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FAIR GROUNDS BRILLIANT MEETING Racing Clean and Wholesome — Officials Praised for Healthy Condition of the Sport. NEW OBI.KANS. La., February 17. Ihe most In il -Baal raciag season ever ■ onducte.l here in recent years came to an end with todsj * racing at the Fair tirounds. Predictions made as to the da— of racing Ihat would be -ecu at the Pair liround- were borne out to Hie letter. It was said the good hoi -e- would be seen; ihat the best riders, and a -laff of officials which com|iri-ed tile most efficient and experienced groan of men who ever puniaVil over racing at any. winter track in the country woaM be here. Ami so it was. Tic- stewards. Messrs. Franc i- T. Nelson. Joseph A. Murphy. Samuel Nuckol-. Jr.. and J. P.. Campbell. mei with a ticklish i--n - down here this winter, but they met it faitly and uuhnMy, overcame it and emerged from uaii in nj believed was ., cloud of gleam with flying colors. There -honld be no he-itancy in saying that racing at the Fair Uronnils during the past fear weeks has been the best euaalacted and as dean and inter-eating sporl a- loi r* of the thoroughbred ever saw any w heie. , When Illinois were -pi ad during the early days of racing that oatside influences were going to be brought to play in the ratings of the track official-, the -towards found themselves in an odd prc-llirantent. The-e rumor- |m r slated, and in Hie face of Hum the greatest passible care bad to be taken in banding down decisions of the many cases which came up. Fortunately the officers of the Business Mens Bacing Association and the hoard of appeals stood behind the stewards firmly, and tie- dean racing Which reunited could not have been otherwise The tour profc-sional raciag officials who were in rharge of the Fair firnnnds sport came to New Urleaaa determined to let no outside strings he attached to their duties in the stand. It is well known several attempt- were made to persuade them | to -hade rulings, but they stood un-haken. It also ! is pleasing to be abb- to say the men in charge of ; the Business Mens Baciag Association fought with tooth and nail i very attempt made from I h i- alde to reverse rulings, regardless of the influence | behind inch attempt-. Thai In alight up he peculiar situation, which I the officials ate! in il ty prayer manner. Despite the general tumors that influence was I being brought to bear an them, the stewards. Ha. uuli determined to enforce the strictest discipline, did not ui.ike tin- mistake of combatting the ranters by taking drastic action on snap judgment. They watched their every step carefully, even though at I fir-t many believed outside newer was being exerted in the badges stand, ami in time absolutely contradicting the rumors that their ruling; were influenced gaiied lull confidence of the sporl patrons and brought lacing out into the open surely and firmly, and kepi it there. Drastic adion taken when such action was rcu.uiretl convinced any and all who might bare had intention of wrong hung that nothing but the cleanest ami liesi racing would be tobrated. and the ic-ult was inevitable- nothing but -1 ra Ik lit forward racing Was attempted and the aperl therefore furnished the Charal rntrrtalamial. In ju-t;ce to the overwhelming majority of actors m racing it must lie said wrongdoer- ate few and far between. It is as iamb to the interest of the sport of the few who indulge in sharp practices as it is to anyone else, and dont think for a minute tiie good men in racing dont realize that. Ihe great majority of horsemen weald like to arc ererj rue won on its merits. In other am da. they would like to see "Yorm" upheld. Because then they can bettor estimate the chances their x aliens horses would have in certain races.