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TELEGRAPHIC FORM 1. - . The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are: Pimlico Baltimore, Md., November 12. 1 Rockaree, Clarabella, Cock o the Roost. 2 NIGHTSTICK, Belario, Melancholia. 3 Quel Bonhcur, Melos, Northw.ood. , 4 Royce Rools, Mad Hatter, Woodtrap. C-Bridesiuan,-Leochares,r Tippity W.itcbqt 0 Kinnoul, Siren Maid, Smart Guy. 7 John I. Day, Melancholia, Rockport T. K. Lynch. Bn Halos Pimlico Handicap. 1 Clarabella, Gain de Cause, Cock o .the Boost, Bardora. 2 Nightstick. Belario. Indian Chant, Asterisk. 3. Quel Bonheur, Crest Hill, Northwood, Algardi. 4. MAD HATTER, Exterminator, Royce Rools. Woodtrap. 5. Bridesman, Tippity Witchet Slippery Elm, Leocharcs. , . . C. Smart Guy Kinnoul, Siren Maid, Faisan Dore. 7 John I. Day, Melancholia, Rockport, Free-mantle., , Observer Pimlico Handicap. 1 Clarabella. Gain de Cause, Cock, o the Roost.-. Belgian Queen.-. ., . , 2 Nightstick, Belario, - Melancholia, Prunes. 3 QtieL Bonheur, Northwood, Crest Hill, New Haven. - - . ..- -- 4 MAD HATTER, Royce Rools, Exterminator, Woodtrap.,-. 5 r-Tippity . Witchet, Slippery Elm, Bridesman, Lcochares. . o ... 0 Kinnoul, Smart Guy, St Allan, Siren Maid. 7 John I. Day,- Melancholia, Freeniautle, Rockport