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; ii f * I of f in II • • - 1 ■ r " to " f * . a , e I U i II a 1 s RANCHER IN SPLENDID F0RM! Wins His Second Victory at Havana in His Usual Impressive Style. • HAVANA. Cuba, .lanu.iry 2. The grand old handicap horse Rancher came back today and scored his second consecutive victory at Oriental lark in the fourth race, a du-h of three -qdarters of a mile. Kancher wa- saved until entering tlie stretch and. responding gamely when called on. caught and paused The Blue Duke in the final strides to win by a half length. Fright was third, only a nose behind the second horse. Sister Sit-ie wa- tin- big disappointment of the afternoon. After setting a great pace in the fifth race -in- tired nwrtdraly when beading what appeared to be a safe lead. aUowiug Military iirl. which finished in the middle of the track, to come on and gel the verdict. The spectators wen- treated with a stirring finish in the cfkeulng dash of the afternoon. Superior. Garbage, Ptaak Burke and Triom pliant came racing through the lust eighth on ataaeal even lerma and it wa- uncertain whieli had won until the official placing wa- announced. They wen- placed in the oriler named above. Superior, the winner, being on the outside of Hie others as they reached the i coveted goal. Thomas Monohan -old at private sale this morning to .1. .1. MoCafferty the black gelding Starkader. Jockey W. Crump has been taken ill. due to ex ci-ssive efforts to reduce ami was forced to cancel hi- riding engageasettta for this afternoon. I. Howard, who has been banking here since tie meeting opened, leaves for lii- home in New Or- leaaa tomorrow . Wm. Bheedy turned Hinty Moore and Allivan over to 1:. W. Padelford, who will train them during tin- remainder of the meeting. Bheedy leave- m Washington tomorrow . .Mr. Snskind was an arrival from San Diego and will remain here for tin- remainder of, the meeting. The Kentucky Jockey Clubs -take blank- tot the Spring meetina at Lexington, Churchill Down-ami Latonia have been received by Ed Jasper, who will accept eiitrii- ft r them. V. II. Hill -old the horse Hemlock I.. .1 S. w/ ha tie; oa private tenua Jadga F. X. Mciiu.-.iib- m f the owners of the New V rk ".unit-, will arrive at Havana tomorrow morning a- a guest of John .1 McGraw, win. will entertain him during In- vi-it here. Mr. ami Mrs. John Mann. Mr. and Mr-. Robert Padgett and their danghter are due to arrive tomorrow from Baltimore Among todays visitors arere R. Ti Van Ft Back. J. C. Uubbeil and H. DeCourcey, all of whom are Lo- ft again newspaper men. Edward R. Lewis, a Chicago editor, and Albert s Crockett, editor of the World Traveller of Now Y,,,k. are al-o here for a brief visit W 1: Padgett claimed MBitarj Girl oal of tin-fifth race for ,799. Jockey Framt-. who is in good form, rude Ihret winners .Military Girl, Raajcker, «« ! Tin- ilnajnlim