Fair Grounds Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, January 26, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-26


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FAIR GROUNDS ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing starts nt 2:13 p. m. Chicago time. 2:15. 0 Superior mud runner. ;■ Good mud runner. ■ I in mad tenner. 38 Maidens. *Apprt Ktice allowance, b RUakers. First Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3 rear-old laiming. Track record: Peh. i:». I-IO— 1:06s.— 4 120. Today! Ind. Horse. YVt. Hrc. A.W t.Han. 51473" •Maraiai Pace 102 i:o; .,- IORx725 52440 Louise Wynne . OS 1:08% 100x720 51024 Oralegga 115 1 :»« .-. 105. .715 52404 bCHtie l_aa 100 1:07% 105. .715 :..T.17 Marguerite Dixon .11". I:08*s 102X715 5C579 •Ierplexlty IM ...100 t:ll%a 05. .715 :.l13.". bRnstler UO 1:0S 1 1_ 710 524U5 Countess 112 1:00% 105.. 710 ."-•:i7i btleaeral AgramontellO LiiiM-, 110x710 52484 Yaormel 113 1:08 „ 110x710 52375 b Versailles no 1 :«» 107. .705 52517 Lara 110 cmc, 102. .705 5250-9 lil ndiiK- in! 1:IM. K»7 705 52374 Reluctant n:: 1:00% 112.. TOO ..Lti:| "Sea Mini i. Ml ... 101.. 700 .Miiil Skamrock Flower Ml Ill 701 52334 Daasoria iMi in Cli.h 104. .700 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. I % .it- 1.;- and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 3, nib 1:11% 0 110. 52477 1 _aa Kay HM 1:13% ! ins 723 52445 »Pirst Pullet lot 1:12% 5 1O4X720 52354* Cartlne s 104 1:14% t 108. .715 52518**_Bagi«m ins i :n |- |03 71". :._..is bFlying Orh 00 1:12% 4 100x715 r.L.TT.-i Anna Gallup !n:i 1:18% 4 107 715 52477 Kultur llti 1:13% 7 1 In • 71u ."C477 •Iiiina lbena 100 1:14% t 00X710 52507 Toe the Mark 104 1:12% •" 110x710 r.L.-lLL Roacee Cos,. in 1:13 .• lln®7n:. ■!7_o Jeweler US 1:14% 0 105 X 70S 5251S bZone dArmee ...111 1:14% I 1OS..708 .".I.:!.". Paul Connelly ....108 1:14% KU8X700 52354 Nor,,, audio M ...108 1:14% 5 110X700 87885 La Daine Mi 112 1:17% ft 100. .700 52507 Rafferty 0s l:_j c, 114 7«n. 52445 •bAmerlcaa Rose ....lnl 1:15 5 100x700 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 9. U18— 1:11%— 8—118. I 7.2477- bCehalt Lass 111 1:12% tl 1KIX72". T.SA7A Justice Goehel ....111 1:14% 10 110X720 52385 Back Lav 117 1:12% 12 114071:. :.l«74 Ortova 186 102% 4 108. .715 52150 Beagali 108, 1:14-.-. H 114. .715 .".Lals Teachers Pet 108 1:14% 4 108X710 52477 IiKiralt 110 1:13% 4 111x710 52822 Mickey Moore US 1:14 4 10:!..71n :.L32i: l.Tracli-tar 10il:ltl 4 112X70:. 52477 •bOJd Sinner 117 1:14 4 107.. 70.". ._lsi l.Toni Lagaa 187 1:16% 4 1884:703 .".2477 Liberator 1111:12% 0 UOxtOO 51013 •bllidden Talent MIB0 1:17% 4 OSx70t» 522J0 bAlexaader 115 1:18% 7 H0x7oo 52134 Ophelia V US 1:»% 7 107. X 700 I 52587 lno It Roche ....103 1:14 4 10S. 70 t 52387 st. .In-i l 10S. 900 Fourth Rare — 3-4 Mile. Waterloo Handicap. :: rear-olds. I rk record: Peh. 8, 101s 1:11% -8 ISO -.j.".:!!3 WHITE STAR . . .U0 1:14% 134X730 52841 bTrni Ben mi 1:13% 108x740 52407 Unnz.f 114 1:14% 107072.:. 52530 Bnnga Buck !. 1 :13 lOtxTflfci "..".w Trust Official .... !!» 1:13% in7..7:i:. :Li!i7 Johns Imau . M 1:14 in;lx7:c 52448 Madeline Lillian ..188 1:14% 1 1 0 -. 7:L". 52520 *Ma»ter lack lift 1:14% !if...7:in 52S30 British Liner Ml 100 1:14 100. .720 Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Third Runninr- Edward W. Ma;inn Memorial Handicap. Value ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Track record: Peh. 12, 1918 1:42% 1—113. 52540 si. Isidore 115 1:42% tS 112x750 52470tbCaptB_i Mac lno 1:44% 4 121x745 525101 bDaacIag spray ...Hiii 1:44% :• 188x740 .".LI7!C Captain Hei-hl.r .1111 1:44% 4 111x740 52417s hGetoeral Ilalg 120 l:48%h ".112x73:. 52284 tPhHor ItJ l:S0%h :. no - 7:::. +C. W. Clark entry. Sixth Race — 1 Mile. Magnolia Parse. :; w u nhta aiid upward. Allowances. Track record: Jaa. 11, 1818 137% •" 188. 52501 ISir Grafton 116 1:40% ."il«MX72.". 52588 Yung Ching 112 ldBs 4 102.. 720 7C540- bWaraaw 113148% 7 180X715 524001 Green Cold 112 1:41 0 99x71.". 52480 bRomaay 4 107x71.". 525001 blr. Carmen 107 1:38% 0 1090710 525703 blantaln- 180 1:89% 5 Mi X 710 52300 Day sf Peace t 107.. 710 52400: bPlsrr 9.". 1 :.Ts 7 104X710 52500 Harry Shannon . . . HMi 1:88% 7 1IH..70.". 52588 Jack Beet 113 148% 7 104X70:. 52232 bTitle 106 1:41 .".104X700 Ceventh Race — 1 3-16 Miles. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 1. 1020— 1:67%— 8— 186J 52522 I*bPlenty 107 1:50% :. 103x72.". 524WS* liNomii 100 2:02% 0 108x72n ." 2.".72-*bColonel Lit 4 101 . .71.". 53541 •I.Aztee UK. 2:00% ti 103x715 5_4482*bDeckmate 108 1:50% 7 107X713 52468 •bBend 108 2;0Q% 7 103x710 52572 bConaterbalai . . .110 2.-08%h 5 101x705 52S37*bBn ogland 10" 2:04.-. t; 103. .7a*. 52542 •bNewel W 9S 2:06% ." 103:;: 70.". .".2511 l.Austral lnl 2:00% i 108X7*0 52228 Spearlene 0 10X700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012601/drf1921012601_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921012601_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800