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11 • 1 l " I l 0 0 o 1 o II 0 0 0 O 0 •x j * ., r s , ,i , ,. MARYLAND RACING CONFLICT State Commission and Pimlico and Laurel Owners Sparring Over New Rules. RALTOIORB, Md.. .lanuary 14.— When the Maryland Racing ominissioii promulgates the rule- under which racing I* Ihia state will be conducted this year, -nine of the track- are going lo receive I jolt not calculated to soothe feelings already ruffled. Such at least are the angaries. Though the Maryland Jockey club, ra rough Charles 1: MiT.ane. its president, has evidently thought it necessary to .jor the tommis-ion- memory b] I letter requesting ■ copy of the forthcoming regulations at the commi—ion- earliest convenience, it is understood that the racing commission baby as mean- overlooked this matter, but has lieon at wink for -ome time in preparing the new rules. Mr. Mcl.ane -ays in hi- letter to the commission: "As under the state law your commi — ion ha- fall power to prescribe rules, regulations and con ditions miller which all horse race- -hall be con ducted within the -tate of Maryland, we are n- questing your commission to furnish u- at your earliest convenience with the rule-, regulations and conditions under which race meetings of the Maryland Jockey Club shall be held thi- year. In order to conclude our arrangements with horsemen to enter their horses at our meeting at i- aeeessarj that these rules -hall be clear and certain, and we therefore ssk your commission to make thi- -.. ai the offices of the raeini: commission some Ru.-prise wis lodax expressed that the Maryland Jockey club should have thought it accessary 10 enjoin the racing commission to nuke ii- rules --clear and certain." Thost1 who have follow. d development- in the controversy by which the lainrei and Ptmlieo tracks have arrayed themselves against the inlings of the commission express the view that the promulgation of the commissions regulations will be the signal for attack, the two recalcitrant tracks taking this opportunity to raise 1 -cries of protest-. There Have been no other developments in the attack launched by Isaac I.. Strauss, counsel for he Maryland Jockey Club, on the personnel of the commission. Mr. Straus- called upon governor Ritchie the other day. and though no report of their conversation baa been made public. it i-V under-lood that Mr. Strauss appraisal of he rac lag commissioners was anything but complimentary. When iiie racing commission began 10 function last immmi 1 it did not lave opportunity to prepare rule- for the fall season, and consequently the rules oi The Jockey Club of New Vork were em ployed. H wa- largely on tin- account that the controversy over the reinstatement of jockey Bhlll-C tag resulted.