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DAILY RACING FORMl | Daily During Winter Months. Daily Except Monday Balanco of the Tear. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING Ca [ 441 "PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. .ILL. 167-159 EAST THIRTY-SECOND STREET. 74 EXCHANGE STREET : : BUFFALON. J. Entered as second -class matter, April 2. 18ftd, at J . the post-office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3. 1S7ยป. . I NEW YORK CITY OFFICE. 157-159 EAST THIRTY-SECOND STREET. All dealers supplied from this office. Back numbers and monthly books supplied. Fur sal" at all hotels and news-stands. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON" K .r business and circulation parpnaea only. I his telephone lias no connection with the news ot editorial departmeata and cannot ba used la Man-municute with them. [ *- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, JANUARY - !. 13S.