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S the ie r- T. T. f big n "g n t- of ,f 3 : tl the 11 e it r for f g o 0 0 0 , 0 0- 9 0. i n j 3 . J 1 . i t i t , : i t t t , i 1 1 I 4 : 4 4 tj 4 4 ?, ?j I. r P tl t b V Z - 4 4 4 4 4 4 FORT ERIE FORM CHART F0rethfof?v!ATwY AUGUST 14- 1920.-Furth day. Niagara Racing Association. Second Jiceting of days, weather clear; temperature 8p. Z Steward to Represent Canadian Racing Associations, Francis Nelson. Stewards of Meetincr J B andSTB:CaiiSulf,n 3tiaSC W- LCrCh aml D S GlllleS- "ammUonymclng Racing starts at 2:j5 p. m. Chicago time 1:15 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. fllJiQS FI?fT ,A?f 5 !-2 Furlongs. Aug. 12, 1920 1:05 4 110. Purse ,500, 2-ycar- olds. Maiden3. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; second, 50; third;C50. l"des Horses AWtPPSt U ?4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt i5G?S w103 1 4 f1 5 4J 1" H Stearns J H Loucheim 340-100 aoonS. fr??AB W 111 4 5 21 lh V 25 J Butwe" J Phillli,s "0-100 18222 UJIMA w los 5 3 2i U 3J 11 Kenndy J w Schorr 3GO-J0O lro w 103 8 2 4" 4,1 5i J Gruber H Oots" mo- 00 IM.SFiSlw WBl0S 71 31 31 2h 5i J MeTnist H Ncusteter 705-1 CO iSH-S WSB 112 6 6 7i GJ 03 G G Wills Pelican Stable 295- 00 :12??2 S?NIA a K- w 112 2 7 8 P M J Di-eyer H Tullett 3323-100 49149 TOSoA w 103 3 8 G? 8 S 8 A Pcorro W Durnan 4160-100 , , Time, 24, 48, 1:01, 1:0755. Track fast; , ""tue18, 1;M. T Eady Granite, .80 straight, .30 place, .20 show; Nortli Shore, .70 1 place Johns .00 show; Umma, .90 show. Iv .?lnJ!llentAo-ikin,K od,ls lly Granite. 340 to 100 straight. 105 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show I North. Shore, 33... to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Johns Uiiinia, 45 to 100 show. m J. t TrprT r , hJ Granlte Lady Strathmore, by Strathmore trained by C. F. Clark; bred by Mr. H. Loucheim, ... Went to post nt 2:. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same LADY GRAMME was outpaced for the first half, but came fast on the outside in the last Tnii-i"., "P w- NORTH SHORE tiled after taking a good lead and racing JOHN S UMMA into defeat. The latter set the early pace, but tired badly in the stretch. REPENT ran well. UNDIN.E was. prominent to the last eighth. r Scratched 49359 Sudor; 102; 49359IGolden Autumn, 112; Tooters 108 Overweights Repent, 2 pounds; North Shore, 3. 4:93Q3 SEj? HACE-3-4 Mil: Aug. 5, 1914-1 :114-102. Wellarid Handicam Purso mnJK9J-K9 U00, 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,100; second, 50; third, index Horses AWtPPSt U M Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt JISSZRAEIj w 1 10S 1 2 4i 3 21 1 G AValls T Mumhv vk 1wi 4t294STURDEB w G 120 2 5 3i ! 1 2 J BUtwell C Irby tfM 49205SPRINGSIDK w 5 117 3 6 6 6 3 3U O Wil is G M llendrie 1on 493ClMALLOWMOT w 6 112 7 3 7 7 i- 4" H Stearns F VarrlT SSriW- 4905.1 MOUETTE w 3 S4 5 7 8 8 V- 5U J Rowan D Raymond 49205.3S. PAUL wi. 3 120 8 1 5 4? 61 Gj" Tt SB H G?dd?nri iJolm" 48895 SALVATELLE w 5 110 6 4 1. 5 6 7 R Sirmison D Raymond 47613 CORN BROOM wn 4 8 2 2J 8 8 P lLx C A Crew Ja lw f Coupled in betting as D. Raymond entry. , ... Time, 23, 48, 1:13. Track fast. on 4 showV SMtJ0 1 S"0W; St"rde Placc- 10-. no ii t0 100 place 175 to 100 s,,ow: sturaee Winner B. c, by Inferno At Once, by Simontault trained by J. C. Dixon; bred by Mr. J. E: rtrirw"1 tITt11,3"1- At ,,l?St l ln.11"tu- start S01 and slow. Won handily: second and third cinvlug. A.ZRAEL. in a contending position from the start, saved ground on the last turn and standing a. hard drive gamely, won going away. STURDEE raced into a clear lead, but tired slightly in lest uud onnthe T. UL and SALVATELLE Overweights Salvatelle, 2 pounds. 