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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Thursday. January 13. 1921. Forty-third day. Lower California Jockey Club. Winter Meetint of Ki.~. or more -days. Weather clear. Presiding steward. Francis Nelson. Associate stewards. J. w. Coffrotb and Leoa Wing. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Rncing Secretary. Leon Wing. Racing -tails at 1:30 p. m. Chicago time 3:50. 5 2*? 8 0 First Race— 3-3 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916 — 35—2—105 . Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: ! second. 00: third. ?50. Banir. Odds. Ind. Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. AlamedaGSrl lii l» J tilass i.. KM : iz:t~i Polly Wale no l,:: .1 Callahan 220-100 Bwiftericket Uft 3] R Denny li20-ltO Plow St.-. I i! 4] a Aguayo 2660-100 .■".•,,-»57 Lit Plornce Uft 6J ll Junes 2146-100 5231211 lis t R Cart r 3M-16S si matnels paid. Alameda Girl, .00 straight, .00 pla.e. .sj.jii shea : Lolly Wale, .00 place. .20 show: Bwiftcrlek»t. .20 show. Egaivalenl 1 king odds Alameda Girl, 150 to 166 straight, 86 to UK place. 16 to 166 show: Polly Wale. 160 to 100 place. CO to 1111 show; Swift -cricket. Oft to loo show. Time. 3643. Track fast. Winner A. J. Merles b. f, by Jim Gaffnej Koala, by Canard trained by 0. A. Btnncfai; bred by Mr. O. A. Bianchil. Went t . post at 1:37. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: Second aad third driTing. Scratched TCH2 Wolfs Cry. 118. 5981 Seccnd Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. uwvj. Feb 2 laggj 1 ft Itt. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner §350: second, 00; third. 0. Equiv. odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52366* Madrid 167 1 B Marinelli 24*-10ft 52279*Humma 112 S3 H Rowe U M» 52314 Gift MB .". I Martinea 12SO-16S 52363*Cobrita I6S Ii B T.. lor 32 1M Canute Iftft .: X Cod. ii • i SS1S1 Dandy Van i"i ■■ J Majestic t 323 15 Red William IN 7 F Chiavetta 510 100 52313 Class A. lea I M Matthews 6720-160 ."ci-J7! Links Lady 163 I i" Kindle 52313 Calif Jack Ipi pi R Carter 142G0-108 52661 Gratitude 102 Bled. 11 Joins SKnMOO :.Miun. I field. si nintuels paid. Madrid. 6.46 straight, 2.20 place. 1.26 show; Humma, *0 place. .86 shon : Gift, .W show. 1. iui.ii. in bookbtft ...hi- Madrid, 2426 t. 160 Rtraight, 1610 ." 16ft pla.e. n;o to it. n show; Iliimina. I3o to lull place, pi to 160 show: Gift, 130 to 166 show. Time. 1:47. Track fast. Winner - Dean it Kaiicll- ch. ii. .",. by Alreacol Latifa. oa Hamburg I trained hj 11. Farrell; bred I.. Mi . ... orge -I. Long I. Went, to peal at 2:16. At post 1 stiaate. Btarl good and slow. Wen driving; second and third til. same. Scratch..! 52313*Jhn Winn. 196. Orerweigbts Bed William. 1 pound: Links Lady. 1: California Jack. 1 989 Thiri Race— S-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— u**jua 1:11%— 3j— Hi. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. C0: third. 0. EqnlT. odds. Ind Horse. wt. i in. Jackey. Btrafarht. 52266 Lady LoviU lOft 1 W Hinphy y.iJH Audrey A. Hi - A Zeigler 5160-100 .ir.ll B 11 Flower I0S M Slaughter 830-10. 52266 Lull Moon ill I" E Taylor 161 ."»IM1« Frivolous. IW •" H Rows ■ 100 5236a I bin Jon. i : u»-l« 32314 Crown IW . | F Chiavetta 716-160 52366 Barber ! 8=1 X Foden I3H -1«MJ 52686 Litth Romtsi n » B Burns -,■ l»W SL nintuels paid. Lad I. mill. .80 straight, .66 place sls,J shuw . Aodrej A. 14826o.6ft placi .66 -how: !!• lie Flower. St.20 show. Bsjairalenl bsokiag ...ids Lady Levitt, 366 to 100 straight. 150 to 100 atace, 146 to Phi show: Audrey A.. 1836 t.. loo place. 3tft to 100 show; Belle Flower. 110 1o lo J show. Time, l:lt% Track fast. Win aer— Whatcom stables b. f. by Heao— Raa- slaa Sable, by Older I trained by J. AlUli; bred by l.elair Stndi. Went t.. post at 2:42. At post L minutes. Start good and slow. Won driTing; t ecand and third the mme. KOQQQ Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Jan. 2. 1920— 1:43. .,— 6— 122. Purse . 3-year-clds and upward. Claiming Handicap. Net value to winner 20: second, 20: third. 0. E |UiT. Odds. ind. Horse. wt. Fin. jockey. Straight 32213 T.S.NotPasa 161 l» : Teargin fcW-KM " 3til Darnay Pit l" ll Rowe _.ii-iiin 52243 Verdi Loon M ::• I; Marinelli 510-16H 533C4 Horao Lerch M I,1 .1 Callahan ::s. -pn 522C3 Pledra l"7 :.; M Matthews j.,.i-1i 52313T.F.McMan :mi .. II B Bower 7W 100 matnels paid, They shall Sol Pa — . 