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KENTUCKY STAKES FOR 1 92 1 ■ ♦ 1 Twenty-Six Feature Events with Over 00,000 Added Money. ■ i i Greatest Array of Valuable Attractions Ever Offered in Blue Grass State. ♦ i COVINGTON, Ky . January 11. The Kentucky Jockey "lull baa announced the list of take races : in li«. run at the Lexington, Churchill Downs anil I-ji tonia spring meetings. From a monetary stand lK inl it i- the most valuable array of stellar • attractions ever offered in Kent** ky. The stakes • offered have a gram added value of 12,9*0. with the Kentucky Derby of 0,000 added. Latonia 1 Dot by anil the Independence Handicap each of [ 5,000 added. Hit- Kentucky Oak-, the Kentucky Handicap, tin- Latonia Daks, the Daniel Booae , Handicap ami the Queen tity Handicap cadi of r 8,000 added, as the outstanding restates. The . complete li--t • f slakes, entries lor which close February IB, is as follows: LEXINGTON. Name of Slake. Added Value. Tin- 1 amileii Handicap, 3 year-olds and upward, one ami one quarter miles $ "i.OOO It The llinata Slakes. 2-year-olds, half mile.. 8.080 The Idle Hour Stakes. 2-yew-SStS, half mile 8.800 The Ashland Oaks. 3-year-old fillies, one mile 3. 11 The Hive Iraaa Slakes. 3-ycar-olds. one and one-eighth miles 3.MK • The Itcn Ali Handicap. :! year olds and up ward, one and ••no-ixleenth mile- 3,000 1 CHURCHILL DOWNS. The Kentucky Derby. 3-year-olds, one and • ne-i|uarter mile- 0,000 l The Kentucky Oaks. 3-year-old fillies, one and — e eighth miles 11. Mill " The Kentucky Handicap. 3-year-. .Ids and upward, one and inn anajln mile- 10,000 I The Clark Handicap, S-year-slds and npward, one and one -sixteenth mile- 7,500 The Debutanle Slakes, -.-year-old fillb-. half mile ...noo The Bushfoed Manor Stake-. J -year old celts and geldings, four and one-half furious:- . 5,000 The spring Trial Stake-. 2-year -olds, four and one-half fin longs 5.000 The Proctor Knott Handicap, 3-yeur-olds, one and one-i|uarlor miles 5,000 LATONIA. Tile Latoala Derby. 3 year old-, one and one-half miles l The Independence Handicap. 3-year-old- and upward, one and one-half miles ir.liOO 0 The l.atoiiia Oaks. 3-year-old lilli,--. one and oiicHjuarler in i -- 10.000 0 The Daniel Boone Handicap. 3-year ..bis and upward. • and three-sixteenth miles... 11. OOO o •The Queen City Handicap. - year olds, one, mih- 0,000 1 The Clipsella Slakes. 1 year old fillies, five-eighths mile 5,000 o The Harold Stake-. 2-year "Id ell- and geldings, five-eighths mile 5,000 II The Cincinnati Trophy. 2-ymr-olds, three- ■pntrters mile 5,000 0 Th. Ten Breeck Handicap, 3-year. .id-, one and one-quarter mile- 5.000 0 The Enquirer Handicap, 8-yeui -olds and ap ward, one and one-sixteenth mil"- 5.000 0 The Quickstep Handicap. 3 year-oil- aid up waul, three-quarters mile ."1,0110 O The Inaugural Handicap. 3-year-olds and up ward, one and one -sixteenth miles ."..MX 0 •The Qneen City Handicap will be run during •x autumn meeting, 1021.