4994- Tm p-i,,1:8 July 5 19"-l:50-3-112. Purso ,500. 3-year-olds -MiIcsVT rSKUUfJX: and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner ,100; second, 50; third 50 Intlex Horst!S A WtPPS.t V, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt lit-nlxk?U WBB ? 112 1 4 21 lh H 1 1- .3 Mangan W M Cain ilco f S- TROPH.Y WB5 1QJ 2 3 1 2 2 2 2- E Graves W F Poison inn 49364 COLONJEL LIT w 3 9S 6 6 6. 3J 3 3 3i B Kenndy J F Louchdm ilm 343 CAPITAL CITY ws 0 10 4 7 8 8 S 5M H GrX? 2 Kennedy 4936.r3PIT wb 7 10i 7 8 V 7? 71 7 5 G " Wall J Phillins " 4fin inn WC9 3 2 4h G 52 41 i Butwell J K Ross 10? 40-3ofSLTTFLLY 4.910.1 BAEY GAL w 7 lflG 5 3 31 5nk G Gnk 7s O Wills W C Weant Ifti inn 493.65 SYLVANO w 4. 110 8 10 4 4. 8 8 R. Simpson W Burnan B co . , Time, 23, 47, 1:13, 1:38, 1:51. Traok fast. T Colonel Tu" showaZy ?99Q Strali;,lt 20 1laco 70 sho: TfT. .00 place, .70 show; iuLf TLazyr.L?U Pr5, toA tM 215 to 100 place, 135 to 100 show; Trophy. Iu0 ir,ft to 100 place, 13u to 100 show; Colonel Lit. 215 to 100 show Mr. FranirGIHoganKy AtkiniIrs- F- G- US. by Sir Dixon trained, by W. M. Cain; bred hy WTeliv f at ?:Sf At J.St.2 mlnutc Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third, driv-mg. mtt iau LOL rushed into the lead on the backstretch and won as Jier rider pleased TROPHY set the early pace and made a game finish. COLONEL LIT raced well, -but tired. CAPITAL CITY moveu Vlth a rush 0,1 tIie ln.8.t turn and finished fast. SYLVANO quit. WELSHMANS FOLLY had a rough Scratched 19385 Goldcrest Boy, 108; 49052 Saga, 102. Overweights Sylyaiio, 1 pound. 49S95fc r0U?rH aACE-3-t into. Aug. 5, 1914-l:ll-4-102. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds JUOtyq and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; second, 50; third, 50 "df H"?S, AAVtPPSty, A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 49339Ss LASSIE Z 4 nl. I I S tl U ? J EtVwIJ 1 35 Zi PB Kandgy J W Schorr 93G2SGENIE -W. 1054 - a Si -4S K RomelH T WMlon . Si" fJC! h 1 TH WJVGvn 8.114 6 .2 21 2 4I5 5- R Stepson W Cnt IT 440.33 PYX w 3 107 8 8 41 5J 6 6- E Graves W F Poison inrf 49339 GL.EN LIGHT wn 3 104 5 G 5 75 7 7 J Rowan E F Whitney liwOO 40034 SATANA w 3 110. 3 5 7S S 8 M Andson G E Webb fsw -M 9 Time, 23, 47, 1:12. Track fast. iT- " tIs ,la,.d ,MMk,lux::$,ip-4,0 straiSht .-10 place, .20 show; Uncles Lassie, .30 place, .10 show; Lady in Black, .40 show. . uSr1? r-Kuklux, OT0 to 100 straight. 205 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Uncles r,K-.i;!lUrC?! Lassie, 21 to 10.0 place, lOo to 100 show; Lady in Black, 120 to 100 show WhitueyT" Br00mstickValkrie by Hamburg trained by C. W". Hall; bred by Mr. n. thirdWtlt St - M 4 minuet. Btait good and slow. Won driving; second and rvVriV! r 4t , UX aWay, B,lowl,y but gaincd st!lJ a Rood ride and caught ilivH 1 ,LAbSIB b,,t. was trins nrply won. UNCLES LASSIE set a great pace and after being headed was coming again at the finish. LADY IN BLACK raced forwardly, but tired. GENIE M. closed a big gap. TOP. O TH MORNING tired after ii fast half mile Scratched 49339Marvin May, 107. Overweights Uncles .Lassie, 2 pounds. 49?9fi C2dand0. "tandV?2 5 1,8 Furlongs. Aug. 12, 1920 1:05 4 110. Seventeenth Runninir IIoS0 HOTEL STAKES. ,500 Added, 2-yeS-oldS. Handicap: Net S to winner ,820; second, 50; third, 50; fourth. 