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CONNAUGHT PARK The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Connaught Park Ottawa, Ontario, Sept. G, 1920. 1 RESARF. Oakling, Barber. 2 Smithfichl. Rhomb, Jim O. " 3 Bees Nest, War Tank, Charley Boy. 4 Statim, Bnrlingume, Rumoua II. f Vive McGee, Sans Peur II., Ilindoostan. 6 Cprk, Hondo, Duke Buff. 7 Bogart, Manokin, Goldcrest Boy. T. K. Lynch. Chicago Handicap. 1 Bcsarf. Aunt Lin, Blarney Boy, Barber. 2 Sinithfichl, Khomb, Jim O., Kay o Light. 3 War Tank, Bees Nest, Jacobean, Bertha S. 1 Semper Stalwart, Honolulu, G. M. Miller, , . Primes. 5 BROOM PEDDLER, Ilindoostan, Sans Peur II., Ballybell. r Duke Kuff, Hondo, Cork, Pilsen. 7 Goldcrest Boy, Bogart, Mauokiu, Buckboard. New York Handicap. 1 RESARF, Barber, Blarney Boy, Aunt Lin. 2 Khomb. Smithfield, Jim O., Kate Glenn. 3 Jaeobean, Bees Nest, Bertha S.. War Tank. 4 Mistake, Semper Stalwart, Burlingame, Hono- . lulu. 5 Ilindoostan, Siesta, Ballybell, Sans Peur II. Pilsen, Hondo, Duke Kuff, Cork. 7 Charles Francis, Bogart, Goldcrest Boy, Manokin. Bnffaloa Handicap. 1 Kesarf, Aunt Liu, Barber, Blarney Boy. 2 Smithfield, Khomb, Jim O., Ray o Light. 3 War Tank, Bees Nest, Jacobean, Bertha S. 4 Semper Stalwart, Honolulu, G. M. Miller, Prunes. 5 BKOOM PEDDLER, Ilindoostan, Sans Peur II., Ballybell. 0 Duke Kuff, Hondo, Cork, Pilsen. 7 Goldcrest Boy, Bogart, Manokin, Thanksgiving. Oberver Handicap. 1 RESARF, Barber, Blarney Boy, Aunt Lin. 2 Rhomb, Algardi, Smithfield, Jim O. 3 War Tank. Jacobean, Bertha S,, Bens Nest. 4 G. M. Miller, Prunes, Mistake, Statim. 5 Vive McGee, Ilindoostan, Biddledec, Ballybell. 0 Hondo, Cork, Pilsen, Le Balufre. 7 Goldcrest Boy, Manokin, Charles Francis, Bogart, CongenRn of Handicaps. 1 RESARF, Barber, Blarney Boy, Aunt Lin. 2 Smithfield, Rhomb, Algardi, Jim O. 3 War Tank, Bens Nest, Jacobean, Bertha S. 4 Semper Stalwart, G. M. Miller, Mistake, Statim. 5 Ilindoostan, Broom Peddler, Vive McGee, Sans Peur II. 6 Duke Ruff, Hondo, Cork, Pilsen. 7 Goldcrest Boy, Bogart, Charles Francis, Man okin.