eighths in 1:03. 75 Hasty Cora, five-eighths in 1:07. 84 Hopover, five-eighths in 1:04. 70 Herald, half mile in 51. 54 -Iwiniwin, mile in 1:48. 83 Iris, five-eighths in 1:07. 77 Inquiry, lialf mile in 50. 07 Jorice, half mile in 52. 83 J. J. Murdoek. five-eighths in 1:03. 79 Jap, mile in 1:40. 83 Kiku, throe-quarters in 1:18. 77 Korbly three-quarters in 1:17. 04 Lady Rachel, three-quarters in 1:23. 85 Linden, five-eighths in 1:00. 84 Lorraine, five-eighths in 1:00. 09 Minto II., mile in 1:45. 55 Manicurist, three-quarters in 1:18. SO Marauder, five-eighths in 1:05. 84 Maud Bacon, five-eighths in 1:08. 73 Major Bradley, five-eighths iu 1:07. 83 Maliony, half mile in 51. 73 Move On, half mile in 49. 53 Marchosa II., half mile in 49. 83 Night AVind, three-quarters in 1:21. S2 Our Birthday, mile in 1:40. 52 Pastoureau, mile in 1:45. 77 Pyx, three-quarters in 1:17. 78 Quartette, half mile in 50. June 30 Quito, half mile Jn 51. 89 Regalo, mile and a lialf in 2:39. 84 Repeater, three-quarters in 1:22. 71 Ray Atkin, five-eighths in 1:00. SS Redstart, lialf mile in 52. Hi Stepson, half mile in 49. 83 Sweeping Glance, half mile in 49. SS Sams Boy, half mile in 50. 1" Spearlene, three-quarters in 1:10. 83 Sweep Jr., three-quarters iii 1:19. SS Sansyming, seven-eighths in 1:32. 71 Serbian, three-quarters in 1:17. 04 Shoddy, three-quarters in 1:18. 89 Spectacular Girl, mile in 1:40. 84 Salvo; milu in 1:40. 53 Sway, mile in 1:43. CI Thinker five-eighths in 1:00. SIS Theodore Fair, five-eighths in 1:04. 09 Thanksgiving, half mile in 54. S3 Troilus, half mile in 49. 70 Ulster Queen, mile in 1:47. 84 AVar Spirit, mile in 1:45. 8 1 AVcstwood. three-quarters in 1:21. 71 AVadsworths Last, half mile in 55. At Douglas Park. AAeather clear; track slow 83 Baby Cal, three-quarters in 1:23. 74 Betty Curry, half mile in 50. 80 Captain Ilershler, three-quarters in 1:10. 84 Cortland, five-eighths in 1:05. 52 Deckmate, mile iu 1:54. May 2 Durward Roberts", five-eighths iu 1:09. Director James, half mile in 52. 80 East Indian, mile iu 1:49. 79 Eda Herrmann, three-eighths in 41. 82 Flyaway, half mile in 52. .S2 Fledgling, three-quarters iu 1:27. 07 Gipsy Queen, half mile in 54. 53 Hereafter, three-quarters in 1:18. 83 Harrigans Heir, three-eighths in 40. Lightning Sweep, three-eighths in 40. 73 Lively, three-eighths in 39. 88 Miss Patty, three-quarters in 1:21. 82 Major Parke, three-quarters iii 1:18. 78 Mary H., three-quarters in 1:22. 73 Maramon, three-quarters in 1:24. S3 Milda, five-eighths in 1:00. 79 Medusa, half mile in 50. 70 Neg, three-quarters in 1:22. .09 Ophelia W., three-eighths in 39. 77 Parr, mile in 1:52. 77 Parrish. mile in 1:49. 89 Pomercne, throe -quarters in 1:17.. 02 Pop Eyes, five-eighths in 1:07. 00 Sir Oliver, three-quarters in 1:24. 89 St. Germain, mile in 1:49. 77 Thistle Green, throe-quarters in 1:18. 09 Tokalon March, three-eighths in 38. 73 Tom Brooks, three-eighths in 39. 45 AMsion. three.quarters in 1:24. SO AAar Prize, three-quarters in 1:27. S3 AAatersmcet, three-eighths iu 37.