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i SENSATIONAL WORK BY TWO-YEAR-OLD HAVANA. Cuba. March s. Probably the fast. --t work-out for a two-year old was wltaeaacd Sun day morning when The Painter, by Peter Pan -Paint Braah, worked a ajaarter from tin- -tand to the three-quarter mile post in the aeaaatioaally fast time of lI .,. C. K. Moore, who witaeaaed the mine, declared that it was the fastest work out be had seen in all the yens he has been coiineeicil I with the turf. Mr. Moore was -o Impressed with i the performance that he made Mr. Pangh- a tempi ing offer far the coli. but it was declined. The mi i is one of the number which Mr. Paagle brought here to race for Harry Payne Whitney, who bred him at his Hrookdale Farm in New Jersey.