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I i I HORSES ENTERED IN EMPIRE STAKES l Stars of All Ages Named for Feature Races to Be Run at Yonkers Course. NEW VOUK. N. V.. March S.— The Empire City Hacing Association has received to date a long list of entries from 1M nominators to its sixteen stakes of the value of stil.otM. which closed March 1. and which are to be run for during the summer meeting to be held the latter half of July. Nearly 1.0110 entries have thus far come in. and the number of nominators is a record one. The best horses in training have been entered, so that everything points to a most interesting and successful meeting for the entertainment of the sport-loving public of this vicinity and the out-of-town and foreign guests that may come on especially for the International Vacht races that take place at the same time as the Yonkers meeting will be run. •I. W. McClelland tops the li-t in number of onirics, having made 71: .lames Batter comes next with «iii: H. P. Whitney 49: W. H. Co.- :J,s: s. C. Hiidreth :Ui: Commander .1. K. I.. Ho— Mil: uincv Stable M; .| . Salmon 28; C W. Loft Xi: E. Waterhury 3S; loorge D. Widener 23; Mrs. I.onise Viau Id: H. T. Wilson IS; Morton E. Schwartz 18; W. X. Thraves lti; .lefferson Livingston Hi: It. I.. Gerry Hi: Glea Btddle Parm 15; Jaha Baafard 13: N. K. Heal 13; Wm. I.ooth 12: Hedstono Stable 12; A. K. Macombcr lL. A. 11. Morris H; M. Coldblatt 12; Casco Stable 11: A. E. Asle 11: Thomas Mona-han 10: .loseph E. Murphy 10: Mrs. C. K. Moore 111. and son on. The Empire City Derby, for three-year old colts and fillies, has thus far received fifty-seven carries, which include Man o War. Cpset. Wihlair. Jaha P. Crier. Damask. Vexations. Donnacona. On Watch Dominiipie. Krewer, David Hnrum. Star Court. Cleopatra. Hasten On. The Trout. I nivcr-al Toujaara, Mis, Jemima, taimaadale, BaraMtiaa, Feodor, Sandy Heal. Gallagher, Court Pool. Gladiator, Xrddam, Grand Slam. Iti f f Pang. Carnarvon. Hoiileau. P.rookholt. Ethel Cray. Irish Dream. Irish Dinccr. Padri-ic Vice-Chairinan. King Albert. Sea Mint. May Huberts. Anniversary, apt. Aloock. Car Ea t. King Thresh, Hoyalb-t r, rVriMM Do.c. Trench Mortar, llobcy Baker. My Laddie, Pontypridd. Irince Pal. Lady Hiummel. White Socks. Kair Cain. Harry P... Hound Hobin, St. Allen. Westward and On High. Among the horse- catered in the older division handicaps are: A. E. Astes Double Eye and Ten Can. C. W. Atkinsons Tailor Maid. The Beach Stables Sunny Slope. I. Errant. Flag-. and Bight Over Might. N. K. Beal* Callagher. Win. P.ooths Gladiator and Neddam. Hubert Powers Cranf! Slam and Furbelow. Ceorge II. Hulls Kilearn. Mrs. C. Huxtons Ileroisine. H. P. Carmans Carmandale. Casco Stables Stat Shell. Heconnt and The Yoiiiil-Cavalier. W. . Clancys Hoyal Ensign. W. H. Coes Over There. Natural Hridgp. David Harum. Armistice. Star Court. Sweet Music and Shoot On. .lolm Dundees War Mask. . M. Onriison- He Prank. It. I.. Jerrys Feodor. Hon Hiddle Farms Man o War. Diuna Care. Dream of the Valley and Mr. Hrummel. M. Coldblatts .lorice. Out the Wav and Atta Hoy II. .lolm Graha Hattaa trope. •I. .1. Hallenbecks Salvestra and T.unetta. S. C. Hihlreths Purihase. Etu ullite. Mad riuiuderclap. Corn Tassel. Eonl rHightitn. Valor. Doiuiniiiue and Krewer. Willis Bharpe Kilmers Exterminator. Kilrane Stables Irish Dream. It If -1-011 Eivingstons Major Parke and Pliaee of imo. Oca, W. Loft- Donnacona. On Watch. Tippity Witcbet and Hi i ma .1. W. McChdlands Eternal. The Trout. Hasten On. The Wanderer. Cuiversal. Hichelieii. Iorcei anil Toujours. A. K. Macombers Star Master. Hovee Hools and Hover. Jerry .1. Mahera The Tramp, Old Koenig ami ima Praak. .1. W. Mays Vice-Chairinan. Thomas Monahans Koyalieu and Henry 0. Mr-. C. K. Moores Croniwell. A. II. .Morris Juicludc. N.i-reme Stables Crystal Ford. Oak Hidge Stables Sea Mint. Gea. M. Odoms Braamarin. A. A. Phipps May Bah i ta. Mis. . ]. Potts Taenia. Juincy Stables Capi. Alcock and Anniversary. -I. A. Holicrlsons On High. Commander .1. K. E. Baas Sir Harton. War Pen-i:ant. Baal face, King Thraah and Motor Cop. i:. Howes Mi— Jemima. W. .1. Salmons Hobey Baker, Eddie Rickenbachor and My Laddie. lolm San ford s Pontypridd and Cordelier. Morton E. Schwartz Audacious and Enfilade. Win. A. Sheas Ormoiiila. .1. II. Shrev-s Kallipoli-. Mose Solinsk.s Lady Hrummel. W. V. Thraves Mate IE Triple Spring Kamis Pen Hose. Ijiiii- F. Wagners Arrowhead and OsgaodL E. Waterbiiiys Klibberiygibbet and Homelv. H. K. Watklas Ticklish. P. D. Weirs Old Beeebud. H. P. Whitney- Wihlair. Jaha P. Brier, Dr. lark. Ip-et. Dama-k. exatious and Scurry. Ceo. D. Wiih Her- Eanius. Boyal Duck and While , Sock-. .1. B. Wiilen-rs Naturali-t. P. T. Wil-on. Jr.-. Hannibal. Hound Robin. Old Cold and Kino. lit. « ■