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BRUCE LOWE NO. 5 FAMILY !j : Contains Group of Great Runners, 1 but Scarce of Sires. Charles OMalley and Sunstar j the Present Stars Best 1 i Branches Considered. , . BY EX ILK. A goodly array of famous nice liorses and great t producing mares traee back in tlie direct female ,j line to a daughter of Masseys Black . Barb, the tap : runt of family No. 5. For all this, hut one really 1 influential sire, and this Doncaster, is a ineinlier J of this family. I.ruce Lowe, of course, did not regard family j No. H as a sire line, although this is the family , of the seven times leading English sire Hermit. -and of such good sires of winners as The Palmer, i Rosicrucian. Winkfield, Gnlteo More, Ard Patrick, J Sunstar, etc. liruce Ijuwo. I take it, was right, because No. 5 family sires do not seem capable of transmitting their own sire excellence, with the exception of Doncaster, to their direct male , descendants. Hermit, in the male line, has prac- , tieallv ceased to exist, unless the No. 14 horse Ballot gives to this Hermit line a fresh start. Neither Rosierueian nor The Palmer have set up a house of his own and Winkfields best racing son. : linchelors Button, failed as a sire. It is too early yet to say just what, fate holds in store for Sun- j "star as i sire of sires. However, the odds are against Ylim and the fact remains that No. f horses, as u rule, no matter their own attainments as sires of winners, do not seem capable of transmitting sire excellence to their lineal descendants. As a running family, however. No. 5 is much in evidence and many good sires of winners are also members of No. 5 family. The Hermit or Seclusion by Tadmor branch is one of the best winner-producing lines there is. for. besides Hermit, to Seclusion trace St. Itris. Son in Iiw, Minoru, Mirthful. Fair Kosamond. ancestress of many, etc., and no mistake can be made in the selection of either mares or yearlings which trace in the female line to Tadmors daughter. Seclusion. The Elizabeth by Rainbow branch is also good, as this, the branch of the No. 5 family from which comes the great No. .". sire transmitter Don-caster and the French stud success Simonia. which latter, by the way, traces t Elizabeths half-sister Marin, by AVatorloo. The Diversion by Defence branch of the Foily by Buy Middleton division is extra good as a running branch. Diversion bred three daughters. Miami. Madame Eglentine and Crosslanes. To the first named trace St. Alwynne. sire of the 1920, 1-40 pounds, winner of the two miles Melbourne Cup. Poitrel; Hie St. I.eger winner Marie Stuart; Mor-ganette, dam of Oaltce More; Aid Patrick and Blalrfinde. and I am left wondering if either Cnltee More or Ard Patrick will prove strong enough to sire some son fit to carry on the line. To Madame Eglentine trace Rosierueian. The Palmer. Marion. Winkfield. Nimbus, Nuage. Finas-seur. None of these, however, are sires of sires. To Crosslanes traces perhaps the best of the No. 5 liorses which have appeared in a long time Sunstar -and Sunstar is the sire of that good, honest colt P.uchnn. And here is the as yet unanswered question: How much of his own sire excellence has Kunstar been able to hand on to- his sou Buclian? CHARLES OMALLEY THE FAMILY JEWEL. Charles OMalley. a No. 5 horse, is doing right well these days as the sire of the Oaks winner Chailebelle and others, as Is Sir Martins French conqueror Biniou. A real good French racing branch of the No. 5 family starts in witli Rnthilde by Young Emiliiis. to which also strains the South American drey Fox. Grey Fox, I am given to understand, has been purchased for sire duty in !England and. on account of his membership in the No. 5 family, I shall watch his stud career with unusual interest and must now regard his chance of success as at least promising, from the fact that he is descended in the male line by way of Le Samaritain and Ie Saucy, from Herod. Anyway, England will not be the loser on account of the" coining of Orey Fox, for his daughters, as certain as anything, are to prove their worth as brood mares. The avenger of Waterloo. Gladinteur, was a member of the Warwick mare by Merman branch of the No. 5 family, as is the Two Thousand Guineas winner Kirkconnel, as well as that good Australian Patron. Gladiateurs failure as a sire was complete enough for anything and this can only be attributed to his memtiership of a non-sire branch of the No. 5 running family. Nothing much is heard these days of the doings of Kirkconnel as a sire, and Patron, I believe, had an unsuccessful try as a sire in England, and must also be written down as a failure as a sire. The Ecstacy by Touchstone branch of this family, though productive of many a good winner, is not eelebrnted for the excellence of its sires. Ecstacy traces to Royal Oaks dam by Smolensko. Royal Oak sired no sire, as does Mary Aislabie by Malcolm, ancestress of that first-class French race Iiorse Jardy, which, his turf career ended, was taken away to the Argentine, there to sire many :i good winner, but what the success of his sons as a sire I do not know. The best winner producing branches of the No. .r family, then, are the Diversion by Defence and the Seclusion by Tadnior. the Hathilde by Young ;niilius, Elizabeth by Kainbow Doncaster branch, IMury Aislabie a small one are nlo good, hut as :i sire line, with the Doncaster exception, No. 5 family cannot be considered as first class. Really it is amazing how marvelously accurate was Bruce Iowe, in his differentiation of the sire and running families, for even successful sires of winners which are members of the No. 5 running family do not seem capable of transmitting their own .sire excellence to their male descendants; in other words, family trees are but seldom carried forward by a No. 5 horse.