8.46 straight, .60 place. .26 -how: Dnrnay, .86 place. .66 show : Verdi I I, .86 show. I :.|tii ;■ 1. ill hooking odd- They Khali Not Pas.. slii ,,, Km straight, --.ii to loo place, llo to 166 -how : Darnay. 66 l . loo place. 36 to 166 -lew . Verdi Lu a, 60 to 166 -how . Time. 1:44*,. Track fast. Winner .1. A. Parsons b. f. I. by Faye le Aastraiina. by Montana trained l.v .1. A. Parson; bred hj Mi— M. c. F. Chatterlj . Went lo post at 3:13. At po-l 1 niiniC.. SI. it a.M.iI and slow. Wan driving; access! and third the same. Overweights Horace Lerch, 1 pound: Pledra, 3. 52SR4 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. El Vaiidad Claiming Handicap. Dec. 20. 1916— j 111-,— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds. Net | value to winner 20: second, 20: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. I InJ. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. StralghL •V.*317 Anna Wood 10s |s R Denny 430-160 52156C. .. Dawn IB 9* C Gross 240-100 5231SM.A.Nnnn i » T :: W Hinphy len-iftft S2tISRaaoIa M IJB Marinelli 2360-100 32176Gwendola S3 :.• J Callahan 4269-160 52166 Nebulous : ■ . G reargia ssn-in.. paid, Anna W I. 6.66 straight. .26 place, .46 show; Crack .. Dawn. .86 place, .46 show; Martin A. Xoonaii, SJ.LO show. Equivalent booking odds Anna Wood. 430 to 100 Rtraight, Ho to loo pace, 26 to loo show: Crack Pawn. 66 t" loo place, 28 to loo show: Martin A N •. nan. 10 to loo show. Time. 1:13. TTack fast. Winn., Kevada Stock Farms b. f. by llone.v w I Anna May, by King Brie trained by W. s. Heath; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Went t,, post a: 3:37. A! post 1 minute. Start good and s|..w. Won ca-ih : sect lid and third j 1 1 i v int.. Scratched -32241 Dark Friar. 10S. Overweights- -Raaata, I. aosuads. uauuu F»9Rr1 Sixth Race— 1 Mile. June 17, 1916— i:38_3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiminfr. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. EqnlT. Odds. Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Joekey. Straight. 522Sl*Baby Cal Mft 1- 1. Marinelli IW-MO 32171 Ch. Holters 112 " . Teargin -l 6 52364 Deckhand lit :;, x Foden 368-W0 31548 Lt to Point J:i I3 W Hinphy 2s66-T6t 52339 *Tom Goose 161 :.- H Rowe 1246-aM 3233S* Little Gink lit I B Taylor 360-lftfl matnels paid, Baby al, .*.".. »o straight, .20 place. si . jo show: Christie Holters, *3.»*i ptftee, .60 -how: Deckhand. 14826.66 show. Kiiiiivalcni booklag adds— Baby - Cal, 17 » to Dxi straight, 66 lo loo place, lo to 100 show: Christie Holler- 86 to 169 place. 3,0 to 100 show; Deckhand. .",0 to KM -how. Time. 1:41. Track fast. Winnei W. C. Weants a. ;:. B, by Darante Icpiia. b.v llain.vcr trained by W. C. W.aiit: bred by Mr. F. A. Forsytbe. Went to post at l:IMI. At p..-t 1 minute. Start good and shw. Won easily; second and third drh il;;. Scratched 52293 Viva Cuba, 199; 523393Termak, 1U: 52315Andrey K . ll". FvOQQC Seventh Race— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920 xjhuvv _59_4_107- p„rse 00 3.year. olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. snOOt*. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. lackey. Straight 52299 Miaa Meelick 94 1 B Marin, in p,.-P 32991 Ringleader 191 2* M Slaughter 656-100 52281 Tillotaon IIS ■■■■, E Hayward Ssrt-ion 52193 sin. Maggie 113 - G Teargin P6-16H 32131 Plaarro US B 1 ll Carter 2M0-aas ." •.»! H * ov.-r lt. KM - II Rowe 120-100 52169*Gertrude B. KB I» H Jonas sjr,.i-p.. .-»2"»ll Ind Brigade HO IP B Bans jlSKl 163 .-il!! i:i Sablo 163 ; P Martinez 7M -MO 39939 M onda in- .07 16 -N Kod.n f .Mlltllel fiehl. Si mui mis paid, Miss Me. lick. .26 Straight, -26 pla.e. .40 -how: Ringleader, .26 place. s.L-Jo -how : Till..|s,,|i. .26 show. Ivpiivalcnt booking odds Mis Meelick. 190 to loo straight, llo to KMI place, 70 to 19ft show: Ringleader, 199 to loo place. 99 la 100 show; Tillotaon, lo 166 -how. Time. 1:014. Track fast. Winner J. Odells 1 . f. 3, by Meelick Lucky Catch, by Trap Bock trained by W. M. Caaslty; bred by Mr. James O.l.-ID. Went to i».si at 4:JN. At post ft minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 52399 Dods Adams. 166; 52996 Crispie, Ho.