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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111.. February 17.— Weather forecast: Illinois Iusettled tonight; probably light snow and cohh-r in north partiaa; AVednesday gene-rally fair and colder, except probably snow flurries near Lake Michigan. Missouri iene-rally fair tonighi and WdiMsd.iv; colder Wednesday. ieneral fareeaat: The indications are Bar mostly fair weather .luring the next thirty-six hours from the Rocky MomiMiiis eastward to Illinois ahd Lake Michigan, except that lighl snow is probable in the- western hike region and the Red River of the North valley. The t-mix-ratuic- will be lower from the- plain* states eastward, bat not below normal, except in AAisconsiu and portions of the adjacent stales. ST. PAIL. Alinn.. February 17. -Merger of the Great Northern. Northern Pacific and Hitrlington railroads late cute great traaaeoatteeatal system shortly after sovernini-ntal control is relinquished tiiis month was f-recast in high railroad circles he-re tod. iy. 1ARIS. France. February 17. — Only twenty - three persons on; of ninety-one- paaoeafera and a crew of fifty were- saved w hc-n the French ste-anier Ville dAlgcr burnt at sc-a and had to be- deserted. LONDON. Kngland. February 17. The- Pall Mall C.zcitc- today s:i s the Earl of Heading, former Ainliassaclor at AVashiugloii, has dec lined an offer of that saute uplMiiiilmttit. •