0. Index Horses A Wt PP St V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt oS5QN wnllS 1 4 U ll li 1" B Kenncly J W.Schorr 42W00 JOnT 5 9207 JEAN COREY wn 105 2 5 Si 4" 2 21 H Gruber A L. Austin ir .4927QMADNE LILLIAN w 110 7 8 cl C 5 J BuUVell J U Dunn MS 493.40 BABY GRAND w 122 G 1 2U 2i 41 4U G Walls J K L Ross nn 02fSCONlLWER I I ft 61 5 Steals Thomcffrstable S j.ins- w 109 3 7 S 75 73 G" 0 Wluls G M Hehdrie 1570-1CO ? ,T w 120 4 2 43 3i 5i 7 R Simpson tt Tullett 540-100 -.9310 FRIVOL ff3L5,"lsn 8 J McTagt H Neusteter IMO-J co . , ., , Time, 24, 47, 1:00, 1:06. Track fast. .0hS Madeline UuLm; ?l.4t?suow!50 M C.rey placp T,.nME?wve2j-!rki! N-"! s- pardon, 425 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; Jean Corey, .4u to 100 place,. 330 to 100 show; Madeline Lillian, 70 to 100 show. Madden"0 C 0n"01"lale Antella, by lianudcs trained by L. Timber; bred by Mr. John E. snnJIolW PPinnv1 VSt ,,inutf Start ood and slow. Won driving; second and third the SniKr , V? r ,aSit e?r,y 1,aCe b,lt W1S tMns and 3,,st lastea lon cnoiiBli. JEATf L I U" ,r 1 throughout and was wearing the winner down at the end. MADELINE v end B BY rit vn r., U11ren,tU,rl,J? "1 Iv11 ".aking a slow beginning, but tired right at the lSt tlrCd WITCH FLO WEIm,, will. IKBi was P""ed P after forcing the early pace. Overweights Frivol. 1 pound; Jean Corey. 2. 49397 -XJJJ SInRAQCE1 uly 3 19"-l:37-5-100. McNaughton Handicap, Purse 6 . 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,100; second, 50; third, Index Horses A WtPPSt Vt V. str Fin Jockeys OwnrF Equiv. Odds Strt f40lFlsHTTTAV N w J" 2 I V I1 ll ll 1 Simpson J R Skinker iandm iowArkY wG10 12 6 0 5J 53 2n B KcnnTly Thorncliffe Stable 710-100 4D36.5-WNEWOOD wn 4 10G 4 3 2 2 n 2 2i J McTact J T Strito m irn lPSJandUS? w 5 fJ W 3J 3S 51 R Rom-elli C H Gilroy IHO-lOO 49341 SI. GERMAIN w 3 101 3 5 51 C G G 6 H Stearns F Farrar 2680-lto . , , . Time, 23, 47. 1:12, 1:38. Track fast. W vJZrt WJS- -3 Strai?ht S3-7 1,lat0 hB-C Sh-: Easter Lil 40 !. Uyt04?TJ TynSZ, 80 100 by Mr.,AS,jSlins,Jn1!eeP Da-v-Sun,u,er Star Shoot trained by W.. A. Burttschell; bred driviYrSnifvfrvn-v. At V0St 1 n,,nnt-. Start good and slow- Won handily; second and third PVSTFtt ill Y JVh Set a, a tlle wa smX eW9n Bu"y i hard iinai drive. wvvvlKwifm , with 11 rush on the outside in the last quarter and finished fast and gamely. YORHWBBrtLFfi t,W StretCl thCa- QUENTIX U0 n,isl,al, Scratched 103S3 Ticklish, 112. Ovenveights St. Germain, 3 pounds. 491398 SEJENTH, HACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Aug." 12, 1320 1:41 6 106. Purse ,600.--xjr.uuU J-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; second, 50; third, T.. "..Ca AWtPPSt li V4str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Stit irnarr1 wu 4 10S 1 5 C! P 54 1! G AVal! M-R Pons 7Mo5 4?.m-frnSEE WB 3 100 2 4 3 S" 3" 2 G Mangan J J Doyle 1273-1 aiSwwT0 w411 4 7 5 5Ek4S 3 33 B Kenndy B C Bunbury 470-100 lo- nK t .t. w fi 113 3 1 1 11 2nk -u R Simpson E T Zollicoffcr 5S"-1W 4938u BEN HAMPSON wu 6 110 7 S 8 8 8 51 5h r McCrnn C Irbv air in, 49304 OLD SINNER wr. 3 103 5 5 21 24 ijsiiSJ 1 6S 7U J MeT-ict W R Tolmip 1 491Q2 SKEER FACE wb 7 110 6 3 4 4J 6 8 8 " O WiTlts W C Weant ttm , . .Timo 24, 18 7:13 1:39 1:44- "t. show;" Corsoii 00 show tra,B,t. .10 place, .10 show; Biddledee. .20 place, .S0 300 fhtliM 105 10 100 53 10 e. L. McCi-eeryT.1 f 1,y Si,"toi-Vi,laiKrltte. Prisoner trained by O. E. Pons; bred in England by Mr. s.nnniwrnllf At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the BiniW riw iK?Tu JBu wly. hut closed a B1, steadily and, finishing fast, won in the last sfri le In rm lxujUlMymt th" Q,u 1 "avl,,K raitu int the lead. CORSON rai Ta goo,r race! speed!1 U 60 y naC ma tir0,- 0L1 SlUSFAt anil SKEER FACE quit after siowhig Scratched 49298 Thinker, 100; 493442Ballybell, 102: 47050 John Tr 107- iowsr, 493S"3La Vm IoaS. 49301 Galley Head. 100; 49273 Beiiu Bmmmel II., 0 ; -19344 Croix d"o? 105 113; Overweights Old Sinner, 3 pounds; Biddledee, 3.