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REHINDER — The Turf Reporter is on sale at all news-stands selling Racing Form. Sure lias some "live ones." 0-ly 36c. and is good for a week. Saturdays Free Special: Thursday-Apples-It-Will-Us-Pan. THE TURF REPORTER. 22 W. Guincy St. E:t:ib 1904, Chicago, Illinois. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED On sale wherever Racing Form is sold. 35c per single copy, and is good all next week. SATURDAY S SPECIAL: No. 1— Book 497 Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907 Chicago. Illinois CAN YOU— —DO YOU "BEAT THE RACES" The only way to win consistently is to play in a business-like, systematic manner, the same as you would run a bank, store or factory or other business. Haphazard play, guesswork, tips and "racing luck" cannot be relied upon, where business methods may win. Tin: i:v si c i:ss MANUAL OF TURF SPECULATION PI IM.ISHI.I | KI.NTI KV WHI1B THOKOIG II IIH ICIIS GROW Teaches complete, systematic, business-like methods of play — Successful turf speculation at track or handbook — Selection of winners — Long-shot specials — Prompt recovery of losses — Modern methods of flat and progressive play, looking to safety and success. FORTY-FOUR APPROVED SYSTEMS of play, many of which have never been published before: also page after page of valuable information on handicapping, weights, time, track conditions, etc., making it one of the most valuable treatises on turf speculation ever published. FREE— SEND NO MONEY We want every race follower to have our new booklet. It describes in detail what we believe to be the most complete and valuable set of systems and methods of play ever published. Send no money its FREE. Simply send us your name and address and we will send you this valuable book free of chargo by return mail in a plain sealed envelope. The edition is limited and delay may mean disappointment. SEND FOR IT TODAY— ITS FREE AUDHKSS SUCCESS PUBLISHING CO., LOUISVILLE :: KENTUCKY Chief Observer 35 CENTS PER COPY For Sale at All News-stands Everywhere MAILED 10 WEEKS .00 CHIEF OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO. 25 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK CITY j NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY S FREE CODES: NEW ORLEANS— Georgia -17-7-2 HAVANA— Wyoming-11-13-2 Under no consideration fail to get down on the j New Orleans Free Code todav. as this one was sent BB extra strong by the Chief direct from the Fair j Grounds. Be sure and get the NEW ISSUE for this one. TODAY ANOTHER BIG 0 SPECIAL The CHIEF says this one comes straight from the shoulder and he w ants everyone to get this one strong. Thursdays Fifty Dollar Special was scratched at the last minute. SATURDAYS 0 SPECIAL: GENERAL HAIG .... 4-5 WON MONDAY S LONG SHOT CAPT. HERSHLER .13-20 WON TUESDAY S LONG SHOT ON HIGH 6-1 WON WEDNESDAYS LONG SHOT COLUMBIA TENN . . 9-2 WON Yes fir. everyone of these were given on the Track Letter and strongly advised by the CHIEF. Again for TODAYS S50 SPECIAL be sure and go to your newsdealer Bad ask for the Chief Observers Dally Track Letter Only 50c and is for sale wherever the Daily Racm? Form is sold, or mailed 2 weeks for .00 AGENTS Cincinnati. O. — All news-stands. j Louisville. Ky. — Eiler and Goodman. 227 -4th Ave. Covington. Ky — Rob. Gordon. 4th and Scott St. St. Lcuii. Mo. — Wm Laser. Lobby. 