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LATEST VVORfcOUTS AT NEW 61? LEANS 484 NEW ORLEANS, La., December 10. Todays. . training gallops at tlie local courses included the following: Weather clear: track slow FAIR GROUNDS. Three -Eighth Mile. 470- Assume 41 450-I.uey Kate .3S;J 4S0-Benevolent ...41 481-I.ovs ...40 437-Bayard 44 482-Mnvoiirneen ..37 472-Beii Hampso.n.38 400-Mose 39 483-Back Bay 39 480-Ohr Birthday -.37 i 4G7-Cou,iites ....1.38 480-Ocean Swell... 38 ! 483-Celtlc Lass . .39?i 472rroultnev 40 ; 482-Daydiie .88 334-Selma G, 46 . 480-Grlmnlkln .30f. 480-Salesman .....37 5 ? 4S0-Gebrge Starr .;"3.9 482-Thc Foreighen.41 " 4S2-Jay Thummell39 483-Uncles Lassie. 40 409-Larghetto Hlf Kile. 482- Bluebanuock ..."3 Le Carno ....54 480-Bobby Allen ..53 483-Malya ...54 450- BIg Idea 52 482-Magikon 55 451- Bickley 52 4S3-Master Bill ..52 453-Baliygihen 52 481-MIdiiin .53 480-Captaiu Mac...5G 4S0-Ophelia W. ..52 4S0-Corson 52 4G9-.Polythia ......53 Dearie 55 410-Sir Clarence. . .54 480-Diamond -Dale. 52 475-Tau dHotiiieurS-l 30S-Gray Gable 54 479-Uncle Bert 52 483- Hndrian 55 4S3-Voormir 50 471- Jcan" Bullant. .55 482-Wedgw6od 55 450- Lady Emmeline51?i Five-Eighths Mile. 484- Be Sure ....1:0J 478-Montello 1:10 451- 0. HcrschlerlsOfi. 477-iNolnmn ....liOG 481- Galiot 1:08 480-Ohl Faithful. 1:07 : 480-Hand Sveep.l:07 4S2-0rlova 1:10 475-Humpy .....1:07 i79-PIato .......1:00 470-laily Luxury .1:07 483-Pickwick ...1:21 470-Lougliland . .1 :0S :4S2:Uiiited Verdel:00 478- Little Maudiel:05 480-Vetcran 1:08 . 481-Marie Maximl:09 453-Yung Ching .1:07 Three Quarters Mile. 183-Amaze 1:19 478-Molwiii .. 1:11 I 4Sl-Bone Dry 1:28 482-Pictor 1:19 483-Bltie Jeans.. .1:21 479-rrospeetor ..1:20 477-Bond .......1:21 432-:Rosecliff .1:22 480- CIieer Leaderl:23 4S2-Rancocjis ...1;25 Col. Lit 1:21 482-St. Isidore ..1:20 453-Episoilc 1:22 478-Sauf Conduit. 1:25 479- IIeroisme ...1:22 480-The Archer. .Ii23 481- Koh-i-noor ..1:22 483-Tenite 1:21 4S3-Lady Stel .U20 4and3-Who Cares.. Til 9 434-Master Jack. 1:19 480-War Mask ..1:21 474-Maliony .....1:20 Seven-Eighths Mile. 47G-Christie 1:41 One -Mile. 481-Aurum .1:50 479-Johnny 0tonl:52 481-Blarney Stonel:49Vi 4S0-Iiord Herbertl:50 481- Crjstal Ford.l:30 480-Merchant ...1:58 i 273:Coryddn 1:55 Siigarmitit ..1:54 -. 471-ChaIldngcr ..1:00 480-Tliunderbird .1:50 4S3-Drnmmond ..1:40 480-Vefo 1:49 470-Grouse- 1:50 482-Vormel ...1:54 Mile and a Quarter. 482- Pit 2:18 Maliony seems in good condition. Lady Stella . shows improvement. Drummond did useful -work. Veto is training well and looks good. Aiinim and Lord Herbert galloped ah easy mile together. Pictor is coming to racing- condition rapidly. Crys-tol Tord is training better than usual. "United Verde is training well. Cheer -Leader acts and looks good. Mavourncen has her speed. War-; Mask and Hcroisnie went well together. Amaze ; galloped a good three-iUarfcrs. Tit -went the route Under restraint. Little Maudie ediild have gone :faster. :PickAvick seems all right.