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LAUREL The horses which seem ! best in Fridays races are: Laurel Park, Md., October 28, 1920. 1 Silver Springs, Explosive, Salesman. 2 Fair Mac, Bob Redfiehl, Sniithfield. 3 Thimble, Harmonlqiie, St. Michael.1 4 Glen Well, Sugarmint, Kalliiwlis. 3 YOUNG ADAM. Flibbertigibbet, Camoufluur. Paul Connelly, Poacher, Fickle Fancy. 7 Snapdragon II., Paul Jones, Dr. Joe T. K, Lynch. I Chicago Handicap. 1 Dancing Maid, Silver Springs, Mantilla, Chow. 2 Fair Mac, Sniithfield, Bob Redfield, Ormead. 3 St. Michael, Night Raider, Harmonique, Thimble. 4 Foreclosure. Sugarmint, Punctual, Allivan. 5 Flibbertygibbet, Young Adam, Joan of Arc, Fizer. 0 Pretty Baby, Kentucky Boy, Uranium, Fickle - Fancy. 7 PAUL JONES, Dr. Joe, Farmingdale, Tantalus. New York Handicap. 1 Dancing Maid, Explosive, Silver Springs, Man tilla. 2 Smithfield, Fair Mac, Bob Redfield, Ormead. 3 Night Raider, St. Michael, Harmonique, W. T. Grives. 4 Allivan, Glen Well, Kallipolis, Kirah. 5 Young Adam, Cumoufleur, Conime Ci, Flib bertygibbet. G B. B. Jchusou, Fickle Fancy, Pretty Baby, Uranium. 7 PAUL JONES, Dr. Joe, Snapdragon II., Farmingdale. Buffalo Handicap. 1 Dancing Maid, Silver Springs, Mantilla, Chow. 2 Fair Mac, Smithfield, Bob Redfield, Ormead. 3 St. Michael, Night Raider, Harmouique-, Thimble. 4 Foreclosure. Sugarmint, -Kirah, Allivan. 5 Flibbertygibbet, Young Adam, Joan of Arc, Camoufleur. 0 Pretty Baby, Kentucky Boy, Fickle Fancy, Bailbird. 7 PAUL JONES, Dr. Joe, Farmiiigdalc, Tantalus; Observer Handicap. 1 Salesman, Mantilla, Silver Springs, Explosive. 2 Bob Redfiehl, Fair Mac, Smithfield. Ormead. 3 St. Michael, Thimble, Night" Raider; Har monique. 4 Sugarmint, Allivan, Kirah, Foreclosure. Young Adam, Joan of Are, Flibbertygibbet, Charlie Summy. G Pretty Baby, Kentucky Boy, Paul Connelly, Uranium. 7 PAUL JONES, Dr. Joe, Snapdragon II., Tantalus. Conaenaaa of Handicaps. . 1 Dancing Maid, Silver Spjings, Salesman, Explosive. 2 Fair Mac. Smithfield, Bob Redfield, Ormead. 3 St. Michael, Night Raider. Thimble, Harmo nique. 4 Foreclosure, Sugarmint, Glen Well, Allivan. 5 Young Adam, Flibbertygibbet, Camoufleur, Joan of Arc. 1 0 Pretty Baby, Paul Connelly, B. B. Johnson, Fickle Fancy. 7 PAUL JONES, Dr. Joe, Snapdragon II., Farm- Jugdahj.