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SEEK HORSES FOR REMOUNT SERVICE BALTIMORE, Md., November 0. Majors Koch and Cederwald. accompanied by Lieut. McCreary, of the Remount Service were visitors at Pimlico this afternoon. They are here in search of thoroughbred stallions for the government breeding farm and they had posted iu the secretarys office and paddock the following note": "The Remount Service desires to secure a numlcr of thoroughbred stallions for use in breeding. If you have a horse you want to give a good ltome, lie can be given or sold if he is a good type, sound in wind and free from hcrditary unsoundness such as ring bone, spavin, curbs to the Remount Service. Age two years and over. All communication should be addressed to Chief of the Remount Service, Munitions Building, Potomac Park, Washington, D. C." mL