705 Market St. St. Louis. Mo. — Foster Book Co.. 410 Washington St. Detroit. Mich. — Cohen. Griswold and Michigan. AND ALL OTHER INTERMEDIATE CITIES The Chief dockers DAILY SPECIALS . SOLD ON ALL PRINCIPAL STANDS— 50c DAILY NEW ISSUE WEEKLY BOOK OUT TODAY Go to your news-dealer and ask for THE CHIEF CLOCKERS WEEKLY REPORT. Only 25c. Last Weeks Book One Best: PUEBLO 2 to 1 WON Last Weeks Book ;: Special: OUR NEPHEW 6 to 1 WON Other winners were given. This weeks book contains LONG SHOTS. XXX ONE BEST TODAY Our clocker has the ri »-ht word o-i a REAL GOOD ONE today. He considers it a SURE WINNER. CLOCKERS SPECIAL — this one can win this race running backward. Ask your news-dealer for THE CHIEF CLOCKER S DAILY SPECIALS. Only 50c. BIG XXX OCCASIONAL Our clocker has taken great pains in obtaining this one of today. So confident is he of this one winning that his advice is to have a LIMIT PLAY. Ask your news-dealer for CHIEF CLOCKER S OCCASIONAL. Only . LOOK, BOYS, LOOK!! The firrt ten dayj at the Fair Grounds this system picked 29 horses — 17 firsts, 6 seconds, 3 thiids and 3 out. Two weeks last fall at the different tracks same : ystc m picked 114 horses with only 17 out of the money. It had 56 firsts. 31 seconds and 10 thirds. After you buy this system then lcok it up and if it hasnt done just as I say I will glady return your money. Get this system and pick your own winners. PRICE 0.00. J. H. CROSMAN 601 Sixth Ave. Dayton. Ky. FOR THE LIVE ONES Get the Standard. For sale at all news-stands, 35c per copy. Good for one week. Mailed direct, 3 copies. .00. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: lll-Book-714 The Standard Turf Guide Room 403. 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER CHESTY 4-1 WON Was Yesterdays LONG SHOT SPECIAL VULCANIZE .18-5 2ND Was Yesterdays BEST BET TAILOR MAID 10-1 WON CAPTAIN MAC 4-5 WON Were Two Other Winners Given on Yesterdays Sheet SOME CLASS FOR 50c Daily 50c ■e don t make a lot at rash promises, but go right along and GET THE WINNERS, as wo know that is what the PUBLIC WANTS. SO GET THE OLD RELIABLE. 50c— FOR SALE AT ALL NEWS-STANDS— 50c AND OFFICE Mailed Direct, I Week, National 0. K. Publishing Co. Room 411. Baltimore Bldg. Chicago. III. THE WINNING POST Americas Leading Racing Weekly OUT TODAY Features — Most illuminating article on Pari-Mu-tuels ever written. Horres to Watch — "Four Best Bets" at New Orleans — How Jerry. 10 to 1 WINNING POST FREE CODE, four years since faced barrier, won; last Saturday how Grayson, one of the "Four Best" won at 20 to 1 fo: tft* Winning Posts readers. This newspaper h a weekly publication, 4 pages. 5 columns, newspaper ?ize. ably edited and full of sparkling features. "Horses to Watch" contains many weekly winners. Circulation constantly increasing. Every copy -cnt to Chicago sold almost instantly. Aent in Chicago. Universal News Co.. 74 West Madison Street, and subsidiary stands. We give a free code daily, which vou see in Racing Form. Today it is: TODAYS FREE CODE: ST. QUENTIN THE WINNING POST 15c a Copy a year by mail Entered as second class matter 101 W. 41st St.. New York JACK FIELD THE MAN WHO KNOWS I ONLY GIVE ONE SPECIAL A DAY SOLD ON ALL NEWS-STANDS— DAILY. TUESDAY MY ONE-HORSE SPECIAL WAS: DARK HILL 3-1 WON Big XXX Special Today I would advise each and every player not to miss this special of today, as this horse looks like a moral cinch in the field he is placed in. This one is worth a good play. The price on this one should be to everyones liking. Mailed. a week. JACK FIELD Room 701. 501 South Dearborn St. Chicago. 111. NEWS DEALERS WANTED— WRITE AT ONCE. STABLE BOY This information is wired down to us from the track by a STABLE BOY. FOR SALE AT ALL NEWS-STANDS— 50c DAILY. ONE BESUODAY has been kept under cover in view for this race. Our man knows that the stable folks are leveling today and no mistakes will be made. They have the right boy to ride this babe, so dont miss it. STABLE TIP has been doing well in private and will run a very good race. STABLE TIP is worth watching. SOLD AT: Cincinnati. Ohio, Fountain News Co., 5th and Walnut Sts. : St. Louis. Mo.. Wm. Lasers. 705 Market St. lobby. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING OO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-169 EAST 32nd STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGL BlandEEX i: BUFFALO. M. T.